A major factor contributing to the enduring appeal of Wicca is the purported use of spells e Magic (a deliberate misspelling intended to separate Wiccas from magicians and illusionists). Curiosity seekers, as well as i spiritual neophytes, they are eager to delve into these mysteries. Not all Wiccans practice witchcraft, but those who claim that magic is to them what prayer is to a Christian. The difference between the two is that Wiccans claim that magic is simply using their mind to control matter, or they appeal to their favorite deity to do them a favor, as Christians call upon an omnipotent and omnipresent God to heal people and intervene and work in their lives. The Rede prevents witches from hurting others and the Triple Law explains the consequences for Rede-breakers.
Wicca is basically a religion that is about minding your own business and living peacefully with your neighbors and the environment. Wiccans are eager to plot parallels between themselves and biblical Christianity to gain credibility, but what does the Bible have to say about this religion? You will not find the word “wicca” in the Bible, then we evaluate the beliefs in the light of what God says about them.
“They traded God's truth for a lie, they worshiped and served created things, rather than the Creator…” Who wants settle for second best?
“… Man is destined to die once, after that, to face judgment”. God says we have one chance in life, stop. There are no substitutions. If we do not accept Jesus' gift of God during our lifetime, He judges us as unwilling to be in His presence and we are sent to hell.
“You have let go of God's commands and are holding on to the traditions of men”.
“Let no one be among you who… you practice divination or witchcraft, portents interpreters, engage in sorcery or do spells… Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD…”
Sin is not just a heinous and socially objectionable action. Sin is our decision to disagree with God on any subject, to rebel against him. Sin is saying: “It gave, I want to live my life my way”. Romans 3:23 dice:
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. Romans 6:23 dice: “For the wages of sin is death…”
This is not bodily death, this is spiritual death: eternal separation from God and all the blessings His presence brings. This is the definition of hell: the absence of God's presence. This is what our sin earns us.
Fortunately, Romans 6:23 it does not end here. Continue saying:
“… but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
God knew we would all rebel in one way or another and He provided a way for us to avoid that separation, through faith in Jesus Christ. Wiccan witchcraft is just another lie from Satan, the enemy of our souls, who "goes about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" ( 1 Pietro 5:8 ).