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God seen by Catholics
Catholics see God the Father as severe and irascible, too busy with other things to listen to our prayers. Then on the hierarchical scale there is Jesus who, despite being God, he is seen as different from God the Father, as they claim that there is!--:it-->…
Prayer to Mary and the dead
This topic is closely connected with the cult of the Madonna of the Catholic church.
There are two very important reasons why we should not worship or the Madonna, nor to any other living being:
The deceased do not!--:it-->…
biblical data about Mary
We can observe from the Bible that the prophets Isaiah and Micah 750 years before our era, they announced many things about Mary: the miraculous conception, il luogo della nascita del Messia che porterà in seno, il nome che gli!--:it-->…
Why you should pray only to Jesus?
According to Scripture, our only mediator and advocate with the Father, it's Jesus. Scripture does not mention others, he does not name them, indeed, he condemns as idolaters those who turn to others other than God.
From the Helvetic Confession of Faith…
Mary as Coredemptrix
The apparition of Mary often declares herself COREDENTRICE TOGETHER WITH CHRIST of humanity. THIS TURNS TO BE THE PRINTING PROOF THAT IT IS DEMONIC IN NATURE. Even the faithful rejoice in signing petitions to be sent to the Pope to declare the…
Conversion of Bruno Cornacchiola?
Converting from that? Dall'ateismo e dalla rabbia anticattolica, certainly not from true biblical Christianity?
Facciamo un po' di luce sul caso della conversione di Bruno Cornacchiola, which is defined "Protestant", then "cristiano" that…
I Santi, Priests and popes: common mortal men
Jesus said,:
"Don't call anyone on earth your father, because only one is your Father, what is in heaven."
(Matteo 23:9)
Why do we address priests with the word "Father" it's still, because the figure of the Pope exists…
The religious idolatry and superstition
Place a Bible or a religious book under the pillow or on diseased parts of the human body. Carrying relics of saints and venerating them.
Every cult rendered to images and statues. This is severely condemned by Scripture (Exodus 20…
Catholics are Christians?
Yup. What makes us Christians is the belief in the deity of Jesus Christ, in the Holy Trinity. Catholics are Christians, the Orthodox and most Protestant denominations. Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians, which…
Protestants have committed atrocities like Catholics
Well, first of all I would go easy on such statements. No church that has existed on the face of the earth of any religion has done what Catholics have done in the name of faith. Not even Muslims.
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