Noah had the ark accommodate all “species” of his time. The number of animal species of that era, however, was very likely less important than is generally assumed (see point 6. “Biology tells…”). The climate of that time, almost uniform, it probably did not have very different climatic zones and therefore profoundly different ecological zones, as seen today. It is not unlikely that, then, animals chose their habitat area more according to altitude than latitude. But how could the ark still contain all the animals? Meanwhile, it should be noted that all marine species do not naturally appear among the animals that entered the ark (cf.. Genesis 7:8). Furthermore, we must not forget that the enormous reptiles of the Secondary, dinosaurs for example, they did not enter it; this explains their sudden disappearance at the end of the Cretaceous (see point 7.h. “Paleontology and Stratigraphy”: Disappearance of the Dinosaurs).
Let's see the dimensions of the ark indicated by the biblical text: 300 cubits of length x 50 cubits of width x 30 cubits in height (Genesis 6:15). This corresponds to approximately 150x25x15 meters, with three decks. These dimensions correspond to those of a ship of considerable tonnage: more than 20.000 tons.
That is the capacity of eight freight trains of 65 wagons each. When you think that two such trains they can carry up to 30.000 medium-sized animals, come i montoni, we realize that the ark could contain a large number of cattle. How to solve the food problem for a whole year, in fact, the animals and people remained in the ark? One possibility could be suggested by hibernation that still affects a good number of animal species today. The climatic conditions during the flood must have been greatly disturbed, which could have favored the hibernation of a large number of animals.
I have never heard of a hypothesis like this’ absurd for the explanation of the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
More’ it is implicitly stated that the dinosaurs
were contemporaries of men.
These interpretations are truly incredible and absurd
of events that never happened.
With a minimum of logic just think how many hundreds of thousands of different species they should have been
Not to mention the hoax of hibernation !!
There were no different species at the time, have evolved over time. At that time the animals that existed in the world were not all these types that we have today. All the animals that could ensure the survival of their genus and their family were then embarked in the ark. If that's absurd for you, whether it is illogical to you or not,it's not a problem for me, let alone what can matter to me. No one will ever take away from us the right to write what we think as no one takes it away from you evolutionists or Darwinians (absurd and illogical for us). I don't see why I should believe in some hypotheses or theories provided by the scientific world when they are continually retracted based on new discoveries!
Thanks for your opinion, which still remains an opinion!
If you don't mind reading the opinions of others, why’ you are registered in a forum ?
However and’ possible to know more’ or less how many years ago is meant by the phrase 'at that time’ ?
And if the speci were so’ few from where all infinities derive’ of those that exist now ?
They have been created from scratch or have evolved
from existing ones ?
And finally, how long has man existed (more or less) on Earth according to you creationists ?
(please think carefully before answering ) .
I am not a member of a forum, this is my site, am I approving or disapproving of your comments, it is I who write the articles and I have the sacrosanct right to express my opinions and not want controversy or discussions, since for me they are a waste of time. Believe me, have been many years now, I can not stand it anymore, I realized over time that everyone will continue to think as they want and there is no need to argue. In the end I can't take it anymore, there are much more constructive things to do than stand here struggling to figure out who is right and who is not! I have given the answers to your questions several times and I will not be here repeating them for the simple reason that you are not here to understand., but only to argue and make fun of those who do not think like you, believing that we are ignorant and you enlightened, when you do not think that we could be the other way. I've never gone to sites where they think differently from me to argue, I would never, so I'm on my site and I write what I think. Who wants to read the law, those who can not go away. So understand with education and respect and let it be, I can not waste time.
demplicemente thought of opening a discussion not to argue.
Go ahead and express your opinions I will try’ another site
where you can freely open a discussion.
I apologize, and I follow your advice: let it be
It would have been interesting to have really been on the ark, but this article is also interesting. 🙂 It was easier for me to understand than some of the others.One day I want to try to post a comment on your blog in Italian, but right now my brain is tired. :)I hope you had a good day,Leah
you are great…..