Biblical science and theology
Natural scientists study the universe, theologians biblical revelation. Now, if the universe and the Bible both come from the same source, there is no reason for the theologian to fear confronting the natural sciences, because both should necessarily lead to God, in that he is the Creator of the universe and at the same time he is the One who inspired the biblical writers., many times, there are profound contradictions between the statements of theologians and those of men of science. One wonders why this happens. Theology and natural sciences are human interpretations, researches and investigations done by men, trying to do their best, but what, being limited as men, in their way of understanding the universe and the biblical message they can certainly make mistakes.
The scientist also needs faith
The famous physicist M. Planck brilliantly lays out the reasons why a scientist needs to have faith. “By refining our image of the world we are really getting a few steps closer to knowing nature?… Suppose we have found a physical image of the world that satisfies all needs, that is, that it can represent in a perfectly exact way all the natural laws found empirically. It cannot be demonstrated in any way that that image is similar, even only roughly to the real nature… An intuition of the world is never scientifically demonstrable, but it is equally certain that it unwaveringly resists every storm as long as it remains in agreement with itself and with the data of experience”.
In the Holy Scriptures there is no mention of shapeless matter
One of the most frequently asked questions that people of all time have asked themselves is that relating to the origin of the universe. This question is crucial, because how you respond to it depends on the meaning and orientation you want to give to your life. Many religions of the past have thought that at the beginning of being and becoming there was chaos. There are many mythical representations with which we tried to represent him: the abyss, the night, darkness, etc.. For the Greeks, at first there was a shapeless matter which was then modeled, molded by the demiurge transforming it into the cosmos. For the Holy Scriptures God created from nothing (creation from nothing) “the heavens and the earth,” this expression that indicates the universe. In the New Testament to indicate the created, the creation, the word fysis is never used, nature, ma la parola greca ktisis, the creation, creation. The universe is not a cosmos, which is governed and governed by its own laws, independent and separate from God. The heavens and the earth depend on the Eternal, just as later the life of the people of Israel will depend on him.
Two tales of creation
There are two complementary accounts of creation in the Holy Scriptures. In what is found in the first chapter of Genesis and in the first three verses of the second chapter, God is presented as the one who gives rise to all things with a simple act of his will, expressed by means of the word. The second tale, found in the second chapter of Genesis, gives us further details of creation. God forms man with the same elements that make up the earth, then it creates and introduces into man the energy that gives him life and transforms him into a living being. It gave, then, he places him in a beautiful garden with his partner. They have all that is needed to be happy.
No form of myth is found in biblical cosmogony
Biblical cosmogony is simple, but at the same time profound. Contrary to many other religious cosmogonies of the past, no fabulous characters are found in it, nor absurd and imaginary things, completely unreal. We don't read, for example, in the Bible, that the Earth was born from a huge egg, nor that it is over the shoulders of an elephant, nor similar things. While the Greeks see the divine power in the cosmic law and therefore introduce divinity into the cosmic Whole, for Old Testament thinking God is outside the world. He “he has raised his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over everything” (Salmo 103:19). The idea of the transcendence of God finally becomes explicit in the inconceivable statement for Greek thought, of a creation from nothing” (R. Bultmann).
Two different readings of the first chapter of Genesis
Some believe the earth, the moon and the stars are only a few thousand years old and that the radiometric data observed today are the result of the fact that the earth was created with an apparent age. The apparent age of inorganic matter and the various stages in which the stars are observed, would be due to the power of God. This, But, involves the problem of knowing why God should deceive us into seeing things that do not exist and why he considers it necessary to change the speed of light. “to address the problem assumes that elemental inorganic matter existed on planet earth before the creation of life on it… The reasoning is the following: The first verse identifies God as the Creator, without any consideration of when the creation process took place. The second verse seems to identify the earth before the creative week as formless, that is, without a specific organization and empty, that is, without inhabitants ... In addition, we could add the fact that in the Scriptures there is no reference in the creative week that refers to the creation of water and minerals that make up the dry earth (the dry land then called earth appears on the third day). The only reference made to their creation is 'in principle'. It seems possible then that the inorganic elementary matter is not linked to a limited age as is living matter”. […]”Initially there was the creation of the earth's non-living primordial matter and its solar system approximately 4,5 billions of years ago. A time later of this primordial creation, God decided to create all living organisms for six days of 24 ore” (C. L. Webster).
The biblical account of creation
Some exegetes suggest that the writer of the first chapter presents the events that took place on planet Earth as if they had been observed by an imaginary character who, lying on the surface of the planet, could have observed the situation in which the Earth was before the beginning of the creative week and could have followed the events that occurred during the first six days. The biblical account of creation can be divided into five parts:
Genesis 1:1: the creation of “heaven and earth”.
