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Faith and Reason
Bible and science as opposed?
Non-believers often claim that science has shown that the Bible is outdated and that the modern discoveries are in stark contrast with the postulated worldview from the Bible. These statements contain several assumptions…
The Christian faith is based on emotion or reason?
Atheists claim: "Religious beliefs are contrary to good sense. There are no angels, devils, heavens, hell, ghosts, witches and even miracles. These superstitious beliefs have been encouraged for the purpose of making people believe…
Relations between science and theology
di Michele Buonfiglio
I rapporti tra scienza e teologia non sono stati sempre facili. For the believer, l'universo e la Bibbia provengono dalla stessa fonte, therefore science, che studia l'universo, and theology, studying the Bible,…
Christianity is materialistic or idealistic?
This is a question that is frequently raised and answers is difficult. Today, materialism is rowing. If we claim to defend idealism sembreremmo, the eyes of many, retrograde and outdated. Per di più il cristianesimo…
Faith and intelligence as opposed?
Many contrast intelligence with faith. If we interpret incorrectly the phrase of Jesus:
In that hour, Jesus, moved by the Holy Spirit, he exulted and said: «I give you praise, or father, Lord of Heaven and…