As Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses claim to fix the times, but it should be apparent, from past interpretations of some of them, come, making inaccurate reference to dates and possible meanings of biblical prophecies, you can get whatever you want out of it. Certainly there were great differences in interpretation and all according to them, try the bible. Russell, without biblical validity, proclaimed that Christ had invisibly returned to the world in 1874 (the Adventists had said this had happened in 1845) that the first resurrection had taken place in 1878 and that in October of 1914 all governments existing at that date would have been overthrown in the battle of Armagheddon. His followers indeed, as we all know, they were all ready for the imminent end of the world. But Russell died two years later and Rutherford, while continuing to support the importance of the October date 1914, he gave a different interpretation. Jehovah's Witnesses are now taught that Christ's second coming invisible (or presence), it did not happen in 1874, but that he was placed on the throne of the spiritual Jerusalem in 1914. Rutherford said that the following period would be the "time of the end", with the final act of the battle of Armagheddon which would take place shortly. Another important date proclaimed by Rutherford was the 1918, year in which he claimed the first resurrection took place, instead of in 1878 as Russell said, and Christ entered his spiritual temple to begin the purification. It was then stated that the three and a half years between 1914 and the 1918, corresponded to the lapse of time between Jesus' baptism and the purification made by him of the temple in Jerusalem and which Malachi had prophesied by saying: «And immediately the Lord… he will enter his temple " (Malachi 3: 1). The dates of 1914 e 1918, they are completely devoid of this meaning for anyone who does not blindly accept all the doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses. Later, others were proclaimed important because Rutherford declared them fulfillment of prophecies.
The calculation made by Jehovah's Witnesses on the age of the world and on the years that have elapsed since the creation of man is indispensable to their way of setting the dates and it does not seem to bother them in the least that others, who also claim to guess the dates of the Bible, including the Jews, have come to completely different results from theirs. They claim that each of the six days in which God created the world lasted for seven thousand years, forming a period of forty-two thousand years before the creation of man.. (Scientists agree that the world is older). They then say that God's rest has lasted for about six thousand years (5981 years at all 1953) *, and it will end in the Millennium, that is, at the time of Christ's reign on earth which will last a thousand years. Although these ideas and dates are necessary for the Jehovah's Witness system, however, they cannot be biblically proven. Bible scholars are by no means certain about the date of Adam's creation, nor is Scripture clear about it, so that opinions diverge. Furthermore, it is certain that human beings with a certain degree of civilization lived in Egypt and Iraq long before the time that Jehovah's Witnesses indicate as that of the creation of mankind..
The general attitude of Jehovah's Witnesses towards prophecies and the times is contrary to all experience. The prophecies were given for comfort, especially during persecutions, and to strengthen the faith after the realization of their fulfillment and not so much to reveal the future. A little later in time, when we can look back on unfulfilled prophecies, we will note that all the different interpretations we gave in this regard were wrong and that their fulfillment took place in a different way from that foreseen. This has always been the case, but Jehovah's Witnesses are sure of what will happen as if God had offered them a preview with a film of a movie. Their way, indeed, to describe future events is just like a movie, unreal like a dream. But still nothing has so far predicted that others have acknowledged having occurred.
And indeed, when some of Russell's predictions proved wrong, Rutherford changed them in posthumous publications of his works.
dear readers knowing the tdg because I live with my relatives tdg,I can assure you that here sn written only nonsense do not believe it
Can you please explain to me what the truth is?
At least I get a more complete idea!
Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the millennium, they confuse it with the eternal kingdom. they say that at the end of the present era they will return to live on earth to lead the life they did before, but without disease, crime and natural disasters. obvious that in the eternal kingdom these last times 3 there will be no, but they won't be able to live the life they did here, Jesus made it clear that there would be no marriage or family, that all will be like angels and angels will not reproduce, They are different, once we have passed away we will no longer have the same soul or the same body. and no one can guess the date of the second coming of Jesus, nor Jehovah's Witnesses (their leaders to say the least, because the mere members of the halls of the kingdom, people in good faith on what is imparted to them, they know nothing if the former do not indoctrinate them, for this I think that the inventors of this religion are responsible but the members who adhere are not to blame that they are taught a wrong doctrine)nor anyone else. Jesus said to watch because no one knows the day and time when the Son of Man will come., neither the angels nor the Son himself know it but only the Father. no date is therefore valid, who gives a date gives only human speculations but the Bible is clear about it. no one knows yet some persist, like the prophecy of 2015 obviously wrong like the others, unfortunately there are those who want to guess. as for the 6 days of creation the various churches are divided, there are those who say that it was days of 24 ore, who says it was longer periods, but this is a question that does not contaminate faith like the other on guessing the date of the second coming of Jesus since it is clearly written that he himself does not know it.. and if Jesus does not know it, the angels and even less human beings who are only dust certainly have no right to know it.. but as for the 6 days of creation I think the research on this point is very interesting and a believer who is also a scientist will be lucky enough to do some good research. best wishes! I hope at least in part I have helped you
Milla, I realize that on this site there is nothing but bad news about the Pentecostals, and I don't understand why all the things that are attributed to the movement, not even one is true to me, now I haven't toured all the Pentecostal churches in the world, but the one where I trained and all the ones I saw in Calabria, they did not preach what Christian Faith says, I've never seen a shepherd in a trance (I don't know if you spell it like this), even when I pray in tongues I'm not in that state, I am dedicated to prayer but present in everything that is next to me and surrounds me I am not in (demise) none of what Christian Faith says, I've never seen them.
