Christianity is for the weak

cbac1e3a767b3c3d_lady-computer.xlarge[1]It seems that in every university setting there is always some atheist ready to argue that: «Christianity is for the weak, it's just a support ".

In these words we find the echo of the famous phrase of Karl Marx: "Religion is the opium of the peoples", according to which Christians are weak people who need something that will enable them to cope with the problems of life. Some use alcohol, others of narcotic substances and others of the “Christianity” to be able to bear this world so difficult.

The truth is, we all need appropriate support to survive in this world. In a sense, we are all incapacitated and in the depths of our being there is the desire for something to support us. The question to ask is: «This support we call “Christianity” has its own validity, or it is something not higher than drugs or alcohol, used to cope with human weaknesses?»

There are specific psychological requirements, like the fear of danger, of illness and death that can lead man to invent a god from which to receive protection. However, there are other psychological needs that can lead him to deny the existence of God. Agnostics and atheists often use their agnosticism and atheism to shirk their responsibilities before God.

An almighty God, onniscient, just and holy, who will judge the world for its sin, he is an extremely imposing figure. It is therefore legitimate to say that some need ideological support to deny the existence of God and lead the life they want, without fearing its judgment.

Aldous Huxley thus explained the phenomenon:

"As far as I'm concerned, the philosophy of insignificance was essentially an instrument of sexual and political liberation ".

The truth of the Christian faith is not founded on psychological needs for or against God. sure, it is possible that Christianity may have started because people needed a spiritual phenomenon to refer to, but the question is not how it could have started, but how it really started. This brings the talk back to what's really important: Christ. It is necessary to "lean" on Christ, or there is the possibility of another "support" for the human race?

Jesus made this concept very clear:

«All those who listen to these words of mine and put them into practice are wise, like a man who builds his house on rock. When it will rain heavily, the water will rise and the storm winds will hit it; this house will not fall, because its foundation is on the rock. But all those who listen to my teachings and do not put them into practice are fools, like a man building his house on sand, because when it rains, the flood and storm winds will hit this house, it will collapse » (Matteo 7:24-27).

We could ask: "There really is some reason why man needs Christ?»The Word of God teaches that man is a sinner by nature, and needs a Savior, which can only be Jesus Christ.

Just as a lamp needs electricity to work, likewise man, to "function" correctly it needs Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus Christ that man can enter into a relationship with God, its Creator.