Conversion of Bruno Cornacchiola?

Converting from that? From atheism and anti-Catholic anger, certainly not from true biblical Christianity?

Let's do a little’ of light on the case of Bruno Cornacchiola's conversion, which is defined “Protestant”, then “cristiano” who has faith in the Bible.

Reading here and there on Catholic websites I find sponsors like these:

Bruno Cornacchiola, anti-Catholic Protestant converted to Catholicism thanks to the apparition of Our Lady of Revelation.

It is not known where to cling to in order to discredit Protestantism by calling it full of hatred and without God.

But let's see who Bruno Cornacchiola was, before going on to explain.

Bruno Cornacchiola was not a Protestant as they say in the Catholic sphere. He was angry with God and the Catholic Church. He was an ignorant person in the sense that he had not studied and had not received Christian education. He had grown up in a family with no moral values ​​and was so used to it. He did not have even the slightest biblical education and moreover he was poor and depressed. For this he hated the Catholic church, not because he knew his wrong doctrines and had faith in the Bible, as he is, he didn't want to know about God, although he eventually entered a Protestant community (the Seventh-day Adventists). So it is wrong to refer to him as a Christian Protestant, as the Protestants are only in favor of God and faithful to him. This Cornacchiola was only an anti-Catholic, an active communist who wanted to attack the pope's life. And the thing is quite different! Anti-Catholics can also be atheists or communists, as indeed was Cornacchiola and as others have been throughout history.

Here the devil was able to put his hand there, since this person was not a Christian and had no authentic faith. In fact, the apparition succeeds where people are ignorant, she does not know the Bible and was not born again of water and spirit, but it can do nothing against the true followers of Jesus Christ, protected by him. It is no coincidence that Marian apparitions proliferate in Catholic countries. What good is it for the devil to appear in environments where they know their true matrix? Certainly this Cornacchiola didn't even believe in the devil, if he didn't believe in God!

Being Protestant does not mean being angry or with the whole world, nor much less with God. Being Protestant means being Christian as the Word of God commands. It means to be “born again” and have been sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Every Christian must have received the inner call and have accepted by faith and without reservations the work of the Spirit of God that has manifested itself in him.

Then, this Cornacchiola was Protestant? Of course not. He was not a Christian in the biblical sense, perhaps he liked to call himself Protestant in the sense of protest against the Church of Rome, but the thing is quite different. He was a facade believer like many in the world, one easier to deceive since it did not benefit from the protection of God. He had entered the Protestant confession not by sincere faith (as Jesus requires in Giovanni 3:5-6) but out of hatred against Catholicism and out of aversion, therefore the motivation is more dictated by political or social reasons. In fact, we know he was a communist (as today we will define the no-global) and he wasn't doing really well economically and having spoken to that German Protestant soldier had done nothing but fuel his hatred towards popes and bishops, and it's not that he was wrong because they live in luxury and poor people starve. But for the Catholic church, anyone who is not a Catholic is defined “Protestant” in the sense that it protests against it. (read what it means “Protestant” > What religion is a religion that “protest”?)

Now let's analyze the message given to Cornacchiola during the apparition of 12 April 1947, always in the light of the Bible.

They are the ones who are in the Divine Trinity.

This is the greatest heresy ever heard by an apparition. The Madonna who wants to be part of the Trinity ? This means that she was already there before the creation of the world, she was a human being born in sin like everyone else (Rom. 3:23). It is not the humble and devoted Mary to say so, but the opponent.


Revelation of what? There will be no other revelations, this says the Bible, this was what the apostles said and this was what the apostle Paul said in his epistles. “Faith was passed on once and for all to the saints” that is, to their apostles who were preaching to the disciples (Judah 3). New revelations should not be believed because they are false prophets (Matteo 24:24; 2Pietro 2:1). There will only be the return of Jesus Christ, not other revelations, because what we need to know has been transmitted to us by the apostles who have written their messages impeccably. The apostle Paul then said:

“Prophecies will be abolished; tongues will cease; and knowledge will be abolished” (1Corinthians 13:8).

What does it mean? That there will be no new revelations and those that will be false. Then he adds in another epistle:

But even if we or an angel from heaven announced you a different gospel than the one we announced to you, be anathema. (Galati 1:8)

Another message from the appearance of the Three Fountains:

You persecute me, thats enough! Enter the holy fold, heavenly court on earth. The oath of God is and remains unchanging: the nine Fridays of the Sacred Heart, that you did, lovingly pushed by your faithful bride before starting the path of error, they saved you!”.