Genesis 1:2: description of the situation in which the planet Earth was, at the beginning of the creative week.
Genesis 1:3-13: the arrival of light on the surface of the planet and the preparation of habitats for animals and humans.
Genesis 1:14-31: the stars can be seen from the earth, training of animals and humans.
Genesis 2:1-3 the Sabbath rest.
The story of Genesis 1 opens with a general declaration which clarifies the origin of the universe. Here is the text: “In the beginning [berescit] he created [barà] It gave [Elohim] and cuts [eth hassciamayim] e [weth] the earth [hair sc]” (Genesis 1:1).The Genesis account begins with words: “In the beginning”. When the creation of the heavens and the earth happened? The Bible has no creation date.[…]What God did in the beginning? God created. The verb used here in the original Hebrew is barà. The use of the verb barà is limited. It is used exclusively to indicate divine action and expresses the creative action of God (creation from nothing), which is incomparably different from the production action of men who can only form objects using pre-existing material.? God created “the heavens and the earth”. This expression indicates the universe, as well as we see that it is used in Deuteronomy 30:19, where God calls “heaven and earth” to testify against the people of Israel.
“And the earth was formless and empty and darkness covered the face of the abyss and the spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters” (Genesis 1:2).Genesis 1:2 describes the situation in which planet Earth was when God began to organize the planet so that it could receive life.The Hebrew words tohu and vohu are translated in Luzzi's version “shapeless and empty”, but it would be better to translate them “deserted and empty.” They indicate that the land was deserted, that is, lifeless and empty, unformed, nor chaotic. The concept of chaos is a concept of Greek thought and not of the Bible.[…]The text says that “darkness covered the face of the abyss (Tehom)”. The psalmist speaking of the situation the earth was in when God began his work on the planet says: “You covered it with the abyss (Tehom) as in a garment, the waters had stopped on the mountains” (Salmo 104:6).”That [la Tehom], in the Bible, free from any mythological fantasy, was identified… with the concept of the ocean” (P. E. Head).[…]The light, not being able to cross the waters of the abyss, it did not reach the surface of the earth. The Spirit of God moved upon the waters.
Genesis 1:3-13
After describing the situation in which the planet Earth was, we move on to describe the eight events that follow one another, by order of God, in the first six days. The story is divided into two parts. Four occur in the first three days and four in the three following days.On the first day the light reached the surface of the planet Earth. “And God said: 'Let there be light!’ And the light was. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light 'day', and the darkness 'night'. So it was evening and morning: it was the first day” (Genesis 1:3-5).
On the first day God said: 'Let there be light!On the first day God said. The light, On the first day God said, On the first day God said? On the first day God said, On the first day God said, On the first day God said. E’ On the first day God said, On the first day God said, On the first day God said, On the first day God said, On the first day God said, then, On the first day God said, On the first day God said, On the first day God said. On the first day God said (the so-called 'Occam's razor') according to which “entities must not be multiplied unless necessary”. In other words, if there are two hypotheses, one complicated and another simpler to explain a phenomenon, it is necessary to choose the simplest hypothesis, the writer clearly describes the effects that only sunlight could produce on the planet's surface. As soon as the sunlight reached the surface of the Earth, half of the planet exposed to the sun's rays was illuminated, while the other remained in darkness. The rotation of the earth, then, it allowed the sunlight to gradually illuminate the other part of the earth's surface. As the planet rotated on its axis, the sunlight was setting and rising, illuminating all parts of the earth, illuminating all parts of the earth (illuminating all parts of the earth) illuminating all parts of the earth (illuminating all parts of the earth) illuminating all parts of the earth. illuminating all parts of the earth. illuminating all parts of the earth. illuminating all parts of the earth (illuminating all parts of the earth, illuminating all parts of the earth, illuminating all parts of the earth, illuminating all parts of the earth) illuminating all parts of the earth. illuminating all parts of the earth[…]”illuminating all parts of the earth… When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day” (E. G. White).
When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. “When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day . And so it was… When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day” (Genesis 1: 6-8).When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, the men, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, which means 'render solid', which means 'render solid'. which means 'render solid', which means 'render solid' (which means 'render solid', which means 'render solid') which means 'render solid' (which means 'render solid', which means 'render solid').
which means 'render solid': which means 'render solid'. “When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: which means 'render solid', which means 'render solid'. And so it was… When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: which means 'render solid', which means 'render solid', according to their species, which means 'render solid', which means 'render solid'. And so it was. which means 'render solid'. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: and it was the third day”.and it was the third day: 1) and it was the third day, and it was the third day, and it was the third day, and it was the third day; 2) and it was the third day, and it was the third day, and it was the third day; 3) and it was the third day. and it was the third day. and it was the third day. and it was the third day; and it was the third day (and it was the third day) and it was the third day, and it was the third day (kind, for example).
