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History of Christianity
Chronology of Israel's history
2100 aC
2000 aC
1910 aC
1446 aC
1406 aC
1400 aC
1050 aC
1010 aC
970 aC
926 aC
721 aC
612 aC
605 aC
597 aC
586 aC
586-573 aC
539 aC
538 aC
536 aC
516 aC
331 aC
250 aC
175 aC
166-63 aC
63 aC
Circa il 5 aC…
The history of Israel
2000 aC (4000 Years ago): Jacob, son of Isaac, who was the son of Abraham, was born in the land of Canaan, which will later become Israel. Jacob has 12 sons, from which the 12 tribes of Israel.
1910 aC (3.910 Years ago): Brothers…
Abraham, the father of all peoples
In 2100 to.C. (4100 Years ago), Abraham was born in the Babylonian city of Ur (Iraq). Estimates for the time Abraham lived may vary from 2100 to.C. al 1800 to.C. (between 4.100 years ago and 3800 Years ago). Details on the life of Abraham…
L'Era Pre-Christian: Samaria
Samaria is made up of the central part of Palestine: it is a very large geographical area, but very bumpy as it is particularly mountainous.
In the past, given the particular conformation of the region, cultivation was practiced…
L'Era Pre-Christian: Palestine
The land of Canaan (o Palestine) it is a geographic region that has never had precise borders. We can place this land in the center of the Fertile Crescent, that is, of what was once considered the most fertile area in the world.…
L'Era Pre-Christian: Judea
Judea occupies the entire southern part of Palestine. It is the most mountainous and almost exclusively arid region, sometimes desert, even if there is no lack of more fertile areas, favorable to agriculture, and rich oases.
The feature…
L'Era Pre-Christian: the Galilee
Galilee is the most fertile region of Palestine and for this reason today there are many agricultural kibbutzts. The kibbutz is an associative form of life halfway between the patriarchal lifestyle present in the Ancient…
The Land of the God of Abraham
The photograph shows one of the most deserted areas in Palestine, namely the west coast of the Dead Sea. Rock spurs overlook the coast, always exposed to the very hot rays of the sun, often windswept. Here they open…
The Reformers
From what were motivated?
Of course, by faith. Each of these men and women firmly believed that the Bible was the Word of God. They spent their life studying the Bible, to pray and serve the Lord in obedience,…
The Protestant Reformation
The Reformation of the sixteenth century was a movement within Western Christianity motivated by the desire to eliminate the abuses of the medieval church and to restore the doctrines and practices that the reformers believed to conform to the…