Dear friend,
Vatican marriage laws affect millions of people around the world, especially in Catholic nations such as Italy, where the Vatican has established a legal agreement with the state, for which canon law [of the Catholic Church] civilly binds Italian citizens of Catholic religion.
Many Catholics live under a strong sense of guilt due to Catholic marriage laws. This very hot topic, if treated properly, it can be a determining factor in presenting the Gospel to those Catholics who are oppressed by a sense of guilt.
The Catholic Church does not recognize the validity of civil divorce. Without a cancellation, then, to Catholics who are thus divorced, it is forbidden to approach the Eucharist which, after Baptism, it is the central tool by which they believe they are "okay" with the "mother church" and therefore, with God himself. For this reason it is essential that you have a correct understanding of marriage.
Yours in the grace of the precious Savior
Richard Bennett
Please, E-mail this article to others who may be interested in it. There are many Italians who suffer under the merciless laws of the Vatican.
The interference of the Vatican in marriages
Marriage is an ordinance established by God at creation and which concerns all of humanity. As the sovereign Lord over His creation, God established that the male and the female, in due time, they left father and mother and got married: “Therefore the man will leave his father and mother and join his wife, and they will be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). From the beginning, both believers and non-believers are married, because the marriage ordinance concerns everything humanity. Humanity cannot alter this institution established by God since creation.
To facilitate, enforce and watch over the bonds of marriage, It gave, so, he made use of tools such as families, i clan, tribes and governments. Because, But, of the fallen nature of the human being, these institutions, to varying degrees, they have not always promoted permanent monogamy as a divine law on marriage. Even some of God's people have followed the corrupt standards of society, rather than God's law. When governments allow marriage to fall into disrepute, these institutions themselves fall under the judgment of God3. The Lord Jesus himself confirms and strengthens the command of creation regarding marriage, and explains how it represents God's will for His people: “So they are no longer two, but one flesh; therefore what God has united, don't let man part " (Matteo 19:6). Those who are in Christ Jesus should, like light in a fallen world, within their matrimonio, reflect their union with the Lord. The true people of God should be the privileged tool that God uses to support marriage, because it has the revelation of Scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit.
An alleged absolute power over matrimThe Papacy has meddled in marriage in many ways: he defined it in such a way as to serve his purposes, tore apart some marriage vows, and put together stipulations that the Creator never intended. Although the Catholic Church formally claims to support marriage as God intended it from the beginning in its basic meaning and structures, things are very different with regard to the laws to which it has subjected it and to their practice. The Catholic Church claims to have absolute authority over marriage.
The Catholic Church claims to have absolute authority in matrimonial matters and therefore it exercises all-encompassing legislation on marriage, even on its validity and dissolution.
For example, Pope Leo XIII, When, according to him, it had been usurped by the state, claimed absolute authority over the institution of marriage.
In his teaching he affirms: “Christ entrusts “the government of marriages to the Church”, who has always exercised his power “in such a way that it was clear that it was only hers”, without recognizing any authority to the States on the fundamental principles of marriage "4. In the Code of Canon Law, the Catholic Church affirms: "Matrimonial cases of the baptized by their own right belong to the ecclesiastical judge". In the Holy Scriptures, marriage is declared to be respectable in all its components: "Marriage is to be held in honor by all and the marital bed is not tainted by infidelity" (Jews 13:4). This is God's ordinance and not that of any church. It should be honored by all and not denied to anyone for whom God made it. It is honorable because God has instituted it for man from the very beginning and thus has called him to be. He marries and blesses the first couple, the progenitors of humanity, to guide all those who look to God in this great institution. It is something so clear that one should think that all humanity agreed with it.
The Church of Rome, But, disagrees. All the secular characteristics of marriage, expressed above, are strongly opposed by the Roman Catholic Church. This happened starting in the twelfth century, when papal Rome took control of marriage and began to legislate on the validity or invalidity of all marriages, of both king and
of peasants 6. This takeover by Rome of the marriage, it has thus been one of the most powerful tools for promoting the power of Catholicism worldwide.
Whether it is not an "old" or "outdated" phenomenon, can be found in the Code of Canon Law of 1983, where the Vatican moved to consolidate its power over marriage.
For example, the Vatican establishes the age at which one can marry, legislating that:
"The man before the age of sixteen, the woman before she is also fourteen, they cannot celebrate a valid marriage ". Furthermore, according to Catholic law, a marriage between a Catholic and an unbaptized person, is legally invalid: “Marriage between two persons is invalid, one of which is baptized into the Catholic Church or received into it and not separated from it by a formal act, and the other not baptized”.
The Vatican itself also legislates that sexual impotence on the part of a man and his wife, renders the marriage legally invalid: “The antecedent and perpetual copulative impotence, both on the part of the man and on the part of the woman, absolute or relative, by its very nature it renders marriage null and void”.