It happened that people fell to the ground and squirmed, but they were always people who had just approached the faith, that if you then inquired into their past they had committed truly Ugly sins, for example, I remember two wizards who converted, who were always on the ground, but they said they were possessed, but this lasted a few months,then they raised their hands and prayed and praised like everyone else.
I spoke to a deacon today and brought him the story of the loss of salvation that I heard on this site, and denied me everything that is not our doctrine, certainly if a person, he turns away from the faith and commits every series of sins by living in debauchery, it is normal that he loses his salvation.
However he told me and I repeat my church is ecumenical, that apart from the doctrine of predestination, and Spiritual gifts, we believe perfectly in the same things with Protestants.
This I hear on this site, it's taking away my peace, but I run the risk I have to investigate, I will go to Catanzaro and I will go to the Protestant leaders, that I know them all, and I want it to be Pentecostal theologians With so many degrees, than the Protestant ones, also very titled, they explain to me once and for all the differences on the doctrines. At the first ecumenical meeting I go down and do it, why at this point, I am reminded that since I was trained in biblical study and concepts by the Waldensian pastor, that I am no more Protestant than Pentecostal, even though I believe with all my heart in spiritual gifts and I am so sure that I would throw myself into a fiery furnace sure that God would help me.
The Deacon He told me I shouldn't hit my head against the labels, which from how he knows me I have also supported, but to try to follow Christ Jesus not the doctrines, and I agree with what he says.
But I also want to know if what I have gained with the private study of the bible, is the same as what the movement I am part of preaches.
Here in Genoa, for example, everything is very, very cold, I've never heard of anyone, not even speak in tongues, and they are very peaceful, I believe they have the gifts of the spirit but are very modest in doing, even if I repeat I went there a few times and I don't know them.
The problem of the churches is how the deacon presented me, who often pull up a shutter and build a church, and then they start saying heresies.
however, I got tired of hearing bad things about the Pentecostal movement, because in this way it does nothing but separate Christians, and he shouldn't be talking about Pentecostals in general, but some Pentecostal churches, and they should say that according to them the spiritual gifts have ceased, do not give certainty and criticize things that are beyond their reach. My Pastora whom I admire very much, it is an ark of biblical science, he knew Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek, as well as being a researcher, and as far as she was sure about everything the bible says, and he had a method that amazed you, when I told him I wanted to be with the Pentecostals, because I believe in the gifts of the Spirit, he never told me they had ceased and do not exist, she always told me that for all the studies she did she was in doubt, but he had no certainty, is in doubt, he preferred to discard them without judging those who sought them, and she herself told me that if I had this intention in my heart to go with them without ever losing sight of Christ Jesus.
While here they are given for certain, things that certainties are not tarnishing a movement that converts many people as I have already explained to you days ago.
At this point I feel like saying: Because the Pentecostals are increasing more and more and thanks to this movement more and more people cry Abba Padre, and whole families are converted and cry out to Jesus, as well as those who die in the various missions. While their great pearls of wisdom and biblical knowledge are continually diminishing? All their science and the knowledge that the bible gave them, it serves to criticize those who sacrifice their lives, not behind a PC but on the battlefield?
A hug in Christ. Zuvie
I am well acquainted with all the doctrines of anyone's witnesses, it was just a question asked to the user who claimed that all things written by ChristianFaith are lies, and since he states this, I asked him to let me know what the truth is!
If you notice when I write, I never use witnesses of …., but I always use nobody's witnesses, or watchtower witnesses. But I'm not doing it to tease them, I would absolutely beware of it, the problem is that God says not to take God's name in vain, for he will not leave unpunished whoever takes his name in vain. now he thinks what a pity it can be to call god by a name that is not his and in his name (fake) make false prophecies.
yehowah was the name invented by the Jews not to mention its real name because it was too sacred and too compromising, in addition they did not want to run the risk of naming the name of god in vain and it was very serious, in addition, a mistaken or foolish pronunciation gave him the risk of dying from electrocution on the spot (at least according to Jewish beliefs).then it belonged only to the people of Israel with the old covenant, and the Jews were allowed to say that false name only in the readings but the priests in the temple used the real one when the sacrifices took place.
from the union of yhwh and adonai that is the vowels of adonai (lord) and the consonants of Yhwh came out yehowah, which means nothing, just a way not to make those unauthorized say the name of God.
