The Marian messages from God?

messages_shtml_34bfd0ce[1]The Marian messages are intended to distance us from God because they go against his Word. Who appears is not Mary of the Bible. Who hides behind the apparitions, per be credible, he uses the cross and Christ and says he is sent by him, but then he commands to build sanctuaries for his person, he declares himself “ark of salvation of humanity” and orders to recite rosaries (pagan practices that of counting prayers and numbers) and to pray to her directly and declares herself QUEEN OF HEAVEN, QUEEN OF PEACE, QUEEN OF THE WORLD, QUEEN OF ALL PEOPLES, QUEEN OF THE NATIONS. All attributes that belong only to Jesus. And there is also talk in Revelation of the unmasking of the one who declared herself Queen of the nations by deceiving the people of the elect, but go and see what a bad end it will make, together with all those who followed her.

Marian worship and Christianity cannot go hand in hand, they are two completely opposite things that cancel each other out. It cannot be claimed to be “Christians” and at the same time worshiping a divinity other than God (Exodus 20).

Here is what the PRESUMED Madonna says in the apparitions (I mention very few):

ONLY I CAN STILL SAVE YOU from the approaching calamities. Those who put their trust in me, will be saved.”

But the Bible says this:

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer; my God, my cliff where I take refuge, my shield, MY POWERFUL SAVIOR, my high shelter. O my Savior, you save me from violence! I called upon the Lord who is worthy of all praise and was saved from my enemies (2 Samuele 22:2-4).

Another message from Our Lady of Fatima:

“Jesus wishes to establish in the world a devotion to my Immaculate Heart [Lucia remembered that in front of the palm of the right hand of the Madonna, there was a heart surrounded by thorns that seemed to have pierced like nails. We understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary outraged by the sins of humanity, for which there must be compensation”. (Our Lady of Fatima)

But the Bible says this:

Jesus, after offering a single sacrifice for sins, and forever, he sat on the right hand of God, and he waits only for his enemies to be placed as a footstool. Now, where there is forgiveness of these things, THERE IS NOT’ MORE NEED OFFER FOR SIN(Jews 10:12-14, 18).

Our Lady gave a message to Ida Peerdeman in Holland on 29 April 1951:

“The world is degenerating so much that it was necessary for the Father and the Son to send me into the world, among all peoples, to be THEIR LAWYER AND SAVE THEM

But the Bible, which is eternal and never changes, dice:

“And if anyone has sinned, we have A LAWYER TO THE FATHER: JESUS’ CHRIST THE RIGHT. He is the propitiatory sacrifice for our sins and not just ours, but also those from all over the world (1 Giovanni 2:1-2)

And anyone who dares to make changes to Scripture (the spirit of the apparition) he commits sin and God's judgment will be upon him.

“But even if we or an angel from heaven preached to you a different gospel from the one we preached to you, be anathema“.(Galati 1:8)

The entity incites idolatry

“As a mother I want to tell you that I am here with you, REPRESENTED BY THE STATUE YOU HAVE HERE. EACH OF MY STATUES AND’ SIGN OF ONE OF MY PRESENCES and reminds you of our heavenly mother. SO IT MUST BE ONIRATED AND PLACED IN PLACES OF GREATER VENERATION (THE STATUE!) you should look at every image of your heavenly mother with love”. Message to Father Gobbi.

But the Bible:

“As you saw no figure on the day the Lord spoke to you in Horeb from the fire, take good care of yourself, lest you get corrupted and make some sculptures, the representation of some idol, THE FIGURE OF A MAN OR A WOMAN… and also so that you do not feel attracted to PROSTRATE BEFORE THOSE THINGS AND TO OFFER THEM A WORSHIP“. (Deuteronomy 4:15-16, 19)

In addition to idolatry then, the apparition encourages her followers to completely consecrate their lives to her. In ancient times, swearing or taking a vow to a God meant consecrating oneself to that same God.

Beloved children, today you are gazing into the immaculate splendor of your Heavenly Mother. I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the only creature free from every stain of sin, even from the original one. I am the magnificent. (message to Father Gobbi, 8 December 1989).

the Bible:

But Scripture has enclosed everything under sin, so that the goods promised on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ were given to believers (Galati 3:22)

Nobody is good, except one, that is God (Luca 18:19)

The apparition declares herself to be COREDENTRICE and MEDIATRICE together with Jesus

In the message the 31 May 1954, the Feast of Mary Mediatrix of all graces, Kunzli:

Once again I'm here. The CO-REDEEMER, the Mediator and the Advocate stand before you. I chose it this day: on this day the Lady will be crowned. Listen well, theologians and apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ: I have given you the explanation of the dogma. Operate and demand this dogma. You will have to petition the Holy Father for NEW DOGMA… In this date, “the Lady of All Nations” will receive its official title of “Lady of All Nations”.