Dad, Furthermore, reserves the right to dissolve an unconsummated marriage, even if a person is not consenting. The Canon 1142, indeed, so it legislates: “l marriage not consummated between the baptized or between a baptized party and an unbaptized party, for a just cause it can be dissolved by the Roman Pontiff, at the request of both parties or one of the two, even if the other were against it”. Although public recognition of the relationship is essential for a marriage, the Canon 1130 it even legislates on secret marriages: “For a serious and urgent cause, the local Ordinary can allow the marriage to be celebrated in secret”. This "secret marriage" is so hidden and clandestine, that the Vatican solemnly declares: "Marriages celebrated in secret must be recorded only in the special register to be kept in the secret archive of the curia".
This is only a small portion of more than 110 read that the cardinals and bishops of the Church of Rome legislate for the Catholic people scattered around the world.
I matrimoni mistThe Vatican's control over marriage and the marital bed becomes particularly manipulative in what they call "mixed marriages."”. Mixed marriages have been and continue to be one of the most effective ways to increase the number of those who submit to Catholicism. All priests involved in the pastoral work are obliged to uphold these Catholic laws. No marriage between a baptized evangelical believer and a Catholic is permitted without the written resolution that all children born of that union be educated in the Catholic Church.
The Canon 1124 he claims:
“Marriage between two baptized persons, one of which is baptized into the Catholic Church or received into it after baptism and not separated from it by a formal act, the other is instead registered with a Church or ecclesial community not in full communion with the Catholic Church, it cannot be celebrated without the express permission of the competent authority ".
This constraint appears in the Canon 1125: "The local Ordinary, if there is a just and reasonable cause, may grant such a license; but does not grant it until after the fulfillment of the following conditions:
the Catholic side declares itself ready to remove the dangers of abandoning the faith and sincerely promises to do everything in its power so that all children are baptized and educated in the Catholic Church;
of these promises that the Catholic side must make, the other party is promptly informed, so that he realizes that this is really aware of the promise and obligation of the Catholic side;
both parties are instructed on the essential purposes and properties of marriage, which must not be excluded by either of the two contractors ".
When Rome first attempted to win Protestants over to Catholicism in the United States of America, one strategy of his documented plans was precisely to seduce them through mixed marriages12. Regrettably, these tactics are still successful in the 21st century.
Biblically, regarding divorce, there are four main statements made by the Lord Jesus Christ. Two of these reflect total opposition to divorce, and two others indicate acceptance of divorce on the basis of sexual infidelity, and the right to remarry for the innocent partner. The divine law fundamental for marriage, is that a man leaves father and mother and joins his wife. The nature of the marriage contract is that the two people united in such a union become one flesh: “So they are no longer two, but one flesh; therefore what God has united, man do not separate it” (Mt. 19:6). Husband and wife, having been united by God's ordinance, they cannot be separated by any human decree. God says he hates divorce13. The perfect will of God is the safeguarding of the social order by preserving the integrity of marriages. There are only two reasons that can allow divorce and second marriage. When it takes place sexual infidelity 14 or abandonment of the believing spouse by the unbelieving one 15, it is possible to get a divorce. In such cases, the marriage relationship has already been broken and the divorce is only a formal recognition of
what has already happened.
Divorce - in the form of Catholic annulment
The Catholic Church declares that every marriage between baptized persons is in fact a sacrament. This concept is instilled in the minds of Catholics since childhood. It is reiterated in canon law: “The marriage pact by which man and woman establish the community of life among themselves, by its nature ordered to the good of the spouses and to the procreation and education of offspring, among the baptized he was elevated by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament. Therefore a valid marriage contract cannot exist between the baptized, which is not by this very sacrament”16.
The Catholic Church teaches that the sacraments are means of grace 17. In declaring marriage a sacrament, the Catholic Church intends it to be a sacrament by which God gives grace and over which it has control. On this basis Rome establishes a hierarchy of marriages for which Catholic marriage, come sacramento, takes precedence over any other marriage. This is how in the law of papal Rome, marriages that are civilly valid before God can be considered null from the point of view of Catholic law. A marriage of a Catholic to a non-Catholic that does not take place in front of a Catholic priest, it is considered null and void, and it is only a matter of time before the parties involved can be released from their wedding vows. Is exactly, indeed, establishing laws and then assuming the power to remove them through its decrees, that papal Rome assumes dominion over lives and families.
The Catholic Church continually declares that there can be no divorce for a marriage that is legally celebrated between a baptized and consenting man and woman.. However, if you carefully study the Roman laws regarding annulment, it will be easy to see how great technical skill and ingenuity are used in dispensing papal annulments.
A cancellation, in terms of fact, it is basically the same as a divorce. The Catholic Church, in granting a cancellation, declares that a marriage never really existed. This means that one can arrive at the absurd situation of having been legitimately married and even having children from that marriage - a tangible fact of his existence - but declaring that it never happened!
Furthermore, without a cancellation, civil divorce is not recognized as valid by the Catholic Church. In turn, this makes it impossible for a Catholic to be able to approach the Eucharist which, after baptism, it is the central means of obtaining that continuous grace which is presumed to flow from that sacrament. This has extreme consequences, when a Catholic thinks he must die without obtaining the necessary sacramental grace in which they have been instructed to believe.
