Christians must respect the civil laws?

Some think the divine laws, contained in the Bible, and civil laws are severable, but that's not the case at all. God commands us to respect our authorities and our legislation. What a testimony we could ever have if we didn't obey the laws? We would not be good Christians. In fact divine laws and laws of the state in which we live, they are one and both must be respected. It is no coincidence that we never read anything in Scripture that “cozzi” against our civil laws.

The Christian must be obedient to civil authority, although many may take this obligation to obey the authorities lightly. Jesus said,, in Marco 12:17:

Pay back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.

About the government and its authority, the apostle Paul said:

Each person is subject to the higher authorities; because there is no authority except from God; and the authorities that exist, they are established by God. Therefore, those who resist authority are opposed to God's order; those who oppose it will bring condemnation upon themselves; in fact magistrates are not to be feared for good works, but for the bad ones. You, you don't want to fear authority? Fa’ the good and you will have his approval, because the magistrate is a minister of God for your good; but if you do evil, topics, because he does not carry the sword in vain; in fact he is a minister of God to inflict a just punishment on those who do evil. Therefore it is necessary to be submissive, not just for fear of punishment, but also for reasons of conscience. (Romans 13:1-5)

So, Christians must obey the laws of their government by respecting the civil and criminal codes in force by our State. A Christian must not break the law by defending himself behind the fact that he respects God's Law so much. He is not at all respecting the divine law if he does not respect the civil law, as the two are not split. God does not approve of those who break civil laws, nor can it approve those who commit crimes (penalties). These people are guilty in all respects both before the civil authorities and before God. It would seem strange to believe it, but also the evangelical Christian camp is not exempt from people who break the law and / or commit crimes.

What to do when you learn of such things?

Once the dialogue has been attempted and the problem reported to the “sinner” as well as reo, if he shows no signs of repentance, report to the authorities and not be conspiratorial, because in doing so we play their game and we are accomplices. We don't believe doing so “we will speak ill of a brother”, because a true Christian doesn't behave that way, a true Christian when he learns of his mistakes, repents, and then it must be forgiven. If he doesn't, he is not a true Christian. So let's be calm and let's go on our way certain that we have done our civil and religious duty.

Some think the divine laws, contained in the Bible, and civil laws are severable, but that's not the case at all. God commands us to respect our authorities and our legislation. What a testimony we could ever have if we didn't obey the laws? We would not be good Christians. In fact divine laws and laws of the state in which we live, they are one and both must be respected. It is no coincidence that we never read anything in Scripture that “cozzi” against our civil laws.

The Christian must be obedient to civil authority, although many may take this obligation to obey the authorities lightly. Jesus said,, in Marco 12:17:

Pay back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.

About the government and its authority, the apostle Paul said:

Each person is subject to the higher authorities; because there is no authority except from God; and the authorities that exist, they are established by God. Therefore, those who resist authority are opposed to God's order; those who oppose it will bring condemnation upon themselves; in fact magistrates are not to be feared for good works, but for the bad ones. You, you don't want to fear authority? Fa’ the good and you will have his approval, because the magistrate is a minister of God for your good; but if you do evil, topics, because he does not carry the sword in vain; in fact he is a minister of God to inflict a just punishment on those who do evil. Therefore it is necessary to be submissive, not just for fear of punishment, but also for reasons of conscience. (Romans 13:1-5)

So, Christians must obey the laws of their government by respecting the civil and criminal codes in force by our State. A Christian must not break the law by defending himself behind the fact that he respects God's Law so much. He is not at all respecting the divine law if he does not respect the civil law, as the two are not split. God does not approve of those who break civil laws, nor can it approve those who commit crimes (penalties). These people are guilty in all respects both before the civil authorities and before God. It would seem strange to believe it, but also the evangelical Christian camp is not exempt from people who break the law and / or commit crimes.

What to do when you learn of such things?

Once the dialogue has been attempted and the problem reported to the “sinner” as well as reo, if he shows no signs of repentance, report to the authorities and not be conspiratorial, because in doing so we play their game and we are accomplices. We don't believe doing so “we will speak ill of a brother”, because a true Christian doesn't behave that way, a true Christian when he learns of his mistakes, repents, and then it must be forgiven. If he doesn't, he is not a true Christian. So let's be calm and let's go on our way certain that we have done our civil and religious duty.