The Apparitions and Miracles

According to the Bible, apparitions and prodigious works are the work of the devil, that yes “also disguises himself as an angel of light” to deceive us! ( Corinthians 11:14-15)

  • Because there are Madonnas of all colors, of all kinds and in all parts of the world?
  • Who hides behind these apparitions?
  • Because they always send the same messages?
  • Because he says she is the Queen of the World?

Mary, mother of Jesus, has absolutely nothing to do with this, if only he could see what happens on earth with his image he would turn in the grave, precisely out of respect for Christ his son, sole mediator.

She appears as a living three-dimensional lady, she breathes and is enveloped in intense light. The visionaries and those who see her say she is a beautiful one, young woman shining with radiant splendor. Describing it as bright to contemplate and adorned with every wonder, the seers admit that the Queen of Heaven transcends any human description.


appearanceMarian followers report seeing strange light and splendid visions that often accompany the apparitions; angels have also been sighted, luminescent orbits, tongues of fire, mysterious solar phenomena and peculiar luminous clouds. Given the incredible sense of pleasure and joy felt by the visionaries during these events, the term most commonly used to describe this event is ecstasy (gr. ecstasy = trance). Those who were present admit that they were paralyzed and enchanted by its beauty and charm.

All over the world, numerous healings and miracles have been reported in the places of the apparitions. Furthermore, the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary has repeatedly announced that her most significant signs and wonders have yet to be performed. Admitting that she has not yet revealed herself to the world in the fullness of her glory, foretells heavenly signs and wonders that the whole world will soon witness.

Let us consider the following messages received from three distinct seers:

My sign is emerging. God wills it so, Only my children recognize it, as it is revealed in secret, and for it they praise the Lord. Today I cannot reveal my power to the whole world. I have to retire with my children. In secret I will perform miracles on souls until the number of sacrifices has reached its fullness … Then I can reveal myself to the whole world.

I will come soon, My sons! Soon I will be short of you with a great light. I will light up the whole world. Many souls will cry because they have not listened to my call… I will pass over everyone in a cloud and everyone will see me. What will become of those who have insulted me and who have teased me to become their laughing stock?… I will come soon my children, to travel around the world. I will give a great sign in heaven for those who still want to be saved. All those who will appeal to me, those who will have a look of repentance, this will be enough to save them (message received by the Italian visionary Rosa Quattrini)

You can see, how this message received by Rosa Quattrini corresponds in the Bible to the woman who makes herself seen throughout the earth and to whom God refers as the “evil” in Zaccaria cap. 5:

Looking up again, I looked, and here is a scroll that flew. The angel told me: "That you see?I replied: «I see a scroll flying, whose length is twenty cubits and the breadth of ten cubits ". Then he said to me: “This is the curse that spreads over the whole country; since every thief, according to it, it will be eradicated from this place, and every perjury, according to it, it will be eradicated from this place. “I let her out”, says the LORD of hosts, “and it will enter the house of the thief and the house of him who swears falsehood in my name; he will settle in the midst of that house and consume it with the wood and stones it contains”».

The angel who was talking to me came out and told me: "Raise your eyes and see what comes out there". I asked: "What is that?" He said: "It is the efa that comes out". Then he added: "All over the country they only have an eye for that". And here, a lead plate was raised and a woman sat in the midst of the ephah. He said: "This is wickedness"; and threw it into the midst of the ephah, then he threw the lead plate over the mouth of the Ephah.
Then I looked up, I looked, and here come two women; the wind blew in their wings, and the wings they had were like stork's wings; and they raised the ephah between earth and sky. I asked the angel who was talking to me: "Where they bring the ephah?He answered me: 'In the country of Scinear, to build him a house; when it will be prepared, it will be placed on its base ".

I also want to tell you that before my apparitions come to an end, I will be seen by every denomination and religion in the world. I will be seen by all the people and not for a single moment, everyone will have an opportunity to see me. How I appeared in Zeitoun, I will appear again, so everyone will see me. Pray for my plans to come true all over the world. (message received from Maryland seer Chris Courtis, 24 set. 2015)

The numbers of the apparitions are, indeed, surprising. Consider that every year in Guadalupe in Mexico, I'm come on 15 ai 20 millions of Marian followers who visit a single sanctuary, the one dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, which appeared in 1531 to Juan Diego. The 12 December 1999, anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary five million pilgrims went to the sanctuary to pay homage to Our Lady. Furthermore, the 1999 marked the first time in the history of the Church in which the celebration of the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe was celebrated by all the bishops and priests of the Western hemisphere.

