Dinosaurs and the Bible

According to evolutionists dinosaurs would have died long before the appearance of man on earth, but in the Bible we find many references to this prehistoric animal that lived with men…

There Is Truly A Mystery About Dinosaurs?

dinosaurs[1]An aura of mystery surrounds the dinosaurs. Where did they come from? They have evolved? They truly lived millions of years ago? What happened to them? There are still some alive? Has any human ever seen a living dinosaur?

Both children and adults are incredibly fascinated by these mysterious monsters. Numerous books have been written and many films produced to quench the seemingly insatiable hunger for news about these bewildering creatures.. The truth is, there are no mysteries, once you have the key information, which are generally not known to the public.
Follow me through history and you will discover surprising facts that will answer your questions about these 'huge lizards'.

Dinosaurs Really Existed?

Certainly in ancient times, dinosaurs populated the earth! Dinosaur fossils have been found all over the world, and their bones are exhibited in museums for all to see. Scientists have managed to reconstruct many skeletons and now we can see what they were like.

When Dinosaurs Were Found?

The history of their discovery dates back to the 1920s., when Gideon Mantell, English doctor, he found unusual teeth and bones in a quarry. He Dr. Mantell realized that there was something very different in the remains of these animals and thought he had found a new family of reptiles. In 1841 about nine types of these unusual reptiles were discovered, including two called Megalosaurus and Iguanodon.

In the same period, Dr.. Owen, famous English scientist, follower of creationism, coined the name 'Dinosauria', which means 'huge lizard', because that's what these huge bones made him think.

What Makes Dinosaurs 'Different'?

Apart from the enormous size of some, the main feature that distinguishes dinosaurs from other reptiles (such as crocodiles), it is the position of their limbs. Dinosaurs stood upright, similar to that of mammals. Most other reptiles have elongated limbs. For example, compare the way a crocodile 'walks' with that of a cow. Dinosaurs walked like a cow, that is, their limbs supported the body from below. Crocodiles, on the other hand, 'swing', because their limbs project laterally from their body.

What Size Dinosaurs Were?

Some were as small as chickens, others were even smaller. Certainly some were very large; their weight was estimated at around 80 tons and their height of 12 about meters. However, the average size of a dinosaur was probably like that of a medium-sized horse.

When Dinosaurs Lived?

What we know from the movies, from television, from newspapers, and much of it from magazines and textbooks, is that the dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. According to evolutionists, the dinosaurs 'ruled the earth' for 140 millions of years, extinguishing about 65 millions of years ago. however, the scientists found nothing already classified, that is, belonging to a given historical period, but they unearthed the bones of dead dinosaurs, which did not have a trademark indicating the era to which they belonged.

The idea of ​​millions of years of evolution is precisely the theory of evolutionists on the past of these animals. No scientist has witnessed that particular historical period, in fact, there is no type of proof that the earth and its fossil layers are millions of years old.

Furthermore, no scientist has ever seen a dinosaur die, because his job is to find their bones as well, since many of these scholars are evolutionists, they try to adapt the story of these animals only according to their point of view. Others instead, they are called creation scientists and have a different opinion of the age in which the dinosaurs lived.
They believe they can solve any alleged mystery and show how the evidence fits perfectly with their views on the past., beliefs that come from the Bible. the Bible, the very special book of God (or rather the collection of books), claims that those who wrote it were supernaturally inspired to write exactly what the Creator of all things wanted them to write for us so that we would know where we came from (and so do the dinosaurs), why we are here, and what our future will be like.

The first book of the Bible - Genesis- it tells us how the universe was formed and how life was born. Genesis says that God created all things: the earth, the stars, the sun, the moon, plants, the animals and the first two inhabitants. Although the Bible does not say exactly when God created the world and its creatures, we can calculate the date of creation simply by reading it and observing some interesting passages:

God created the earth in six days. In this way he established a model for humanity and dedicated the seventh day of the week to rest (as described inExodus 20:11). God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, as an example for us all. Furthermore, Bible scholars say that the Hebrew term 'day', used in the first chapter of Genesis can only mean, in this context, any day.

We know that God created the first man and the first woman – Adam and Eve- the sixth day. Genesis narrates the birth of their children and the children of their children. Their lineage is testified throughout the Old Testament, until the time of Jesus Christ.

