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Common places on Christianity
Christianity is not a fable or a myth. It is based on historical facts. We have extra-biblical sources in support of it, archaeological and eyewitnesses.
In fact, we have made known to you the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus…
You can try Christianity?
Many times someone asks: “It can be proved that Christianity is true? It can be proved to the 100%?»
La risposta alla prima domanda è: "Yup, it can be proved that Christianity is true. " Of course, that doesn't mean everyone will accept…
Answers to Catholic Questions: first part
For some time now I have been receiving emails from people who quote me an article found on the website The article in question is entitled "Protestantism, reasons and wrongs ". I wouldn't have believed the questions…
The firstborn of every creature: Response to Jehovah's Witnesses
The Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus is not God but the Son of God, then a simple creature. How is it to be understood the attribution to Christ of the title "the firstborn of every creature"?
He is the image of the invisible God, the…
Because the Pentecostals keep saying that if you sin you lose your salvation and you end up…
Because Pentecostals continue to say that if you sin you lose your salvation and you end up in hell?
Why Pentecostals misunderstand Scripture, they see it in a different way. See their doctrines such as that of languages and…
How to demonstrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in us except by signs of languages?
How to demonstrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in us except by signs of languages?
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and I'm: fornication, impurity, dissolutezza, idolatry, witchcraft, enmity, discord, jealousy, ire,…
The Atheism is a religion
Atheism is a real religion, even contradictory. Atheists believe and affirm with certainty that God does not exist, although there is no scientific evidence to ascertain this.
Their Creed
There is no God, but they talk…
The Resurrection of Christ sight by Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses deny the physical resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and instead claim that He was resurrected as a "divine spirit being" or as an "invisible spirit creature". They respond to the objection presented by…
Marco 16:17 refutation of the Pentecostal doctrines
And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons, speak with new tongues, They shall take up serpents; even if they drink some poison, they will not have any harm; they will lay hands on…
The Christian faith is based more on emotion than on reason?
The believer who believes in the divine inspiration of the Bible, in miracles, in the resurrection of Jesus, etc., It is often derided by those who do not believe in God and the supernatural, accusing him of ignorance and easier influence.