The Bible of Scofield

Cyrus Scofield was a lawyer from Tennessee who lived in 800. then he became, after leading a life devoted to worldly pleasures, including the alcohol, minister.

The Bible of Scofield, first published in 1909 (now sold as The First Bible Scofield), with the revision of the 1917 which is still produced and sold by Oxford University Press, It is probably as you know, the most widely used among the bibles Shot. Essentially it has become “in fundamentalism manual” in many circles. It is published in various formats. The original is based on the King James Version.

It was produced in an update 1967 and it is called the New Scofield Bible Studio (the New Scofield Study Bible). Scofield Bibles include the notes of the review of 1967.

The Scofield Bible is the most widely read in the Anglo-Saxon world.


Over thirty years of study and use of the Scriptures, as a pastor, teacher, writer and lecturer on biblical themes, the author of this edition of the Bible has the conviction, grown over the years, that the various editions of the Word of God can be excellent and useful, but also present gaps. Progressively, the different elements designed to facilitate the study and wise use of the Bible became increasingly clear to his mind. Nell’ operates this, the author has attempted to bring together these different elements, after securing the collaboration of spiritual men from the United States and Britain, experts in the use and teaching of the Bible, with satisfactory results that others can now appreciate.

(who, con i numeri romani da I a XI, Scofield lists the characteristics of the edition 1909. We omit these paragraphs and replace them with more detailed guidance published in the introduction of the edition 1967, from points to points VI VII).

The author does not confer any special merit. Other servants of God worked and he joined in their work. During the second half of the nineteenth century, many men of faith and scholars from various countries and various denominations of the Church have been studying the Word of God. They have carried out their work benefiting from increasingly refined Bible translations; their works have produced a large number of documents, unfortunately inaccessible to many of God's servants. This is why the author has taken the modest and delicate task to summarize, assemble and condense this abundant material.

The commitment has been finalized thanks to the advice and collaboration of an Advisory Committee, whose members have offered their time and expertise in the knowledge of the Scriptures. However it is necessary to point out that only the author is responsible for the final form of annotations and definitions. He also wishes to thank the many scholars and brothers in Christ in Europe and America, whose numerous suggestions have been invaluable. Among them should be mentioned Professor James Barillet, the Faculty of Theology of Lausanne, i professori Sayce e Margoliouth di Oxford, Mr. Walter Scott, eminent scholar, and Professor C. R. Erdrnan, Princeton.

Finally, the author expresses his deep gratitude to those who with a generous material assistance have allowed the preparation of this work for years and too many trips to the biblical teaching centers abroad. ­

duly completed this work is now consecrated to the service and glory of the God of love and holiness which has manifested His marvelous grace in Jesus Christ.