There are aliens?

Nowadays television broadcasts do nothing but talk about it. Let's think about "Mystery", the broadcast that generates a lot of audience and deals with ghosts, aliens and alleged abductions and paranormal. La gente è assetata di sapere ed è insito

The Law of Forgiveness

E, as they continued to question him, he, raised his head, he told them: «Which of you is without sin, be the first to throw the stone at her ". Giovanni 8:7 Nell'episodio della donna adultera, Gesù è nel tempio a Gerusalemme e sta

Catholics will be saved?

The Bible says that the requirement for salvation is recognition of one's sins and acceptance, by faith, of the ransom made by Jesus on the cross. Catholics recognize this and therefore have the essential requirement for…

Report to modern society

I segni degli ultimi tempi Dio mise Adamo in un giardino di delizie, but that first man took the only forbidden fruit by disobeying God's order. Thus he was cast out of Eden. A few centuries later, the earth was full of violence and…

This site is against the Madonna?

Objection of Marian: This site is against the Madonna, Mary Mother of Jesus. False! If anyone who thinks this had read carefully what is written on the site without stopping at the appearance of the header, he would have understood that we love Maria very much

Satan can heal?

La Madonna ha operato guarigioni e il diavolo non può guarire Falso! The devil is able to do wonders and healings, as the Bible says. He can do it because the Lord allows him to test us. It can make us sick and…

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