I Santi, Priests and popes: common mortal men

pope-rio-copacaban_2629346b[1]Jesus said,:

“Don't call anyone on earth your father, because only one is your Father, what is in heaven.”
(Matteo 23:9)

Why do we address priests with the word “Father” it's still, because there is the figure of the Pope which means precisely “Father”?

The scriptures say:

“Worship the Lord your God and only worship him”(Matteo 4:10)

Now if we want to climb the mirrors and justify the sin of idolatry that God condemns in the second commandment, deliberately abolished from the Catholic catechism, let's do it as well, but if we want to be sure that we are only serving the Lord we should be careful to justify such practices that go against God's will.

The Second Commandment says:

“Don't make yourself sculpture, nor any image of the things that are up there in heaven or down here on earth or in the waters under the earth. Do not bow down to them and do not serve them, why me, the Sir, your God, I am a jealous God; I punish the iniquity of fathers over their children up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, and use goodness, up to the thousandth generation, towards those who love me and keep my commandments.”(Exodus 20:4-6)

Here the Lord says everything!

In early Christianity these things did not exist and such practices were condemned as pagan. The apostles did not allow believers to kneel before them as the pope now allows. Who would he be? Heavenly Father?

One day a Roman centurion, immensely grateful to the apostle Peter for having received from him the message of the salvation of the Gospel, she knelt in front of him to thank him, but Peter made him stand up, saying: “Get up, I am also a man” (proceedings 10:25-26).

Prostrate before a man, even if it were a spiritually exalted person, it is an act of idolatry that the Gospel condemns.

Another apostle, Giovanni, when he received extraordinary heavenly visions and communications from a mighty angel of God, could not resist falling at the feet of the latter to worship him, but the heavenly creature told him: “Beware of doing it, I am a fellow member of yours and your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus. Adora Dio!” (You 18:1, 19:10).
But how come there are members of the religious world who accept bows, reverences, foot and hand kisses? And why so many people even kneel in front of statues, images and relics?
Unfortunately these things are passed off as forms of Christian worship but they are nothing but villains acts of idolatry.