Who are the Evangelical Christians?

evangelicals[1]Told many that they believe they are some kind of Jehovah's Witnesses or non-Christian people, I say that the Evangelicals, on the other hand, are the pure Christians, those of the origins, those who preach the Gospel and the Word of God as it is presented without making changes to the Bible, without removing or adding anything. They have no rituals and traditions, just as i did not have them 12 apostles of Jesus: these are the Evangelicals! They do not follow the tradition invented by men over the millennia, as their only guide they do not have a pope or a priest, but God, Christ, and the Word he left us, which is the only reliable thing we have to follow

I'm Protestants, perhaps this word is clearer, which does not mean that they protest against the Catholic Church, but Protestant stands for “protest” –> in favor of the text (of the Bible).
To respond also to some Catholics who think that the Old Testament is a fairy tale and only the Gospel is the true Word of God, well I say, easy to say this, what is the point of believing only a part of the Bible? If you accept the New Testament you must also accept the Old, otherwise you are not a Christian. The Word is unique and cannot be divided. In the Old Testament there was not yet the coming of Christ the Savior, who manifested himself in flesh and blood and lived among mortals, for this reason only the New Testament is believed?? And what about the Old Testament where the prophets, inspired by God, to whom God spoke either by visions or they heard his own voice, they had prophesied 300 years before Christ his future coming? They foretold that a Savior would come and be crucified??

I say that we must look at the Word in its integrity, because God has a plan, a program and let us know everything, that's why I believe in the Apocalypse, in the end of the world, when all will be judged, and only the faithful to God will be saved.

Brothers, this is the Word of God, they are not talk: Catholics say there will be no Apocalypse, but they interpret it in another way: that is, the Apocalypse for every man is what happens when he dies individually and is judged, in this sense what sense would all this have? What sense would the divine plan make?? There is always a beginning and an end in everything, so also for humanity, and the Bible ends precisely with the Apocalypse. Then the priest told me that everyone will be saved, everyone but everyone, even atheists, even the non-faithful, even the killers!!! No, It is not so, I told him, none of this makes sense, we are all saved??? So now I'm going to kill people, I'll be saved anyway… then I surrender to lust, I'll be saved anyway, then I decide to be an atheist which is simpler!!! And no… but what do they teach us in the Church?? They changed the Word of God: the Lord is clear about this: only those who have faith in him and follow his commandments will have salvation! Salvation is only through faith.

Taken from the article by P. Bolognese

Who are evangelical Christians? The question is legitimate. The name today risks being the bearer of misunderstandings. It is therefore necessary to define what is meant by “evangelicals”.

Being evangelicals

The term “evangelicals” it was not a deliberate choice, it has been given to us by others. Nevertheless, it suits us if we want to keep the root of its meaning. Evangelical comes from the term gospel (or Gospel) what does it mean “good news”, the good news of Jesus Christ. In fact we believe we must refer to the Gospel and the Bible as the supreme authority for our faith and conduct. It is absolutely central. Man would know very little about God and about himself if God hadn't spoken and revealed himself in His Word. The God who emerges from the pages of the Bible is not an indifferent God, motionless and mute, but the God who speaks.

This is why the Bible is important, rather, essential for anyone's life. Its centrality means first of all that the Bible is the particular means through which God communicates his truth to man. Without it, there would be a lot of uncertainty, but through him there can be light and certainty. Because God has addressed his message to man, the latter can hope, be freed and saved.

In this sense, being evangelicals means being consistent with the affirmation of God as Lord, as the One who spoke in his Word and who through it can free man from all his illusions by addressing him a certain word for his salvation. If the Bible is the means by which God communicates his truth to man, then every man has the freedom to approach it. The power and clarity of the Word of God is such that it needs no support other than its own strength. The Holy Spirit is capable of making Scripture effective in people's hearts.

For this we also speak of “universal priesthood” of believers. In the sense that each man, the most powerful as the humblest, the richest as well as the poorest are places, in their relationship with God, on the same floor. And if everyone is free to approach the Word of God, everyone is “priests”. There is no need for human mediators between God and men, but all are brothers.

Evangelical churches do not gather around men who may also have special gifts from God, but they are gathered by and around the Word of God.

Being Christian

There are too many clichés about this term too. With the term “Christians” however, we must understand those who, as the Bible says they followed Jesus Christ and gave themselves to Him (proceedings 11,26). In this sense we must think of the apostles, to the disciples, to the first converts of Pentecost, to those of Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth, etc. We think of all those who have suffered ridicule over time, flagella, chains, stoning, Crowns, as “of whom the world was not worthy”. We think of the countless fires lit and of all those who still suffer today because of the name they bear, that of Christians. Today, especially in our world, this is not always the case. However, we can ask ourselves what they could believe to reach those extreme consequences with the certainty of not being deluded.

