The Atheism is a religion

The Atheism is a true religion and its, also contradictory. Atheists believe and affirm with certainty that God does not exist, despite non there is scientific evidence to ascertain this.

Their Creed

black[1]There is no God, but they always speak of God, theirs is an obsession; I'm pro-homosexuality, but anti-Christianity, they are racist therefore. Atheism is a faith. I know that many atheists will not agree with this, but the atheists gather around the commune belief that God does not exist, and they feel the need to widen the gap between church and state to reinforce this belief.


Atheists create a problem, a crisis, and offer the solution. The problem is religious oppression in society and the solution would be the adoption of atheistic ideals.


They get together in groups and go to meetings. Atheists don't meet as frequently as Christians do in their churches, but they have national and international conferences, real meetings and regular meetings.


They also have the lectern from which speeches and preachings are carried out, from which their ideals are promoted, and the reasons for their validated belief system.


Atheists try to “evangelize” to their creed, to convert people. They often speak of bringing atheism into society and turning people away from theism. And they do not miss an opportunity to create discussions or controversy when they are in contact with a believer. They say they just want to confront each other, but what they do is ask questions for later non listen to the motivations of believers, but to blurt out in their face how absurd their beliefs are and mock them by giving them ignorant! Atheists feel superior to Christians but have not understood that they are in the same boat, because like Christians they cannot prove the existence of God materially, they cannot prove non-existence.

Celebration of the converts

What a joy, when they convert someone to theirs belief system! At the meetings there are applause of excitement when people come out and announce their atheism.

Zealous in their cause

They work hard – many of them are also involved in politics, which is almost always of the radical left – for the dissemination of their ideas in the country, for the fight against Christianity and for the adoption of ethical laws without moral values (see gay marriage and abortion). They say they are for tolerance and justice but they are the first to be intolerant and racist towards Christians, who do not respect and do not accept.


Solo they have the truth. Atheists speak as if atheism were the truth, the only possibility, and they paint theists as ignorant and unreasonable.

Them as victims

Atheist-symbol[1]Atheists pass themselves off as victims and righteous; theists are the intruders, the unjust ones who ruin society. They often use the wrongdoings of the Catholic Church to defend their cause and tell how harmful Christianity is. This would be proof that God does not exist, when instead God has no fault of the behavior of men. And it should not be forgotten that the states governed by extreme communism, based on atheism, they are the ones who have made the most victims.

Concern about the public image

They worry a lot about how they look in society and are afraid of making a bad impression or getting a bad reputation, they believe they are more educated and superior, for this they start in fourth on the attack and in a very heated way, to defend their reputation.

The lack of critical thinking

This is common everywhere. Even if they think they are rational, they lack objectivity.

False presentation of opposing points of view

Once again, another common trait among people who congregate in atheist groups is that they have a common ideology of considering others less enlightened.


Even atheists have disagreements over some details of their beliefs.


They will not have tithing, but they put a lot of things for sale. Let's not forget how they sought donations to help cover the costs of promoting atheism, paying speakers, equipment rental, etc.

I think it is rather ironic that those who are against religion, in reality, are so religious. It makes you smile to see the natural tendency of these people who gather around an idea, a common philosophy, they develop their cause, and then they promote it. And they still believe they are in the truth!