They do not seem like the words given by Jesus already in heaven to Paul while he was traveling in the desert when he persecuted God and was with the Israelites? sure, the message that caused its conversion. Our Lady would have put herself in the place of Jesus Christ. Those who persecute God are not persecuting Mary, but God. Another biblical falsity.

I wish to give you a sure proof of the divine reality that you are living, because you can exclude any other motivation of your meeting, including that of the infernal enemy. And that's the sign: When you meet a priest in the church or on the street, approach him and give him this expression: “Father, I have to talk to her!”. If he replies : “Ave Maria, son, what do you want?” ask him to stop because it is the one I have chosen. You will manifest to him what the heart will tell you and obey him, In fact, another priest will indicate you with these words: “That's right for you”.

Address the priest by calling him Father??? E’ it is wrong to address human beings by calling them “father”. The Bible says:

There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, which is above all, among all and in all. (Ephesians 4:5-6)

Calling others means to bring them to the greatness of God and it is idolatry. Father is the one who created us. Another father is our carnal father, our dad . But for spirituality the Father is only God. Then again, the apparition is placed at the center of idolatrous prayers, at the center of faith, and Jesus Christ steps aside. All this would be Christian?

Another message from the apparition:

Pray and pray the daily Rosary for the conversion of sinners, of unbelievers and for the unity of Christians. The Hail Marys that you say with faith and love, there are many golden arrows that reach the Heart of Jesus.

The rosary? Prayers to the Madonna and idolatry, only a pagan practice condemned in the Bible (read The Rosary). Jesus cannot be happy with this and we cannot breach his heart by transgressing the commandments of God. He has said it several times in the Gospels.

With this land of sin I will work powerful miracles for the conversion of unbelievers.

certainly! The devil can work miracles and convert souls to something other than God.

My body could not rot and did not rot. My Son and the angels picked me up when I passed away

sure! And how come none of the apostles mentioned it in the Gospels? If there had been Mary's ascension to heaven as for Jesus, It is possible that no angel of God spoke to the prophets and apostles of the New Testament, warning them that Mary had gone to heaven and had to be venerated and prayed to? Instead nothing. The Bible tells nothing about Mary, especially after the death of Jesus (see How Mary died?). E’ it is clear that these messages have a demonic matrix and tend to distort and cancel the message of the Gospel. But as the Gospels say “But even if we or an angel from heaven announced you a different gospel than the one we announced to you, be anathema”. (Galati 1:8). And so be it!

For further information read Marian Messages.

We therefore reject the fact that Cornacchiola was a Christian in the true biblical sense converted to Catholicism, for the reasons explained above, Furthermore, that be defined “Catholic” O “Protestant” or other, it does not mean having sincere faith. That is in every single person, membership in a religious group does not, so we can find Catholics only by tradition and definition, but agnostics or atheists of heart, and Catholics who truly believe in their religion and defend it with a drawn sword; how can we find Protestants who were born in Protestant countries, received a Protestant education and then moved away from their church in the biblical sense of the term and did not have the conversion of the Spirit. Must not, for this, make a bundle of all the grass.

This is why it is good to base oneself on what Jesus says and how he defines the saved, the true Christian. We must have the call from the Spirit that can only happen if God sends it. “The wind you don't know where it comes from or where it goes” and so is the breath of the Holy Spirit, that we hear but don't see. This is true faith! The sudden enlightenment of those who finally feel reborn and say “Thank you Lord for enlightening me and removing the hams from my eyes”. From that moment the person, after asking for forgiveness for his sins, he is forgiven and sanctified by the Spirit of God who lives in him and will communicate with him for the rest of his life (1Corinthians 6:19; 1Tessalonicesi 5:23)

Jesus replied: "In truth , in truth I tell you that if one is not born again he cannot see the kingdom of God ".
Nicodemus said to him: «How can a man be born when he is already old? He may enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?»

Jesus replied: "In truth , in truth I tell you that if one was not born of water and the Spirit, cannot enter the kingdom of God.
The one born out of the flesh, it's meat; and what was born of the Spirit, it is spirit.

Don't be surprised if I told you: “You have to be born again”.
The wind blows where it wants, and you hate the noise, but you don't know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with anyone born of the Spirit ». (Giovanni 3:3-8)