Hominids and Man

I fossili umani Quando pensiamo all'evoluzione umana, pictures and statues immediately come to mind, which we often see in museums and books and which depict something halfway between man and ape. Such beings, in…


The term abiogenesis (the greek-in bio-genesis, "non-biological origin") means, in its most general sense, the spontaneous generation of life from inert matter. Today the term is mainly used to refer to…

The Atheism is a religion

Atheism is a real religion, even contradictory. Atheists believe and affirm with certainty that God does not exist, although there is no scientific evidence to ascertain this. Their Creed There is no God, but they talk…

Apostolic succession

The Catholic Church teaches that it is the sole repository of the doctrines of Jesus Christ, as the teachings originally entrusted by Christ to the apostles would have been handed down through an uninterrupted series of lineages

The Marian messages from God?

The Marian messages are intended to distance us from God because they go against his Word. Who appears is not Mary of the Bible. Who hides behind the apparitions, to be credible, he uses the cross and Christ and says he is sent from…

The reality of Creation

The theory of evolution, which denies the creation of life, it is a falsehood absolutely contrary to scientific facts. Modern science, through certain branches of science such as paleontology, biochemistry and anatomy, reveals…

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