It can withstand God?

Many say yes. Many Christians and non-Christians, they are convinced that there is a choice, they are convinced that we have free will. But is not so. They are convinced that to obtain salvation it is enough to accept Christ, and that's that. But…

Why get married?

In today's society, marriage is still important? Unlike centuries ago, a couple today can live together without getting married. But what are they missing? Il matrimonio è ancora più importante oggi di quanto lo sia stato nel corso

The responsibility of Adam

Strictly speaking, there are only two men on earth who were endowed with full and unimpaired responsibility, e questi furono il primo e l'ultimo Adamo. La responsabilità di ciascuno dei discendenti d'Adamo, com'esseri razionali,…

The dead see us and listen to us?

"Fabio from heaven speaks to me, and I write. After the death of my son, I have published two books, selling 250 thousand copies: now the third comes out". With lots of "divine map of how to get miracles". Giacomo Arigò talks about his…

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