They certainly weren't chronologies lasting millions of years. Adding up all the dates and keeping in mind that Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth almost 2000 Years ago, we come to the conclusion that the creation of the earth and animals (including dinosaurs) it happened thousands of years ago (maybe only 6000 Years ago) and not millions of years. So if the Bible is true (and it is so), dinosaurs must have lived thousands of years ago.

Where did the dinosaurs come from?

Evolutionists claim that dinosaurs evolved over millions of years. They believe that an animal species evolved slowly over many years, until it transforms into another species. They argue, for example, that amphibians evolved into reptiles (including dinosaurs) through this gradual process. Certainly, this would mean, that at that time there must have been millions of living beings who would have been somewhere in between: of amphibians evolved into reptiles. The evidence of these 'forms of passage', as they are called, they should be numerous. however, many fossil experts admit that no undoubted passage from one animal species to another has been found. If dinosaurs evolved from amphibians, there should be for example, evidence of animal fossils, which are only half dinosaurs, but there is no evidence of the above. Indeed, if you go to any museum, you will see dinosaur fossils at the 100%, and not somewhere in between. There are no dinosaurs al 25%, al 50%, al 75% or even al 99%, but only dinosaurs al 100%. The Bible clearly states that God created all the animals of the earth on the sixth day. Since dinosaurs were animals of the earth, they must have been created on the sixth day, just like Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:24-31). If it was in the divine plan to create dinosaurs, then they must have been animals created to perform a particular function, then dinosaurs al 100%. In fact, we have evidence of this through fossils. Evolutionists claim that no man ever lived in the time of the dinosaurs. The Bible, on the other hand, makes us understand clearly how the dinosaurs and the first inhabitants of the planet coexisted; and soon we will see the proof.

What dinosaurs fed on?

The Bible tells that (Genesis 1:29-30) to the first animals (and to the first men) he was ordered to eat grass and fruit. Nobody ate meat, Furthermore, it was a perfect world, there was no death. Adam and Eve and the animals (including dinosaurs) they lived in perfect harmony, eating only plants. But it wasn't that long because Adam rebelled against God and brought sin into the world (Genesis 3: 1-7; Romans 5: 12) and because of this rebellion, Adam and all his descendants (and you and me too) they have lost the right to live with a holy God (sinless) it's right. It gave, then, condemned sin with death. the Bible, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, it clearly states that before Adam's sin there was no death, neither for men nor for animals. (Consider some of the many biblical passages, For example: the Epistles of the Apostle Paul to Romans 5:12; 8:20-22; the Genesis 2:17; the Genesis 1:29-30; the Acts of the Apostles 3:21; the Epistle to the Jews 9:22; the Epistles of the Apostle Paul 1 to the Corinthians 15; l’Apocalypse 21: 1-4; 22:3).

This means that there could be no fossils (and dinosaur bones) before sin. After Adam's sin there was death for animals and for men. It was then a different world, made of death and discord; A world that was previously beautiful and now instead suffers from the Creator's 'punishment' (Genesis 3:14-19). But a promise was made (Genesis 3:15): God would give the means to redeem the punishment of sin, giving man the opportunity to return to God.

Why Dinosaur Fossils Are Found?

In the sixth chapter of Genesis we read that all flesh (man or animal) 'He had corrupted his conduct on earth' (Genesis 6:12). Maybe humans and animals killed each other; perhaps the dinosaurs started killing other animals, and the same men. Anyhow, the Bible describes the world as 'corrupt', and because of his corruption God revealed himself to a righteous man named Noah and told him that he was going to destroy the earth with a Flood (Genesis 6:13). God therefore ordered him to build an Ark so that all land animals (most likely including dinosaurs) and his family could survive, while the Flood destroyed the earth (Genesis 6:14-20). Some think the dinosaurs were too big, or that there were too many to be crammed into the Ark. However, there were not many types of dinosaurs. There are certainly hundreds of dinosaur names, but many of these were given to a single bone or skeleton of the same animal, found in other countries.