In an apostolic exhortation issued during his visit to Mexico in 1999, Pope John Paul II declared the 12 December is a holy day for the Catholic Church.

In war-torn Bosnia, would be 30 millions, according to a rough estimate, pilgrims who have visited Medjugorje since the first apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary began in 1981. In addition to the six seers who regularly receive messages from the Virgin, thousands of pilgrims claim to see signs and wonders, to experience healings and to hear the voice of Mary in Medjugorje. The visit to Medjugorje is a risky undertaking that involves many hours of bus ride on war-torn roads. The millions of pilgrims who venture to Medjugorje do so with the knowledge that their pilgrimage will be difficult and dangerous - yet they continue to arrive in droves..

A Conyers, in Georgia, Nancy Fowler thanks to her visions, received on his farm until 100.000 visitors per day. Pilgrims come from everywhere, many travel long distances to hear the most recent message from the Blessed Mother. To the grotto of the national shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Emmitsburg, nel Maryland. visitors have increased to reach 500.000 people per year.

The Marian apparitions are therefore, in our days, everywhere. Almost every state in America reports Marian apparitions and many of these places attract thousands of people! From New York City to San Francisco, numerous visits involving the Queen of Heaven have been documented. The number of Marian followers and their determination to go and listen to the Virgin reveals that these people are not mere curious tourists, rather a huge and growing flock of Marian disciples.

Every year, 5 and a half million pilgrims visit the place where Our Lady appeared in Lourdes, in France. The Marian shrine of Poland, Our Lady of Czestochowa (one of the favorite Madonnas of the late Pope John Paul II), every year it attracts a number of pilgrims who are around the 5 millions. The place where Our Lady of Knock showed up, in Ireland, attracts millions of people; four popes paid homage to this Marian shrine during the twentieth century, including Pope John Paul II, who went on pilgrimage to Knock, Ireland in 1979.

In the Sabana Grande, to Puerto Rico, place where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared more than 50 Years ago, religious devotees arrive by the thousands from all over the world. The place has become so popular that preparations are being made to build a statue of the Virgin twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty in New York..

A local newspaper reports that:

The heroic large-scale statue of Our Lady of the Rosary, part of the Mystic City complex designed on 202 hectares, will reach i 460 meters. There will be room to hold radio and TV stations, various chapels, apartments, a neighborhood for restaurants, conference rooms and an observation deck.

In the famous place of the apparitions of Fatima, in Portugal, In october, during the 13th anniversary of the apparition of 1917, more than a million pilgrims were present. It is estimated that they go to Fatima every year 4 and a half million faithful, and their number is growing. The list of places of major apparitions could go on indefinitely.

Thousands gather each year in Amsterdam to celebrate the International Day of Prayer of the Lady and Mother of All Nations. Numerous priests, bishops and cardinals preside over the event, in which thousands of pilgrims from more than 70 countries and six continents, for the purpose of giving honor to the Lady of All Nations. This apparition of the Virgin Mary has presented itself several times to the visionary Ida Peerdeman with a message of unity that will only be possible when the Church and the Pope officially proclaim the Lady of All Nations, as Coredemptrix (read Mary as Coredemptrix). To date, millions of faithful Marian defenders have presented a petition to Rome to officially appoint her Coredemptrix.

That of the Marian apparitions is therefore, a growing popularity all over the world, just as warned in Matteo 24:24.

The popularity of the apparitions and their messages has reached mammoth proportions on all continents (see Woman of all religions). Marian historians claim that, although the apparitions of Mary have been reported over the centuries, never as in our days has Our Lady appeared with such constancy and frequency.

In 1997, New Week featured the story of the Virgin Mary on the cover:

“In many ways, the twentieth century belonged to Mary. Seers from nearly every continent have reported more than 400 apparitions of the Virgin - more than in all previous centuries combined… Taken in their unit, these visions show what the Marian Movement believes to be the Age of Mary of the millennium ".

