He discovered the link with Neanderthal. “Now history must be rewritten”
by Paolo Valentino – March 2015
This article appeared in IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA on Sunday 20/02/2015 on p. 17
The University of Frankfurt suspends Reiner Protsch: for thirty years he has been manipulating the data. "He was perfect in giving evasive answers"
BERLIN – Counterorder, perhaps we are not descended from Neanderthals. Or at least, the decisive proof of the assumption no longer exists, the mythical missing link that seemed to link the origins of our species to those of the prehistoric hairy. It did not date to 36 thousand years ago, therefore he did not belong to the oldest German in the world, the skull found in a bog not far from Hamburg. More normally, just the analysis of carbon dating, performed by the University of Oxford, had "only" 7.500 years: a child, compared to the original hypothesis and so far considered true.
Thus fell the star of Professor Reiner Protsch von Zieten, 66 years, emeritus anthropologist and world celebrity of the discipline. Not a scientist, but a knitter. A dishonest liar, that for more than three decades has told a mountain of lies, duping the community of scholars and passing off an incredible series of crap as good, which have influenced and led to fallacious conclusions the theories on human evolution.
Last Friday, following the initial results of the survey by a group of experts, started in August 2015, the University of Frankfurt suspended the academic from any activity. “We have come to the conclusion – reads the report of the commission of inquiry – that Professor Protsch has repeatedly manipulated and falsified scientific facts over the past thirty years ".
The consequences for discipline are devastating. "Anthropology – archaeologist Thomas Terberger said yesterday, the man who first, already in 2001, expressed doubts about Protsch's work – he will have to completely revise his image of modern man, in the period between 40 thousand and 10 thousand years ago ". The German anthropologist had apparently tried, with its findings, that modern humans and Neanderthal beings had lived in the same era and that, perhaps, they had also fathered children together: "Now it is clear that it is just garbage", Terberger explained.
In addition to the false dating of the skull of the Hahnhoefersand man, so renamed from the place of discovery, the commission exposed other Protsch scams. Like the "sensational" discovery of the Binshof-Speyer woman, that the anthropologist claimed to have lived beyond 21 thousand years ago and instead it only dated back to 1300 years before the birth of christ. In another case, that of human remains found in Paderborn, Protsch had shot it even bigger, dating the bone fragments to more than 27 thousand years before Christ, when the owner was almost a contemporary of ours, relatively obviously, having died in 1750. Experts have also ascertained lies, so to speak minors, such as having located the discovery of some fossils in Switzerland, instead of in France.
But Protsch's dishonesty is not just intellectual. Great lover of gold watches, Porsche cars and Cuban cigars, ours is in fact being investigated for fraud by the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office, who suspects him of trying to sell for 70 thousand dollars, to an American trafficker, the entire collection of monkey skulls, beyond 270 specimens, of the Department of Anthropology. "For the university it is very embarrassing, we should have discovered his forgeries a long time ago ", said Professor Ulrich Brandt, who led the scientific commission of inquiry. Brandt invoked near-impossibility as a justification, in the German system, to fire a public official e, mostly, Protsch's diabolical ability to always avoid being cornered: "He was perfect in giving evasive answers".
The story also has a dark side, linked to Protsch's family roots, who, one of the many legends circulated about himself, he always said he was descended from a general of the Hussars. In reality, as Der Spiegel revealed , he is the son of a former Nazi deputy. A line of internal investigation, still in progress, it is in fact about destruction, probably carried out on the orders of Protsch, of hundreds of documents from the archive of the Franco-French Department of Anthropology, relating to the scientific experiments on human guinea pigs carried out by the National Socialists.
The Magliaro doesn't speak at the moment. His last known externalization dates back to 14 last January, when he would have declared to the Frankfurter Neue Presse : "This is a Tribunal of the Inquisition, they have no concrete proof against me ". There was a bet.
From the Corriere della Sera del 20 February.
His University of Frankfurt has announced that the professor has been forced to resign due to numerous “falsifications and manipulations”… his deceptions could invest an entire section of the history of human development, that it should be so carefully revisited and rewritten…”The work of the Prof. Protsch it would seem to prove that anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals would coexist, perhaps to the point of interacting and hybridizing. All this now, is questioned”.
It seemed to be one of the most sensational discoveries. Skull fragments discovered in a bog near Hamburg, had been dated to more than 36,000 years ago – and it would be the missing link between modern humans and Neanderthals. This, at least, is what Professor Reiner Protsch von Zieten does – a distinguished German anthropologist – he had told his fellow scientists, gaining global acclaim in return, after being asked to date the extremely rare skull. And instead, the thirty-year career of the German academician has now ended in disgrace after the revelation that he would systematically falsify the data of this and numerous other finds “of the stone age”.
