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The Protestant Reformation
Differences between Catholics and Orthodox
The Catholic Church and the Orthodox are now separated by more than a thousand years. In an effort to distinguish between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, many, especially on the part of the orthodox doctrine, they used the terms Pope, or even Purgatory,…
The birth of the Anglican Church
Il distacco dell’Inghilterra dall'osservanza cattolica e il conflitto fra la monarchia e il papa ebbe qualcosa di paradossale. The English religious policy reached a brilliant result for compromise and pragmatism: a State Church,…
Differences between Catholicism, Luternesimo e Aangliknesimo
What are the main differences between Catholicism, Lutheranism and Anglicanism from the spiritual and organizational point of view?
A liturgical and organizational level are all similar, although Catholicism and Anglicanism are more similar…
Differences between Lutheranism and Calvinism
Il Luteranesimo
Il luteranesimo è la prima grande denominazione protestante, that precedes the calvinismo. He began in the sixteenth century as a movement led by Martin Lutero, Augustinian monk and professor of theology at the University of…