Genesis 1:14-31
On the fourth day we talk about the stars, On the fourth day we talk about the stars, On the fourth day we talk about the stars. “When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: On the fourth day we talk about the stars; On the fourth day we talk about the stars; On the fourth day we talk about the stars. And so it was. On the fourth day we talk about the stars: On the fourth day we talk about the stars, On the fourth day we talk about the stars, On the fourth day we talk about the stars; On the fourth day we talk about the stars… which means 'render solid'. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day” (Genesis 1:14-19).On the fourth day we talk about the stars, But, On the fourth day we talk about the stars, as it happens today when the sky is cloudy. as it happens today when the sky is cloudy.
as it happens today when the sky is cloudy. “When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: as it happens today when the sky is cloudy, as it happens today when the sky is cloudy. as it happens today when the sky is cloudy… as it happens today when the sky is cloudy… When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: as it happens today when the sky is cloudy”(Genesis 1:20-23). as it happens today when the sky is cloudy, as it happens today when the sky is cloudy, as it happens today when the sky is cloudy. as it happens today when the sky is cloudy. Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters.
Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters, Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters, Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters. “When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters: Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters, Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters, Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters. And so it was. Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters… Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters… Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters… which means 'render solid'. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters… Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters;… Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters. Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters… Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters. When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, When the Lord declares that He made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day: Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters” Genesis 1:24-31).Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters: Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters (Birds will fly in the atmosphere and fish will dart in the liquid waters, sheep, etc.); the reptiles (animals that crawl or that, animals that crawl or that, animals that crawl or that, animals that crawl or that); animals that crawl or that. animals that crawl or that, animals that crawl or that. “animals that crawl or that, animals that crawl or that… animals that crawl or that; animals that crawl or that. animals that crawl or that. animals that crawl or that” (E. G. White).
Genesis 2:1-3
animals that crawl or that. “animals that crawl or that. animals that crawl or that, animals that crawl or that, animals that crawl or that. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it” (Genesis 2: 1-3).And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it.
And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it
And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it: And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it (creation from nothing). And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, but it is a reality created by God “but it is a reality created by God”. but it is a reality created by God, but it is a reality created by God[…]but it is a reality created by God (but it is a reality created by God), but it is a reality created by God (but it is a reality created by God), but it is a reality created by God (but it is a reality created by God). but it is a reality created by God, but it is a reality created by God. but it is a reality created by God. but it is a reality created by God “good”, “very good”.God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought. God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought. God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, l'Eterno, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought.
God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought
The Genesis account begins with words: God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought. In the beginning, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought. God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought. God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, God's universe is an objective reality and not just pure thought, to say that matter is eternal by its very essence, to say that matter is eternal by its very essence, to say that matter is eternal by its very essence. to say that matter is eternal by its very essence: to say that matter is eternal by its very essence, to say that matter is eternal by its very essence, to say that matter is eternal by its very essence, to say that matter is eternal by its very essence.
to say that matter is eternal by its very essence
to say that matter is eternal by its very essence.
there is no longer talk of something solid or lasting
there is no longer talk of something solid or lasting, there is no longer talk of something solid or lasting. there is no longer talk of something solid or lasting, there is no longer talk of something solid or lasting, the Laplace and Jeans nebula, the Laplace and Jeans nebula, the Laplace and Jeans nebula. the Laplace and Jeans nebula? the Laplace and Jeans nebula[…]the Laplace and Jeans nebula, the Laplace and Jeans nebula, the Laplace and Jeans nebula, nor can they tell us who or what chose the moment that started the evolutionary process.
The origin of life
For what refers to the origin of life, although one can think of the formation of some amino acids by chance, science cannot explain, for example, the origin of DNA, without which the transmission of hereditary characteristics is not possible.
We think we can conclude by saying that if the reading of the biblical text is done with care, if an interpretation is given to it that conforms to what is clearly expressed in the original, if we only accept scientific theories that have a solid experimental basis and are widely documented, the contrasts between what science says and what the Bible says are reduced to insignificant and non-fundamental details.
“The unknown God” by Michele Buonfiglio
I'm having trouble here, between light and luminaries…affirm that the sun, the moon and the stars “become visible” on the fourth day it seems like a climbing on mirrors: it is clearly said that God MADE the luminaries, I don't think this verb leaves room for interpretation…so how is it possible to create light (Of sun, because only this gives rise to the alternation of night and day) before its source? I just can't convince myself that the story of Creation (as well as others “trees”, for example the flood and the tower of Babel) can be understood in its literal sense; of course I can't be sure, but I lean towards the theory of divine accommodation, according to which God lowers himself to the capacity of understanding that man possesses at that moment and therefore I believe that these “trees” are merely containers of divine teachings, which give answers that man alone could not achieve
Because it seems like climbing on mirrors to you? I don't find any inconsistencies. No one can know how it was in the beginning and no one can know how life was born with his intellect alone. I find the story of Genesis very truthful and coherent.