Furthermore, it is reasonable to assume that different quantities, variety and sex of the same type of dinosaur have come to have different names. For example, there are different breeds and sizes of dogs, but they all belong to the same family: that of the canids. In reality, there may have been fewer than fifty types of dinosaurs. In the Ark, God sent two land animals of each species (and seven others), (Genesis 7: 2-3; 7:8-9) without exception, not even for dinosaurs. Although there was plenty of space in the Ark for large animals, God perhaps sent exemplary young men, because they still had a lot of room to grow. Good, what happened to the other animals that did not enter the Ark? They quite simply drowned. Many were covered by tons of mud as the fury of the water raged covering the land (Genesis 7:11-12,19). Because of this rapid burial, many animals were preserved to later become fossils. If that's what happened, we would expect to find evidence of this in billions of artifacts, buried in layers of rock (formed by mud) all over the planet. And this is exactly what happens. By the way, there is another important thing to say and it is that the Flood probably happened a little more than 4500 Years ago. Creationists believe that this event made possible the formation of layers of fossils in the earth. (Then further layers of fossils formed later, due to other heavy rainfall, when the earth settled after the Flood). Consequently, dinosaur fossils formed after the Flood, probably date back to about 4500 years ago and not millions of years ago.

Dinosaurs Lived In Recent Times?

If the different dinosaur specimens survived the Flood, they must therefore have come out of the Ark and lived on the earth after the Flood. In the Bible, in the book of Job, cap. 40, verses 15-24, God describes to Job (who lived after the Flood) a large animal that Job was familiar with.
This big animal, called 'behemoth', is described as 'the first of God's works', perhaps the largest animal on earth that God created. It was swinging its tail, comparable to a cedar, impressively ! Although some Bible comments say this animal may have been an elephant or a hippo, the description actually fits with that of the Brachiosaurus dinosaur. Elephants and hippos certainly don't have tails like cedar plants!! To be honest, very few animals in the Bible are described in such detail as dinosaurs. Indeed, contrary to what most people think, dinosaurs are the most named animals in the scriptures. All dinosaur species must have lived with humans after the Flood.

Dinosaurs Are Mentioned In Ancient Texts?

It is interesting to note that the word 'dragon' is used many times in the Old Testament and in many cases, the word dinosaur might appropriately replace it. The scientists who deal with creation, they believe that dinosaurs were called dragons before the word dinosaur was invented in 1800. Don't expect to find the word dinosaur in Bibles like the Authorized Version of 1611, as it was translated long before the word dinosaur was used. Furthermore, in various libraries around the world, there are very old history books which contain detailed accounts of dragons and their encounters with men. Surprisingly (or perhaps not at all surprising to creationists), many of the descriptions about dragons, they agree exactly with what modern scientists would describe dinosaurs; also the Tyrannosaurus. Unfortunately, this evidence is not believed to be well founded by evolutionists. What's the reason? Because they believe that man and dinosaurs did not live in the same era. Anyway, the more we research historical literature, the more we realize that there is clear evidence that dragons were real animals, really existed, very similar to our modern dinosaur reconstructions, and that their existence has been witnessed by several people, even just hundreds of years ago.

What Happened To The Dinosaurs?

Evolutionists use their imagination a lot to answer this question. According to their point of view, the dinosaurs 'ruled' the earth for millions of years and then disappeared millions of years before man made his appearance. Several hypotheses had to come up to explain this mysterious disappearance. When reading the evolution literature, one is amazed by the variety of ideas regarding their alleged extinction. The following is just a small list of theories: the dinosaurs starved to death, or they died from too much food, or they have been poisoned, or they went blind from cataracts and were unable to reproduce, or the mammals ate their eggs. Other causes can be: volcanic dust, toxic gases, commits, Sunspots, meteorites, mass suicide, constipation, parasites, shrunken brain (and other nonsense), the spinal disc that has shifted causing lower back pain, changes in the composition of the air, etc.

It is obvious that evolutionists do not know what happened and therefore try to give any reliable solution. In a recent book on the evolution of dinosaurs, ‘A New Look At the Dinosaurs’('A New Study on Dinosaurs'[N.d.T.]), the author declares: 'Now comes the important question. What caused all these extinctions at a particular time in history, circa 65 millions of years ago? A lot of opinions have been suggested, some serious and reasonable, others quite crazy and others just mockery. New theories emerge every year on this difficult topic. The problem is if we find only one reason to list them all, then they should explain mass death, both terrestrial and marine animals. In both cases, only a few of those who 'inhabited' the land and the sea were saved. But unfortunately there is no explanation (Alan Charig pag.150).