Now these have taken the trouble to give a personal name to God, that if he chose them the names were never given to him by the others.
In addition with the new covenant I am sure that the name we have is Jesus and father.-
oh, I didn't realize you were talking to Vincenzo, Excuse me! I am afraid that in any case the user Vincenzo has not entered the site anymore in order to reply, but I can tell you that what happens between the chief witnesses and the simple followers seems different, at least from what I see, among my acquaintances simple followers, they know nothing of prophecies (false) by Russel, the founder of that religion. so I doubt if you meet them they will tell you about it, because normally only the bosses know more, perhaps, but not sure, watchtower leaders. who should know more will have to be those who change passages of the Bible at will to make them have the meaning that suits them best and if they do it in bad faith God will not justify them, not a single passage of the Bible can be changed at will. a passage can be interpreted in a different way, but the content cannot be distorted by making it lose its meaning, which is what those who translated the New World Bible did. we have the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), in a single essence, what the witnesses do not enter into their heads. for this and because some of them believe that Jesus is inferior to God they are considered a sect rather than a religion. undermine the essential foundations of Christianity, even if they do so to a lesser extent than Muslims, for which Muhammad is even the figure they are inspired by. greetings in Jesus Christ
They actually re-propose several theories already presented by various heretical groups, i know i am not in bad faith most and i am also convinced, but it also takes character, to how i am i could never submit watchtower, because I am very free, precisely I believe in free will. They could not tell me to read only what the watchtower offers because I read everything I like and sometimes I don't sleep at night because I am very busy with the subject, now I figure they tell me that I have to read only to them. Then I am suspicious by nature and I don't trust man, and also when any pastor explains a concept to me, I won't accept it immediately unless I first do a study on it myself. Now imagine that they change my bible and I don't know about it, or they make me prophecies and I don't know, apart from the fact that often my teaching took place through the originals not the translations, then from the originals I had all the passages they changed, to see if they could have some glimmer of reason, and the result was negative.
Anyway even the Catholics if you take the originals, they changed a sentence on the bible, what concerns the birth of Jesus, where it says :
But he did not know her, until she gave birth to her firstborn son. And she named him Jesus. (Diodati)
and he did not have marital relations with her until she gave birth to a son; and called his name Jesus. (revised)
which, without his knowing it, gave birth to a son, whom he called Jesus.(c.e.i. Jerusalem)
As you can see, the whole meaning changes, only them to give the word to the Marian cult, they modified and changed to their liking.
As for the Muslims, my mother gave me that they are not centered on us because they are Ishmaelites, and from the beginning they have had another different story than us, they too are a people of God, but different from us, a people born by mistake but which God still wanted to keep for other reasons and other purposes. Bo!!!
however when they convert they are like all Christians, However, I am convinced that Jesus will return when we can talk about him in every corner of the earth, because if I talk to a Muslim about Jesus, immediately tries to beat me.
Muslims want to rule the world, of this I am very convinced! I know that the Jewish people are completely different. I know that Muslims come from Ishmael and were born by mistake. God leaves them yes and I think it is precisely for free will because God leaves us free to err,the choices are ours. also’ I do like you, before accepting whatever they say, I study it. surely for you it is easier being able to translate from the originals, without’ other you know ancient greek and l’ Jewish, languages that I don't know. but I'm seeing small differences already reading in Italian, English and Portuguese. I have yet to see Spanish. practically, in the languages I know, which are these here. I saw your friend request, thanks for the trust! I accepted very gladly. I just ask you to apologize if I will no longer be present on the site, at least with the same frequency, but I'm on my way again, maybe I'll start a new job and have to leave again, my life is this a here, perennial sleeping bag! but on returning I will certainly pass by to greet you. God bless you
No milla I studied with the originals but through the professors of Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew, I only know Hebrew very poorly, in my house we speak Italian and Sicilian, my mother knows Hebrew very well, but since my father is Sicilian and we grew up in Sicily with whoever spoke him she was alone! in turn, he didn't teach me it either because then who I was talking to, in addition to the fact that we are not loved by anyone, we are like the plague for many peoples he would have exposed me to infamy and persecution even by many Italians who often swear (jewish bastard) or something like that or just to offend a person they yell at him jew.
just jealous! because the Jews will forever be the chosen people, to several “kind” it just doesn't go down. I have not yet been able to find out if (even if only from the father) I have Jewish roots, I have clues but I'm not entirely sure, yet I would be delighted if I would have the real confirmation, to have Jewish roots! then a true Christian must love everyone and Jews are certainly included, it is right to love and respect them, otherwise the will of God is not done. not fear! I like Jews
ps: I sent you a private message
Milla I don't even know where private messages are read. anyway I give you my private email which is:
you have to go to your profile to see the messages, click on it and look in your inbox, I had done so to send it to you, it should also work for reading
ops, sorry, it was on my profile, click on Milla, something should appear to you