We Christians believe that Jesus is the only Lord. We are firmly convinced by God's Word, that outside of him it is not possible to be saved “because there is no other name under heaven by which one has to be saved” (proceedings 4,12). Jesus is for us the only Mediator between God and men (1 Timoteo 2,5), therefore there is no need for anyone else to act as an intermediary between God and men. God is above everyone and everything and glory must go to Him alone.

Perhaps we can ask ourselves why we believe we need a Savior. Certainly because as human beings we recognize our total inability to achieve the good according to God. Before the holy God of the Bible, what man can best accomplish is none other than a “dirty dress”. What the Bible calls sin it is not a generic trend or random determination, it is not just the state of painful uncertainty, it is iniquity and perversion of the heart. Something that draws on the most intimate essence of our being and which is unclean before the holiness of God. To undermine this corruption it is in no way possible to rely on religious practices (fasts, pilgrimages, suffering or other). This is what all the different religions propose. This is the neurosis of a false salvation growing on the ground of human illusions. All human systems say: “You have to do”. Everyone imposes certain demands on man that ultimately he cannot fulfill. Instead, Christ came to announce something absolutely different, authentic good news: “You don't have to deserve anything, I have accomplished everything. You don't have to save yourself, I saved you. You don't have to come to a certain level of justice, I am your justice. You don't have to atone for your sins, I atoned for them”.

Everything is done

How can such a perspective really be experienced? Only for wedding ring: faith as recognition and acceptance of the work of grace it says: “Everything is done!” (Giovanni 19,30). Under the gloomy sky of the human condition, God lets the light of hope shine through. Jesus said,: “Come to me, all of you who are troubled and aggravated, and I will give you rest” (Matteo 11,28). “I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, indeed it will have the light of life” (Giovanni 8,12). This is not about improving, but to change radically, of “be born again“; it is not about updating, but to convert. Without God, even progress is nothing but decay, for every improvement places us once again in the presence of our derisive insufficiency and our threatening finitude.

To people upset by God's absolute needs, the Gospel of Christ announces total forgiveness and therefore peace. His work is complete and unrepeatable, its light bright enough to make everything human pale and unmask the petty illusions of our poverty. The grazia it is what he does not deserve! Forse tanti la stanno cercando da tanto tempo senza rendersi conto che è un dono libero e sovrano di Dio che ama e chiama per nome. As non è un diritto, né qualcosa d’obbligato, essa può essere accolta solo per fede, ma anche con la riconoscenza più completa. Chi crede nel Figliuolo ha la vita eterna”. La salvezza è un dono di Dio che vale per l’eternità. E quando la si è conosciuta la si può confessare davanti agli uomini per la gloria di Dio.

In cosa consiste il culto degli evangelici?

Noi non abbiamo lamessa” catholic, intesa come ripetizione del sacrificio di Cristo, perché crediamo che Gesù Cristo ha offerto sé stesso comeunico sacrificio per i peccatidi coloro che credono (leggi nella Bibbia in Jews 10:12 e Romans 6:9-10), is that “questo Egli l’ha fatto una volta per sempre quando ha offerto sé stesso” (Jews 7:25-27; 9:22-28).
Ci riuniamo insieme per offrire al Signore la nostra adorazione, con le lodi, i cantici, le preghiere e le testimonianze, offerte a Lui nella semplicità, e meditiamo la Parola di Dio.

Perché i cristiani evangelici credono in Cristo ma non nella Chiesa?

Noi crediamo sia in Cristo che nella Chiesa! La differenza con i cattolici è nel concetto di Chiesa: loro credono che la Chiesa sia quella di Roma, e che fuori di essa vi sia salvezza. Le altre chiese storiche, come ad esempio quella ortodossa, non riconoscono la presunta supremazia del vescovo di Roma.

Noi evangelici crediamo che “the” Chiesa sia soltanto la Chiesa Cristiana, cioè l’insieme di tutti i cristiani del mondo che credono in Gesù Cristo come loro Salvatore. In this sense, la Chiesa Cristiana è detta universale (O “catholic”) ed è anche chiamata nella Bibbia “the body of Christ”, cioè l’insieme di noi cristiani, con a capo soltanto il Signore.

Quali sacramenti avete? Avete dei sacerdoti?

Abbiamo i sacramenti previsti dalla Bibbia:

1) Il battesimo in acqua (eseguito secondo l’esempio dei Vangeli).
2) La santa cena.
3) La confessione privata a Dio, o anche pubblica per chi lo vuole.
4) Il matrimonio.
5) L’unzione degli infermi.
Non abbiamo l’ordine sacro, perché non è previsto dalla Bibbia, secondo la quale tutti i cristiani sono santi e sono sacerdoti del Signore per offrire a Lui il sacrificio della nostra lode mediante Gesù Cristo (see 1 Pietro 2:5 e Apoc. 1:5-6; vedi anche qui).