One might think that this phenomenon occurs in predominantly Catholic countries, but the apparitions are reported from Japan, dall’Africa, from Korea, from Australia, dall’Iraq, from Israel, from Egypt, from Syria. Whether you look deeply into the former Soviet Union or the peoples of India, one thing is found in common: they have all been presumably visited by a woman who says her name is Maria, the Queen of Heaven, Our Lady.

Father Robert Faricy, quoted in the Queen of the Cosmos book (Queen of the Cosmos), he claims:

“Never in the history of Christianity has the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to so many people for such a long period of time and with such regularity.. Furthermore, it seems that the apparitions in Medjugorje have ushered in a new Marian era. There are reports of his appearances everywhere.”

In his book Call of the Ages (Call for the nations), Thomas W. Petrisko writes:

“Millions and millions of people from all continents of the globe have seen, heard and responded to the apparitions and messages of the Virgin Mary. Intact, there is a significant increase in attendance at Marian shrines everywhere "

Reverend Charles Dickson, PhD. Lutheran minister, reported this trend in Queen Magazine:

“People from all over the world are traveling enormous distances to personally demonstrate their reverence for the Mother of Our Lord "

He states, Furthermore, that only in France are there 937 pilgrimage sanctuaries and that attendance at the most popular sanctuary in France has increased by 10% in two years.

In Italy there are more than 1.500 Marian pilgrimage shrines, which make up 85% of all sanctuaries! These are not "courtyard" caves, but significant shrines where Marian followers go on pilgrimage. And while devotion to Mary is more noticeable in Catholic countries, it still attracts a huge following in every religion, race and nation.

The miracles

For the miracles then, when did Jesus ever make the sun pulsate or turn a cross on itself (two of the wonders of Medjugorje)?

All of Jesus' miracles were done in the context of His ministry. And biblical miracles have a strong practical side. Many of the miracles associated with the Marian apparitions are, in contrast, dramatic and sensational; faces, practically, to ATTRACT ATTENTION – just the kind of miracles that Jesus categorically refused to do!

Jesus said he would give no signs and perform no miracles until the day of his return:

Then some scribes and Pharisees began to tell him: «Maestro, we would like to see you make a sign ". But he answered them: "This wicked and adulterous generation is asking for a sign; and a sign will not be given to her, except the sign of the prophet Jonah. (Matteo 12:38-45)

The nature of its miracles is a good reason to be suspicious of its source.

We must also remember that the word of God severely condemns speaking with the dead. Any contact or revelation from them, whether it is Mary or another person, it is a communication with demons. The apostle Paul warns us that the devil “he knows how to disguise himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15), is capable of performing “powerful works, lying signs and wonders” (2 Tess. 2:9-10), and in the last times he will raise up false Christs and false prophets who “they will do great signs and wonders to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect” (Matteo 24:24). He is also able to predict the future (sometimes even with accuracy) and to declare a way to salvation other than the gospel of Jesus Christ. Its goal is always to distance man from Jesus Christ, precisely through religion, deviating from faith in Him as the one Savior and the only Mediator.

The purpose of the Adversary behind this phenomenon is perhaps to DECENTRATE THE FAITH OF CATHOLICS FROM CHRIST and from the biblical elements of Catholicism by placing the emphasis on the less biblical and more sectarian aspects of Catholicism (Mariology in general, penances, purgatory, the veneration of deceased saints). As long as the emphasis remains on these things, Satan can afford to sweeten his deceptions with a little’ of Christian theology – eg, telling the followers of the apparitions to pray, to work for peace, and so on.

“Don't believe every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:” (1 Giovanni 4:1).

The fact that the entities that appeared in Lourdes and Fatima initially refused to reveal their identity raises not a few suspicions about who they really were.. And sprinkle holy water mixed with salt, as was done in the case of Medjudorje, it doesn't mean at all “try the spirits”, but it is only a useless tradition created by men.





Who goes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of Christ, has not God. He who abides in the doctrine, He has the Father and the Son. (2Giovanni 9)