biblical data about Mary

Mother_Mary1We can observe from the Bible that the prophets Isaiah and Micaiah 750 years before our era, they announced many things about Mary: the miraculous conception, il luogo della nascita del Messia che porterà in seno, il nome che gli darà .

I Vangeli e l’inizio del libro degli Atti degli Apostoli raccontano della personalità di Maria e i fatti essenziali che hanno segnato la sua vita. These elements, coordinated with each other, they give us a more accurate portrait of her than one might suppose at first glance. So here it is, summarized very succinctly, what the New Testament texts say chronologically about Mary.

  • Mary is a virgin, girlfriend Giuseppe, descendant of David, and lives in Nazareth, in Galilee.
  • l’angelo Gabriele le parla e le rivela che sarà incinta mediante l”Action of the Holy Spirit; partorirà un figlio e gli darà il nome di Gesù. Questi sarà grande, sarà chiamato figlio dell’altissimo e regnerà eternamente su Israele. The angel also reveals her cousin's miraculous pregnancy, considered sterile e, Furthermore, in età molto avanzata.
  • Mary believes and obeys, declaring the “œserver of the Lord”
  • visit Elizabeth, which, filled with the Holy Spirit, confirms the miracle for which she was gratified.
  • He in turn exalts the Lord and confesses his prophetic praise:
  • That God is his Savior ( therefore he recognized himself in a state of perdition);
  • that he has turned his gaze on his baseness (testimony of humiliation);
  • she is his servant;
  • that He has done great things for her;
  • che lei riconosce la santità di Dio e la sua azione potente sovrana sia per l’umanità , both for Israel, in fulfillment of its promises.
  • vive con Giuseppe in stato di verginità fino alla nascita di Gesù.
  • she gives birth to Jesus in the manger of Bethlehem, where then the shepherds and the wise men go to visit it.
  • in agreement with Giuseppe, has Jesus circumcised, on the eighth day, and imposes the name on him according to the instructions received from the angel Gabriel.
  • accompanied by Giuseppe, a 41 days from birth, Mary presents Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem. On this occasion the two spouses offer the sacrifice of purification prescribed by the Mosaic law ( ciò prova lo stato d’impurità di Maria, which she herself recognizes).
  • receives the prophetic revelations of the old Simeon and Anna, relating to Jesus and to herself.
  • she unites sexually with Joseph who becomes like this, fully her husband. From their union four sons and at least two daughters will be born.
  • with the baby Jesus, Mary follows Joseph ( divinely warned), in the flight to Egypt, in returning to Palestine and settling in Nazareth.
  • a first sign of spiritual incomprehension between Mary and Jesus is manifested when the latter, at the age of 12 years, is found, after three days of agonizing research, while those doctors of the law were entertaining in the Temple of Jerusalem.
  • present at the wedding at Cana with Jesus, he notes that there is no wine and invites his son to intervene. The latter takes it up again and highlights the spiritual distance that separates them; Furthermore, he makes her understand that he receives orders only from God and not from her.
  • like Giuseppe, even Mary does not understand the meaning of Jesus' ministry. L’insegnamento e gli interventi miracolosi di suo figlio provocano una viva opposizione da parte delle autorità religiose che decidono di eliminarlo. Then, judging too, and rashly, Jesus as if out of his mind, Joseph and Mary try to hold him back with the intention of making him come to his senses: they consider the road taken dangerous.
  • accompanied by her younger children, Mary calls Jesus immersed in the crowd, still receives a very significant rejection. The relationships that his son recognizes are not carnal but spiritual.
  • a woman from the crowd declares it “œbeata” for giving birth to Jesus. Il Salvatore risponde che l’ascolto della parola di Dio e l’ubbidienza alla sua volontà sono una sorgente di gioia molto più grande e preferibile.
  • He comes to the foot of the cross where Jesus agonizes. The crucifix indicates Giovanni to her as her son and addresses her by calling her “œdonna” (May “Mother”) then she asks the disciple to consider her as his mother.
  • in Jerusalem, in the upper chamber, Mary perseveres in prayer, with the eleven apostles and some women faithful to the risen one. She also waits in full communion with them, the Comforter promised by Jesus.
  • on the day of Pentecost, receives the outpouring of the Holy Spirit e, with the others, participate in the great blessing of that day, sharing the manifestation of glossolalìa. He receives the full revelation of the mystery of Jesus Christ, his son and his Savior.