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Reflections on the UFO phenomenon
In inglese UFO è la sigla di Unidentified Flying Object, i.e. Unidentified flying object (UFO, abbreviation to be preferred in the neo-Latin languages).
The study of flying saucers has roots…
The Bible speaks of UFOs ?
Recently some sensationalists have argued that centuries ago the earth would have been visited by space beings from distant planets. To corroborate their thesis, they claimed that the Bible contains allusions to these…
Importance and historical reliability of Scripture
Le origini della Bibbia
Alcuni dati iniziali sul Libro:
a) It was written during more than 1500 years (from about the 15th century BC. to the 1st century AD)
b) It covers a period of more than 40 generazioni
c) The authors are more than 40,…
Who were the 144.000 apocalypse ?
Who were the 144.000 dell'apocalisse
I 144.000 are the twelve tribes of Israel in the Bible, ie the Jews who will be saved, and "the other sheep that are not of this fold" refers to us Christians. Nothing to do with the fake…
Sects and false doctrines
to P care. Castellina
È giusto dire che un'altra religione è in errore? It is fair to say that a religious group that also claims to be a Christian, It is a cult that tricks its members ruining their temporal and eternal life?…
1Corinthians 15:28: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity
When all things are knows underwent, then the Son himself be subject unto him that put all things, that God may be all in all. I believe in the trinity and I am sure you will be able to answer me…
Because Pentecostals say “pace”?
Dear sister in Christ, Pentecostals because they exchange greetings with "pace" and they do not say amen and amen?
I honestly could not tell you, but there is nothing wrong with saying "Peace" as long as you really mean it, o amen instead of amen.…
The dangers of Yoga
Yoga is a technique that tends to be achieved by ascetic and psychic means, the control of vital functions, perfect mastery of the body and finally unity with the very essence of the person.
This lexicon definition applies…
God and the Extraterrestrials
di Werner Gitt
Siamo soli o c’è vita in qualche altra parte dell’Universo?
For decades, speculation about extraterrestrial life has been fueled by stories about flying saucers and encounters with aliens. It is now fed from a source…
The Pentecostals say that whoever sins has lost the salvation
question: If the Pentecostals say, that he who sins lost the salvation, then I can finish studying and reading the Bible because I have salvation because I have lost it. My question is this, I remember that in 1998, always interested…