His University of Frankfurt has announced that the professor has been forced to resign due to numerous “falsifications and manipulations”. According to the experts, his deceptions could invest an entire section of the history of human development, that it should be so carefully revisited and rewritten. “Anthropology will have to fundamentally re-examine its portrait of modern man between 40,000 a 10,000 years ago” said Thomas Terberger, the archaeologist who discovered the fake. “Prof Protsch's work would seem to prove that anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals coexisted, perhaps to the point of interacting and hybridizing. All this now, is questioned”.
The scandal came to light only when the Professor Protsch was caught in the act of trying to sell an entire collection of chimpanzee skulls owned by his department to the United States. An investigation later found that he had also passed off fake fossils as authentic, and copied the work of other scientists.
His findings seemed to indicate that Neanderthals had spread much further north than previously assumed, but the investigation conducted by his university found that the fragment of a Neanderthal skull, crucial for scientific research, which was believed to have come from the oldest German in the world, a Neanderthal known as Hahnhofersand Man, it actually went back to itself 7,500 years ago, according to the dating unit of the Oxford University finds. The unit established that other skulls were also dated incorrectly.
Another of the professor's sensational discoveries, the woman of “Binshof-Speyer” lived in 1,300 to.C. and not 21,300 years ago, as had been claimed, while the”Paderborn-Sande man” (dated to 27,400 a.C.) he died only a few hundred years ago, in 1750. “E’ deeply embarrassing. Of course, the university is in a very uncomfortable position, to about” said Professor Ulrich Brandt, who conducted the investigation into the activities of Professor Protsch.
In the course of the investigation, the university found that Professor Protsch, 65 years, a whimsical figure passionate about gold watches, Porche and Cuban cigars, he was unable to make his own carbon dating machine work. Instead, after returning to Germany from America, where he had done his doctorate, and earned the title of professor, he simply went to “arrange things” to achieve international fame. In one case, claimed that one would be found in Switzerland “half a monkey” ancient of 50 millions of years, called Adapis, creating sensation throughout the archaeological world. Instead, the monkey had been excavated in France, where several other similar specimens had already been found. Other details of the professor's life seem to crumble upon closer examination. Before disappearing from the university campus last year, Professor Protsch told his students that he was engaged in the analysis of the bones of Hitler and Eva Braun. He also claimed to have apartments in New York, Florida, e California, where he was often with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Staffi Graf. Even the aristocratic title of “of Zieten” appears to be false. Far from being a descendant of a general of the hussars, the professor was the son of a Nazi lieutenant, Wilhelm Protsch, revealed the newspaper Der Spiegel. The university is trying to figure out how thousands of documents are kept in the anthropology department, and related to the horrific science experiments of the Nazis in 1930, they would have mysteriously disappeared, apparently on the precise instruction of the professor. E’ it was also found that some of the 12,000 skeletons preserved in the “boxes of bones” of the department, they lack the head, probably because Protsch sold them to his friends in the United States.
The University admitted that it failed to first understand the professor's falsifications. But he stressed that, as for all civil servants in Germany, the high-profile anthropologist was virtually impossible to frame, and it has in fact proved very complex to be able to trace him back. “He was perfect in handling questions” declared prof. Brandt. “He could be convincing and persuasive”. The professor who lives in Mainz with his wife Angelina, does not respond to pressing questions from the press, asking for a comment on the whole affair. But in previous statements made to the newspaper Der Spiegel, insisted on being a victim of a “intrigue”.
The most infamous of all scientific frauds was unearthed in the 1912 in a Sussex burial pit. With its huge human-like skull, and the mandible similar to that of the monkey, the “fossil” dell’ “Piltdown man” was baptized Eoanthropus dawsoni, named after Charles Dawson, the archeology enthusiast who made the discovery. Per 40 years, Piltdown Man was hailed as the missing link between humans and their primate ancestors. But in 1952 the scientists concluded that it was a fake. Radiocarbon dating showed that the skull was of a human dating back to suns 600 years, while the jawbone was that of an orangutan. The entire package of fossil fragments found in Piltdown – which included a prehistoric cricket bat – they had been placed underground on purpose.
Japanese archaeologist Shinichi Fujimura was so prolific in his discovery of prehistoric finds, which earned the nickname of “hands of God”. Site after site, Fujimura discovered stone artifacts and remains that pushed back the limit of known Japanese history. The researcher and his stone age discoveries attracted international attention and rewrote history books. In 2000, the spell was broken, when a newspaper published pictures of Fujimura digging graves and burying artifacts that he would later rediscover, and heralded as sensational discoveries. “I was tempted by the devil. I don't know how to apologize for what I did” he has declared.
The supposed fossil of an Archaeoraptor, which was known as the “Piltdown turkey”, came to light in 1999, when National Geographics published an account of his discovery. It seemed to show another missing link – this time between birds and dinosaurs. The Archaeoraptor seemed to represent the remains of a large feathered bird with the tail of a dinosaur. The fossil was taken from China and sold to a private collector in the United States for 51,000 pounds. Experts began to have suspicions and a closer examination showed that the specimen was actually one “composition” – two fossils joined together by strong glue.
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