Editorial board
Many believe that predestination is Calvin's invention, when instead this biblical truth had already been introduced by Saint Augustine, one of the greatest Fathers of the Church lived between 300 and the 400 D.C.. He questioned…
The man really comes from monkeys?
Can a scientific theory that has become an axiom of civilization only be a lie magnified? This is what now argues some American scientists who insist on questioning the theory of "one of…
The only science is unable to explain life
Biblical science and theology
Natural scientists study the universe, theologians biblical revelation. Now if the universe and the Bible both come from the same source, there is no reason for the theologian to fear confrontation…
Salvation by faith
Bible verses in support of salvation by faith alone
1. Giovanni 3:16:
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him does not perish, but have eternal life
2. Rom. 3:22-24
The dangers of Yoga
Yoga is a technique that tends to be achieved by ascetic and psychic means, the control of vital functions, perfect mastery of the body and finally unity with the very essence of the person.
This lexicon definition applies…
Big Bang: a biblical evaluation
"More than just cosmology is needed to understand the structure and meaning of the Universe"
Cosmology deals with the structure and origin of the Universe; the modern one began around 1925, when you thought of…
Dinosaurs and the Bible
According to evolutionists, dinosaurs died long before man appeared on earth, but in the Bible we find many references to this prehistoric animal that lived with men ...
There Is Truly A Mystery About Dinosaurs?…
The enemies of prayer
«I therefore urge, first of all, that supplications are made, prayers, intercessioni, thanks for all men, for kings and for all those in authority, so that we can lead a quiet life and…
Onesiphorus: The apostle Paul prayed for the dead?
Paul's prayer for Onesiphorus (2 Timoteo 1:18) It gives permission to pray for the dead?
Some have tried to assert this position. The Roman Catholic theologians often make use of this, in an attempt to…
Bible and science as opposed?
Non-believers often claim that science has shown that the Bible is outdated and that the modern discoveries are in stark contrast with the postulated worldview from the Bible. These statements contain several assumptions…