Jezebel behind the Marian apparitions

Jesus warned us twice about an evil woman: in Matteo 13:33 and Apocalypse 2:20-23. In this last passage, Jesus identifies the woman, iezabel, with a false prophetess who seduces her servants by teaching them to commit idolatry:

But I have this against you: You might take acted very che, that woman who claims to be a prophetess and teaches and induces my servants to commit fornication, and to eat meat sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to repent of her fornication. here, I throw her on a bed of pain, and I put those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, if they do not repent of the works she does. I will also put his children to death; and all the churches will know that I am the one who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to each of you according to your works. (Apocalypse 2:20-23)

With the term “fornication” (from the Greek porneuo, what does it mean “idolatry”) in the Bible we refer to “betrayal” towards God. In fact, God often equates idolatry with spiritual adultery, because his people are married to him: “Because your creator is your spouse; his name is the Lord of hosts” (Isaiah 54:5). So Jesus was accusing the Thyatyr church of spiritual fornication, encouraged by Iezabel.

Those who tolerated this spiritual infidelity were as guilty as those who practiced it.

iezabel-bibleThose who study the Bible know Jezabel and know that she is deceitful and evil. Iezabel was the best-known queen of the Old Testament, he led God's people into false religion through the worship of Baal and the Queen of Heaven. He also used his beauty, his seductions in order to make the nation fall into idolatry.

It was indeed fitting that Jesus was referring to the “donna” malignant that was influencing Tiatiri as well as Iezabel. And we must not forget that the Apocalypse, where the defeat of this prostitute will take place, has hundreds of references to all”Old Testament.

Now a comparison can be made between Iezabel and the prostitute of recent times.

But who is this Iezabel? Why she defines herself as a prophetess and how she seduces the servants of the Lord?

Tiatiri comes from two words that mean “sacrifice” e “continuous”; this introduces the central heresy that has produced other false doctrines. That is, the Church of Rome denies the perfectly accomplished work of Christ and believes in a continuous sacrifice that produces things like the sacraments and prayers for the dead; ideas are imposed according to which man must try to earn his salvation with works, penances, indulgences, and many other things conceived by satanic influence and labeled by our Lord in Apocalypse 2:24 come “the depths of Satan”. The choice our Lord made of the title “Son of God” to define himself is very instructive for those in the church of Rome who are inclined to think of Him as al “Son of Mary”. The teaching of the false prophetess Iezabel took two forms: leads the servants of the Lord to commit fornication and leads them to false teachings (idolatry) and to eat meat sacrificed to idols.

Jesus states:

here, I throw her on a bed of pain, and I put those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, if they do not repent of the works she does. (Apocalypse 2:22)

who, our Lord foretells that this church and those who are persuaded to follow its false teachings, they will enter the Great Tribulation when, second Apocalypse 17, it will become the church of the Tribulation.

The Queen of Heaven is definitely the queen of the Roman Catholic Church. It encourages its followers to commit idolatry, but she also claims to be the prophetess of the end times.

A vast sample of Our Lady's messages around the world, it produces a remarkable sense of coherence and logical development. The main issue we need to be aware of is that the warnings come from Mary herself, the Queen of all prophets, the Prophetess of our times. The 22 November 1992 Our blessed Mother declared her role to Father Gobbi very clearly:

With the joy of a mother, who sees herself taken more into consideration and followed by her little children along the road that was indicated to me, as a Prophetess of these last times that you are living in, with my son, Jesus Christ…

Many other quotations from the apparition could be reported, however Marian followers already know that the Queen of Heaven claims to be the Prophetess in the end times.

Mary of the Bible, the mother of Jesus, nothing has to do with Iezabel and with the Marian apparitions that have always existed and that have intensified a lot in recent times. There is only one reason: lei, like all of us humans after death, we do not see and hear what is happening on this world. Single intermediary, if not there in prayer directly to God through Jesus, it is the devil with his following servants who deceives us by leading us away from the Truth of God, as happens to Catholics with Mary and the Saints.