“Egli è Colui che sta assiso sul GLOBO della terra…”
“He is the One who is seated on the globe of the earth…”
(Isaiah 40:22)
“Dio stende la volta del cielo nel vuoto e sospende la terra sul nulla.” (Job 26:7 – TILC)
The incalculable number of stars
“The army of heaven cannot be counted…”.
“Come non si può contare l’esercito del cielo nè misurare la sabbia del mare…” (Geremia 33:22).
Today, the large telescope located on Mount Palomar in California and which has a five meter diameter mirror shows the stars in such large numbers that it is impossible to count them, as Jeremiah asserted twenty-six centuries ago.
The universe is scattered with hundreds of millions of galaxies of various shapes and sizes that contain billions of stars such as the Milky Way, of which our solar system is part, a huge flattened spiral system containing one hundred billion stars.
“The heavens tell of the glory of God…” (Salmo 19:1).
The spontaneous generation of life
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” (Genesis 1:1) – “I made the earth, gli uomini e gli animali che sono sulla faccia della terra, with my great power…” (Geremia 27:5)
DNA: life planning
How to reconcile evolution by chance with the project of life and’ self-construction contained in the DNA of every living being? If it was the case that decided how to proceed, how to explain a priori registration…?
Our living cells are 60 trillion and all’ inside each of them, none excluded, there is a kind of helical ribbon one meter and seventy centimeters long, the DNA, which contains the code of life, or the genetic information essential for the self-construction of living beings. DNA is immensely thin and immensely long, that of a human being is in total 102 billions of kilometers.
? If it was the case that decided how to proceed, how to explain the a priori registration of every little detail of that living organism that was forming?
“Yup, you shaped my kidneys, mi hai tessuto nel grembo di mia madre. Ti rendo grazie perché sono stato formato in modo stupendo: wonderful are your works! My soul fully recognizes it. Non ti erano nascoste le mie membra, when I was formed in secret, ricamato nel profondo della terra.” (Salmo 139:13-15)
The demographic increase
However, if we examine the facts, we find that known history presents us with a regular tendency to a constant and exponential increase in population. The average rate of population growth was 1.7% in the period 1985-90 (with a rate that exceeded 3% in the less economically privileged areas).
A rate of 0,5% it would mean that the average family would only have two and a half surviving children per family, with an average life of 40 years. This is still below the average rate of population growth in the period of one hundred years between 1650 and the 1750, that is, before modern medicine made its effects felt, but in a fairly recent era to be able to give fairly accurate assessments of the population.
If the original couple appeared on Earth a million years ago, as evolutionists say, this low rate would have given a current population greater than that which could crowd the entire universe! If, on the other hand, the current demographic increase began with Noah's family, after the flood, this would agree very well with biblical teaching, even if Ussher's proposed date for the flood is accepted, of 4.300 years ago, which is probably the most recent that can be assigned to it (Henry M. Morris, World Population, in “The King’s Business” – January 1970, once. 19).