Already, no one can know except God himself… therefore if the Bible is the word of God (and it is so, although I am still not sure that it is totally His work without human additions) and in Genesis it says that God MADE the luminaries after CREATING the light then you have to believe it but I don't find it coherent but rather inexplicable…unless there is a translation problem that I don't have the means to deal with, and here I rely on you who are certainly more prepared - by the way, somewhere in this endless blog you state that the Bible can be understood even by a child 10 years…perhaps, but he should master the original languages in which it was written and also know the geopolitical situation of the time…in short, without notes or someone to take their place it is difficult to extricate oneself, Indeed, ignorance can lead to seeing inconsistencies and contradictions where they do not exist…however, the notes cannot be objective and instead reflect the interpretation advocated by their exegete- for example, according to you, Lot's wife was truly transformed into a pillar of salt? because according to the note in my Bible (of Jerusalem) this is just a legend to explain particular limestone formations, and he states it without any benefit of doubt…
Ciao, If this wonderful blog hasn't helped you, I hope that the site I recommend you read can be then, although the interpretation is the same as that of ChristianFaith.
thanks for the tip, so it's exactly what I thought, that is, translations can lead away from the meaning of the original…but I wonder: because the translations are not honest? because over time certain traditions have prevailed over the truth(see the “rib” of Adam)? After all, it is essential to know the word of God as precisely as possible, especially in its less historical and more doctrinal parts. However, I confess that I have some doubts about the composition of the Bible and I am not convinced that it should be taken as inspired precisely word for word and in the commentary on Genesis on the site that you point out to me I see that from the same starting point we end up with conjectural conclusions that are very distant from one another. They. In any case, believing that the entire Bible is true does not oblige us to believe that Creation took place literally according to the story of Genesis, the Bible is one but the interpretations can be infinite…
In my opinion, it is inevitable that throughout history Bible translations have become separated from the meaning of the original texts, because each language has its own idiomatic characteristics that are difficult to translate into others. Furthermore, this confirms how man is fallacious, and imperfect and that “heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass” (Marco 24:31).
Jesus said that “until heaven and earth pass away, not one iota or one tittle of the law will pass, before everything is fulfilled” (Matteo 5:18), wanting to teach that all of God's Word is important, but this does not mean we must fall into the literal rigorism typical of the Pharisees, who only adhered to the formal aspect of the law: the law exists, and the spirit of the law.
Regarding Genesis, I sincerely don't believe that there is anything abstruse or recondite, the only reasonable interpretation is the one you read, also because of finding “infinite interpretations”, I don't see the reason, considering the clarity of the text. Interpretations are key to some books, Yup, like the Apocalypse for example, as it is an allegorical book full of symbols and metaphors, understanding is needed, as written (Apocalypse 17:9), but in Genesis I personally don't think it's necessary.
I would not speak of translation errors but of small oversights on the part of scribes. Biblical archeology confirms the perfection of the Bible even in translations over the centuries. From comparisons made with the scrolls discovered at Qumran and with all the handwritten and printed copies of the Bible over the centuries, it turns out that there are errors only at 2%. This means that the Bible we read today is al 98% the original one. That 2% then, it is not about errors that undermine the central message of Scripture. It was normal when printing had not yet been invented, they wrote by hand and, although they were very precise and meticulous, some errors are natural. But as they say, God has preserved his Word throughout the ages by allowing us to read the original Scripture today. We weren't talking about a simple book. What happened to the Bible, with the millions of copies it has made over the centuries, it is incomparable to any other text, i.e. ONLY the 2% of differences.
I totally agree that the Apocalypse is difficult to interpret and we need to be careful, they are prophecies and metaphors that we must take with a pinch of salt. The risk is that we build doctrines like Jehovah's Witnesses did (who take most of their doctrines from the apocalyptic book). This is how sects are born. I agree with you about Genesis, it too is metaphorical (the snake, lamel, etc) It doesn't mean that it happened exactly like that, even if you have to believe the first man and the first woman, mentioned throughout the rest of Scripture including the gospels, and understand the meaning of disobedience to God. To be a Christian you must believe the NT and completely believe the message of Christ Jesus. If you delve deeper into Genesis, which I did first when I converted many years ago, you will understand that it too is perfect and everything it says matches scientific discoveries.