Look for an explanation of the Apparitions

Qualsiasi sforzo onesto per fornire una spiegazione soddisfacente al fenomeno noto come apparizioni mariane si rivelerà un compito complesso e difficile.

The origin or cause of the Marian apparitions must be natural O supernatural. There could be many natural explanations. These must be connected to absolute human deception, to psychological projection or hallucination, or probably also to some physical or natural scientific cause. The cause could also be found in a combination of these factors. however, due to the unscriptural nature of the Marian apparitions, if the cause is of supernatural origin, then we can only deal with the demonic, not with God. We realize that this line of reasoning is offensive to many Catholics, however, it is a theological observation necessary for the purposes of truth.

When analyzing many of the alleged miracles that accompany the Marian apparitions, they appear to be of a different nature from those found in Scripture. This is true compared to biblical miracles as a whole, as well as for the miracles in Jesus' public ministry. Jesus never had the sun dance given or the crosses turned. All of his miracles were done in the context of his ministry and had a strong practical side. Many of the miracles related to the Marian apparitions appear, instead, dramatic and sensational aimed at attracting attention – the kind of miracles Jesus always refused to do (Matteo 12:38-39). This is good reason to at least suspect the source of these miracles.

But Satan can do this? There seems to be clear Scriptural evidence that the answer is yes. (read: Satan can work miracles?) In the first place, we are told that the devil does “disguises as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14,15). He is also capable of performing “miracles, signs and wonders and to disguise themselves” (2 Ts. 2:9-10), to deceive with a benevolent aspect by promising good things (as he did with Adam and Eve) to turn away only from God, and the Bible warns that false Christs and false prophets will arise near the end of time “great signs and wonders to deceive, if it were possible, even the elect” (Matteo 24:24). The Apocalypse speaks several times of the “beast” he was born in “False prophet” – both connotations of Satan – that they will perform with “great miraculous signs” in recent times (Apocalypse 13:13, 16:14, 19 : 20). In addition to the counterfeiting of miracles, it is also capable of predicting the future (sometimes with incredible precision) and declares a different way of salvation (At 16,16). His goal is always to deceive, induce people to abandon their faith, e, finally, to lead the world astray (1 Tim. 4:1; Rev. 12,19).