Editorial board
The Tyndale Bible was the first modern English Bible. William Tyndale was an Oxford graduate priest, still a student at Cambridge when Martin Luther posted his theses in Wittenberg. In 1523, taking advantage of the invention of…
The Bible TOB
The Bible TOB (Ecumenical Bible Translation) resumes the translation of the Bible by the CEI, while the notes and comments are translated from the second French edition of 1987, revision of the previous one officially presented at…
The Bible of Martin Lutero
Before Luther they existed at least 17 German versions of the Bible. The great reformer, however, wanted to create a version that was more in line with the '' feeling '' of the German people and that was also drawn from the original sources.…
The King James Bible
The King James Bible (King James Version, KJV, as it is mainly known in the USA), o Authorized Version (Authorized Version, as it is mainly known in the UK), is the translation of the Bible into English for…
The Jerusalem Bible
The Jerusalem Bible is the Italian translation of the edition 1973 from La Bible de Jerusalem. The Holy Bible translated into French under the direction of the École Biblique de Jerusalem , Paris, 1973 (an integral remake of it, that…
Nobody believes in the myth of the ape-man anymore. Scientists first. Why then…
by Zanotto Paolo
In November of 1859 the famous English naturalist Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) pubblicava a Londra The Origins of the Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The origin of the species by natural selection,…
At Bibb CEI
It is translated from the original Hebrew texts, Aramaic and Greek. For the Old Testament, the translation is made from the Masoretic text, but when this presents insurmountable difficulties, other Hebrew manuscripts were used (ad…
The Bible John Luzzi
Giovanni Luzzi (1856-1948), originally from Engadine, professor of theology at the Waldensian Faculty of Theology, Bible translator, ecumenist, carried out the daring undertaking of translating and commenting on the entire Bible into…
The King James Bible
Reformed theology (Calvinism) which we wish to continue to carry forward today as the most genuine expression in the biblical and Protestant faith, it includes an Italian among its most significant theologians: Giovanni Diodati…
Modern translations of the Bible
Le traduzioni in italiano
Bibbie protestanti:
Bibbia di Giovanni Diodati
Bibbia di Giovanni Luzzi
Bibbie cattoliche:
Bibbia CEI
Bibbia di Gerusalemme
Bibbia TOB
Traduzioni in tedesco
La Bibbia di Martin Lutero…