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It 'true that the Bible is the Word of God?
The question we must ask ourselves is how can we be sure that the Bible is God's Word, and not a good book? What is the one thing in the Bible that distinguishes it from all other religious books, written in the past? There are…
How were and how the early Christians lived?
Animated by an exclusive faith that did not allow compromises, Christians refused any participation in traditional cults: ceremonies and feasts in honor of the gods, ma anche forme di sodalità a esse collegate come banchetti e…
Who wrote the Torah?
Christian and Jewish writers, as a clergyman, Josephus Flavius, Philo and Origen were essentially and fully in agreement that the Pentateuch was written exclusively by Moses. The Mishnah and the Talmud also confirm this. …
How to Please a Protestant?
How to Please a Protestant? Are the same prayers, other than those of Mary or are different? And how?
The Bible says:
"When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to pray while standing in synagogues and…
Quali sono oggi i veri cristiani che mettono in pratica il principio biblico di “amarsi l’uno con…
Million dollar question! Hard to say, God only knows. From what I have seen in so many years, not even many Protestant and Evangelical churches may be. Catholics could be. Or the Orthodox. O alcune chiese…
It is right to speak of sacred or consecrated places?
… (consecrated hosts, holy waters, blessed houses) or instead it is the assembly of Christians that makes the place where it is held sacred?
In reality, one place is no more sacred than another place, what makes it sacred is the community of saints,…
Can a priest disagree with certain basic doctrines of the Catholic Ministry?
A priest may disagree with certain basic doctrines of the Catholic ministry such as the immaculate conception, the papal magisterium or purgatory?
It makes no sense for a Catholic priest to disagree with Marian worship, the papal magisterium, the…
But is it really true that salvation is without works?
It is not so senseless what Catholicism says on the basis of works: salvation is yes by faith (the Bible is full of passages supporting this truth) but if works do not follow faith, it is a dead faith, as it says…
Why do I need salvation?
In what way, based on what Jesus has taken upon himself the sins of the world to save me? And who? From what? What is the result? In that way I can understand it? To view it?A live it? Se è solo per una questione fisica mi viene da…
Why do Confirmation?
In fact, the confirmation does not exist in the New Testament, where we find only the baptism. Confirmation is practiced, as well as in the Catholic Church, even in historic Protestant churches that recognize infant baptism as valid.…