In recent years the pope has received more than 4 million and a half signatures to declare this dogma gives 157 countries including by Mother Teresa of Calcutta, more than 500 bishops and several cardinals of the Vatican. And it is not so often that the faithful ask the pope to make an infallible declaration.

Even if the dogma has not yet been declared, even if I assume you are missing a little, Maria for Catholicism it is co-redemptrix, this is what they teach in the books intended for the seminary of priests and clerics:

MARIA IS’ CORREDENTRICE OF HUMANITY. Maria “depending on Christ, but as the only principle with him, it cooperated in the objective redemption and therefore it was true co-redemptrix … depending on Jesus, but as the only principle with him, satisfied for all the sins of humanity, he paid God the price of our deliverance, he earned all the graces for men, crying (in its own way) God with his voluntary and necessary contribution to the sacrifice of the cross” (Pasquale Lorenzin, Dogmatic theology, 1968, once. 499-500).

Again in this message in San Nicolas in Argentina, she declares herself the mother of all and the Ark of Salvation:

“My daughter, in this time I am the Ark for all your brothers! I am the Ark of Peace, I am the Ark of salvation, the Ark my children must enter, if they wish to live in the Kingdom of God”.

He therefore says that she is the only mediator and if the faithful want to save themselves they must enter her Ark, thus completely contrasting what the Bible says about the figure of Jesus Christ:

In no other is salvation; for there is no other name under heaven given to men, by which we must be saved“. (proceedings 4:12)

In the message to Father Gobbi from 14 June 1980 once again declares herself to be MEDIATOR and CORREDENTRICE:

“As long as I am recognized where the Holy Trinity wanted me to be, I will not be able to fully exercise my power in the maternal work of co-redemption and mediation of grace… Children let yourselves be transformed by my powerful action as a Mother, Mediatrix of Grace and Co-redemptrix”

The Bible clearly states that the only mediator between God and men is Christ:

In fact there is only one God and also one mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus man (1Timoteo 2:5)

and one redeemer, there are no other redeemers, as Jesus himself said:

I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me” (Giovanni 14:6)

And to conclude a blasphemy message where the apparition declares itself related to the divine Trinity (message to Bruno Cornacchiola, Three Fountains):

I am she who is related to the Divine Trinity, I am the virgin of Revelation

God said he was the only one and that no one would come after him, and practically what is in Scripture is definitive:

Before me no God was formed, and after me, there will be none (Isaiah 43:10)

I am the alpha and the omega, he who is, which was and which is to come, the Almighty (Apocalypse 1:8).

What to say then? Marian messages tend to belittle God's Words and make God a liar, they tend to add more to Sacred Scripture, sometimes to add others to distort the whole meaning of Christ's sacrifice and redemption.

A good test this, which makes us understand that the messages are anything but divine in nature. God does not send an apparition at the end of time to overturn what he has said so far in his Word, rather, warns us not to believe in the apparitions, to signs and wonders, because they are typical of the last times and are the work of the devil, who also disguises himself as an angel of light, who knows the Holy Scriptures well and, mixing them with his pagan doctrines, it leads us to bring ourselves to Him.

Those such are false apostles, fraudulent workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. No wonder it is, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness; their end will be according to their works. (2Corinthians 11:14-15)

Then, if someone tells you: “The Christ is here”, or: “And the”, do not believe it; because they will arise false christs and false prophets, and they shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch, if it were possible, even the elect. (Matteo 24:24)

The apparition then says, which has not yet revealed itself to the whole world and which will reveal itself in the end, what has to hide then? If it is true that it was Mary of the Bible, why should it ever be revealed again?

We should think first of all, on Scripture and then on all these things, so as not to fall into Satan's deception!

And you can't tell “These messages are not approved by the Church and these are”. The apparition has a single matrix, the devil is deceiver, use truth mixed with lies to distract from Scripture, who knows well and uses it to deceive. If the apparition said “I am Satan, adore me and pray to me!” what believers would do? Satan, how he deceived in the form of a snake by letting sin enter the world, continues to deceive even today before the return of Christ, bringing so many people away from him even if in good faith. Jesus wants us to know Scripture and urges us to investigate it so as not to fall into error.