The dead see us and listen to us?

Fabio from heaven speaks to me, and I write. After the death of my son, I have published two books, selling 250 thousand copies: now the third comes out“. With lots of “divine map of how to get miracles”.

Giacomo Arigò talks about his series of books – entitled “The Most Beautiful Story” – to the weekly Today (November 2015). He is a father who tragically lost his 26-year-old son, Fabio, for a lymphoma.
At a certain point“, tells, “I began to interpret some singular coincidences as messages sent to me by my son; but the real turning point came later 14 months: a friend introduced me to Genni, a mother of a family who gives 15 years he speaks with the afterlife“.
Both the book and the Arigò site are full of references to biblical verses. But perhaps the Bible does not condemn contact with the dead?

Arigò admits: “In fact, in the Old Testament it is stated that whoever questions the dead is an abomination to the Lord. But, mine, tramite Genni, it is not questioning them: our loved ones do not give us the numbers to win the lotto… we only receive messages that strengthen our faith“. In reality, not even King Saul mentioned in the Bible questioned the dead to win the game; rather, he called upon the prophet Samuel for guidance in a time of need, yet the Bible cites it as an example of God's condemnation of anyone who comes into contact with the dead.

Arigò claims that “in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus says: whoever works for me is never against me“. But Jesus was speaking of the living, and more precisely of people who publicly recognized Him as Savior but were not part of the group of the twelve most intimate disciples. Anyway, the important thing to remember is that Jesus' teaching on the afterlife does not allow contact between the living and the dead (read for example Luca 16:19-31). And it couldn't be otherwise, since Jesus himself reiterated that not even a’ apostrophe of the Old Testament will pass until heaven and earth have passed. The prohibition of contacting the dead was not a whim of God of the past, but it is a commandment that the Lord has established for our own good, so that we are not deceived by Satan, “for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light”.

To answer the question asked at the beginning, therefore, I want to remind you that when the Bible says that the dead know nothing (Eccl. 9:5), it means that they no longer know what happens on earth, nor what happens to their relatives, brothers, sisters, etc. In the book of Job, for example, it is said about the wicked who dies that “if his children rise in honor, he ignores it; if they fall into contempt, he does not see it” (Giob. 14:21).

The dead therefore know nothing about us and cannot even be contacted, please, or evoked (note). Let us remember that consulting the dead for the living is a practice condemned by God's Word (cf.. Lev. 19:31; Deut. 18:9-12) and that Saul, for having practiced it, was made to die by God (cf.. 1 Cron. 10:13).

As it is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah: “It was seen if it says: 'Consult those who evoke spirits and diviners, those who whisper and whisper, answer: 'A people must not consult their God? He will turn to the dead for the benefit of the living?’ To the law! To the testimony! If the people don't talk like that, there will be no dawn for him. He will wander around the country, heartbroken, hungry; and when he gets hungry, will be irritated, he will curse his king and his God. He will look up, he will turn it towards the earth, and here, he will see nothing but distress, darkness, darkness full of anguish, and will be driven into deep darkness” (Is. 8:19-22).