Considerations Apparitions

appearance2It is clear that this purely Catholic phenomenon that the only way to justify faith in Marian apparitions is to completely accept the Catholic vision of Mary. That is, if these apparitions are authentic and are made under the auspices of almighty God, then we are dealing with Mary revealed in Catholic theology. In fact, these apparitions do nothing but confirm the decidedly Catholic beliefs about Mary. however, this is the main reason why we Protestants cannot accept these apparitions as from God. Accepting these apparitions means not knowing the Mary of the Bible, that is, the real Mary. And this teaching of Marian worship is not found in the Bible, indeed it is completely incompatible with it.

Just as the Catholic Church uses an objective criterion to accept or reject apparitions (conformity with the Catholic Magisterium), the Protestant does the same thing. For Protestants, the phenomenon must conform to Scripture.

The principle of the Sola Scriptura of the Reformation (Scripture alone), on which Protestantism arises, affirms that Scripture is the supreme authority in matters of doctrine. however, the Catholic affirmation of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, her perpetual virginity , his bodily assumption into heaven, and her work as a mediator, they are all lies in the light of Scripture. Furthermore, there is no biblical basis for granting such titles to Mary “Queen of Heaven “,” Mother of the Church” e “Queen of all Saints”.

But there is more. Not only do these beliefs about Mary lack biblical support, some of them clearly undermine Scriptural doctrines. For example, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception directly contradicts the biblical teaching of the universality of sin (Rm 3,23). What worries most Protestants, instead, it is Mariology's way of challenging the uniqueness of the person of Christ, and it also takes away the complete sufficiency of his sacrifice on the Cross. If there is no doubt about this, consider how Catholic Mariology has parallels with Christology:

  1. Jesus was born without sin – Mary was conceived without original sin.
  2. Jesus was sinless – Maria lived a sinless life.
  3. After his resurrection, Jesus ascended to heaven – Mary was physically assumed into heaven.
  4. Jesus is the mediator – Maria is a mediator.
  5. Jesus is the Redeemer – Mary is the Coredemptrix.
  6. Jesus is the new Adam – Mary is the new Eve.
  7. Jesus is the King – Mary is the Queen.

Even Protestant scholars who are sensitive to Catholicism believe that this parallel can only threaten the pre-eminence of Christ and cloud his exclusive role as the sole redeemer and mediator. (1 Tim. 2:05; Eb. 2:16-18, 4:14-15, 7 : 25; 9:12-14; 10:1-10).

Another concern is that Maria, by virtue of its exalted status, it has actually become semi-divine!

Because Catholic Mariology and Marian apparitions are inextricably intertwined with each other (it is Mariology that provides the basis for deciding whether the apparitions are authentic), we must throw both of them overboard! Celebrities, if we are forced to reject the Catholic view of Mary for scriptural reasons, we cannot therefore accept the Marian apparitions which limit themselves to marrying the same doctrinal errors.

The truth or falsehood of the apparitions is then measured by the fact that the phenomenon as a whole does not conform to Scripture, however dramatic or sensational the experience may be. The apparitions in fact, they could never have confirmed the truth of Catholic Mariology, as it is naturally anti-biblical.

What to say? This time the devil was wrong and he wasn't very cunning, he betrayed himself too shamelessly, he ventured too much, saying that there is no religion that saves but they are all the same [see Medjugorje], typical message of the New Age movement. And that we are all saved, the important thing is to be good and preach peace. And this to the Catholic Church, which claims to be the true church, only one to bring salvation, it didn't quite go down, this is why he did not approve the apparitions of Medjugorje!

What to say to the devil? Try again with another appearance and you will be luckier!