There really would be an explanation. If you stray from the pattern of evolution and get rid of the millions of years and take the Bible seriously, you will find an explanation that fits the facts, making sense of it. At the time of the Flood, many marine animals died, but some survived. Furthermore, all the land animals left outside the Ark died, but the representatives of those species that survived in the Ark, they lived in the new world after the Flood. Those animals (including dinosaurs), they found that world very different from the one before. Many species of animals then later died from: 1) for the competition of food because there was no longer an abundance of it , 2) other disasters, 3) the man who hunted for food (maybe even for fun), 4) the destruction of the habitat, etc. Dinosaurs also went extinct. In fact, many animals became extinct every year and extinction seems to have been the rule in the history of the earth (and not the formation of new species, as you would expect from evolution).

We Will Never See A Living Dinosaur?

The answer is probably no……….but there are scientists who argue that some dinosaurs may have survived in remote jungles. Even today we are discovering new species of animals and plants in areas that were inaccessible until recently. In some countries there are aborigines, who have described animals that resemble dinosaurs. Creationists wouldn't be surprised at all if someone found a living dinosaur. In this way, evolutionists should then explain the reason for their authoritative statements, that is, man and dinosaurs never lived in the same era. They would say that the reason a dinosaur survived is because it has remained in a remote and unspoiled area for millions of years.. So it doesn't matter what is found, or how embarrassing it is for evolutionists, for they will always find a way to give an answer, as evolution is a theory. It is not a science or a fact !!

What Lessons Can We Learn From Dinosaurs?

When we see the bones that belonged to dinosaurs, the first thing that comes to mind is that death was not part of God's original plan, but it became when Adam, the first man, disobeyed the divine will. The Bible tells that, since we are descended from Adam, we are all sinners : 'Therefore, as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, thus death spread to all men, because everyone has sinned '(Romans 5:12); 'Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God' (Romans 3:23).We must recognize that the wickedness in the world was the consequence of that sin, that is, man's rebellion against God.

Plus God, creator of all things, including dinosaurs, he is also the judge of His Creation. He punished Adam's rebellion by 'cursing' the world with death. Adam knew what the consequences would be if he disobeyed God, eating the fruit of the tree of life. 'But don't eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, because on the day you eat it, for sure you will die (Genesis 2:17).

Dinosaurs also remind us that God judged man’s rebellion in Noah’s time by destroying, with the Flood, the corruption of mankind, with the death of millions of living beings. And He, as the Bible says, he will come again to judge the world, but next time with fire: 'Now the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; on that day the skies will screech by, the elements will dissolve consumed by the heat and the earth and the works that are in it will be burned ' (2a Epistle of Peter 3:10).

But after this judgment there will be a new heaven and a new earth: ‘But we, according to his promise, we look forward to new heavens and a new earth, in which justice dwells'(2a Epistle of Peter 3:13). What life will be like in the new land? 'And God will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death, neither grief nor cry nor fatigue, because the former things have passed away ' (Apocalypse 21:4).

But we also know that many will not be given the new land, but they will suffer for eternity: ‘But for the cowards, the unbelievers, the unclean, the murders, i fornicatori, the wizards, idolaters and all liars, their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death ' (Apocalypse 21:8).

The men, who are sinners from conception, they cannot live with a holy God, but they are condemned to remain separate from God. But God has provided and given us the means to free us from sin. The Bible says that God offered the perfect sacrifice the world needed to free man from sin. The Son of God, the one who created the world (Epistle of the apostle Paul to Colossesi 1:16), came to earth as a descendant of Adam, becoming a man, to die and free us from sin. 'But now Christ has been raised from the dead, and it is the first fruits of those who sleep. Indeed, as death came through a man, comes also through a man also came the resurrection of the dead. Why, how everyone dies in Adam, thus all will be vivified in Christ ' (1a Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians 15:20-22).

Jesus Christ died on the cross, but on the third day he rose again, overcoming death, so are those who believe in him and accept him in their own life, they return to Him and live with the Creator for eternity. 'Because God loved the world so much, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him may not perish, but have eternal life ' (Second Gospel Giovanni 3:16); 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all iniquity ' (1a Epistle of Giovanni 1:9).

Those who have no faith and do not accept Christ's sacrifice and do not recognize themselves as sinners and in need of redemption, the Bible warns them that they will live forever apart from God, in a place called Hell. But those who entrust their lives to the Lord, our great Savior becomes a wonderful gift, it is salvation in Christ the Creator!

di Ken Ham

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