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Cults and Sects

Christianity is for the weak

It seems that in every university setting there is always some atheist ready to argue that: «Christianity is for the weak, it's just a support ". In these words we find the echo of the famous phrase of Karl Marx: “Religion is…

Atheists who flunk Darwin

Antonio Pozio appeared in Avvenire on 01/04/10 In an editorial signed by Andrea Lavazza, l'Avvenire comments on the essay by Fodor and Piattelli Palmarini. Their book, released in February, made noise in the Anglo-Saxon world. E…

There are aliens?

Nowadays television broadcasts do nothing but talk about it. Let's think about "Mystery", the broadcast that generates a lot of audience and deals with ghosts, aliens and alleged abductions and paranormal. La gente è assetata di sapere ed è insito

Lo Spiritism

I have heard people say that they have been able to speak to their dead, through prayer or by attending séances. Che c'è di vero in tutto ciò? What does the Bible say about that? Queste persone non hanno

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