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Mary was assumed into Heaven?

Maria ha condotto una vita senza peccato e quindi è stata assunta in cielo Chi lo dice che Maria abbia condotto una vita senza peccato? The Bible says otherwise, that is what "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans…

Lo Spiritism

I have heard people say that they have been able to speak to their dead, through prayer or by attending séances. Che c'è di vero in tutto ciò? What does the Bible say about that? Queste persone non hanno

Because there are processions?

If we don't have to worship the saints, because there are processions for them? A procession (to proceed, to move on, push forward, proceed) it is an organized body of people who advance in a formal or ceremonial manner. Nel cattolicesimo

Mary in the Bible

The Catholic Church asserts that Mary was BORN WITHOUT SIN by a special grace. The dogma of the immaculate conception of Mary was issued by Pius IX in 1854 (even about 1800 years after the start of the church): "la happy

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