The practice of dispensing cancellations
One of the main tools used to get a cancellation, is what is called a "decisive impediment". A "decisive impediment" is an obstacle that is so detrimental that it automatically invalidates a marriage. An example of this can be the lack of consent of one of the parties, or a form defect, something that is missing from the actual procedure of the ceremony, which is precisely called "the form of marriage". The "form of marriage" according to Rome, is that a marriage is celebrated in front of a priest and two witnesses. This is a further example of the practice of first making a law, and then to obtain the dispensation, to maintain control over lives and families. Many marriages are declared void precisely because of the laws of the Catholic Church regarding "diriment impediments". An example of this is that of a "root sanction". A "root sanction" is a retroactive decree that can stabilize and validate a marriage that began as an invalid marriage. The current canon law declares:
renewal of consent, granted by the competent authority; it involves the dispensation from the impediment, if there is, and from the canonical form if it was not observed, as well as the retroaction to the past of the canonical effects "18. This "root healing" sounds just like "the open Sesame" of Ali Babà and the forty thieves ". At the command of Ali Babà, the cave could be opened with magic words. So is the intricate command structure of the Vatican, what is said, able to retroactively validate a marriage that would otherwise be considered null and void. The same canon thus continues: “The validation takes place at the moment of the granting of the grace; the feedback, instead, it is understood to have been made at the time of the celebration of the marriage, unless otherwise expressly established "19. Such making and undoing of marriages is a contravention of the divine law of marriage in Scripture. Marriage is an ordinance established for the preservation of humanity. It was God himself who said: "Therefore the man will leave his father and mother and join his wife, and they will be one flesh " (Genesis 2:24), thus establishing that law which would be valid for all from Adam onwards. God's law cannot be manipulated by the decrees of any system. Fare, But, so, it is practiced with amazing cunning by papal Rome itself which prevents its priests from marrying.
The Vatican makes and undoes marriages
When the Vatican makes and undoes marriages, this is justified by the alleged apostolic power of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church exercises such power even when the parties in question are unaware of what it does. Rome proclaims in its law: “The sanction can be validly granted even without the knowledge of one or both parties; but it should not be granted except for a grave cause”20. This mysterious power to command a sanction on a marriage that never existed, it seems to be at the very heart of Rome: “The root sanation can be granted by the Apostolic See”. The marriage is not made valid by the command of Rome. In Scripture, marriage is regulated according to God's will and counsel. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “Therefore man will leave his father and mother, and will unite with his wife, and the two will be one flesh” (Mt. 19:5). This is the only way a marriage becomes valid in God's eyes. To decree that the celibate prelates of Rome, even if the parties themselves ignore it, can establish the reality of a marriage, it is a totally mad Pharisaic totalitarianism! This bizarre power is claimed because Rome claims that marriage is a sacrament. It is therefore in his power to make or undo marriages according to his will and intentions.
Undoing marriages is sometimes accomplished by what is called "inner consent", the consent that either the man or the woman had or did not have from the beginning. It is the ecclesiastical courts that would have the power to conduct investigations into a marriage and thus do it or undo it..
The Catholic cancellations, made by the Tribunal of the Sacred Rota are big business for the Catholic Church and relatively easy to get hold of.
A recent article in a popular Italian magazine states: "In 1982 the total of the annulment causes examined on appeal by the Roman Sacra Rota was of 287 the year.
In 1992 the number rose to 824. In 2002 the figure appearing on the annual report is 1.280. The statistics of cancellation requests follow those of divorces: from the 1995 al 2000 the Italian divorces have passed gives 52.323 a 71.696, an increase of 37,5 percent. The Italians are the first in the standings for the annulment processes that come on appeal to the Sacra Rota, with 323 requests in 2002. The Catholics of the United States follow (183) and the Poles (100). In Italy, the region with the most appeals in Rota (58) is Lazio. What are the reasons that led to such an increase? "The factors are different," explains an authoritative judge of the Sacra Rota in Panorama. "On the one hand, the fall of the Berlin Wall allowed Eastern Catholics to have direct relations with the Holy See. To this must be added an endemic crisis of the institution of marriage. On the other hand, such a high number of requests for nullity denotes trust in ecclesiastical justice.
And finally, recourse to ecclesiastical courts, despite the fatal delays of the trials due to an often complicated and meticulous procedure, it's a way of giving peace to one's conscience " (…) According to a well-known Roman rotal lawyer, "Cancellation is requested, as well as for religious and social reasons, also for economic reasons.
The divorce allowance arises from a valid marriage. If the marriage is canceled, and this is transcribed to the Court of Appeal, it never existed. The resulting obligations thus necessarily become minor ". According to the lawyer, today, "the cancellation initiative starts mainly from women, which are increasingly sucked into the mechanism of the consumer society. Repairing a broken situation is more difficult and requires too much sacrifice, better start a new one "".
The arrogant and casual way of dealing with marriage and the dissolution of marriage, non surprise, since it is precisely bishops and priests who pronounce papal judgments on marriage.
Scripture exhorts the pastor in this way: “… That he governs his family well and keeps his children submissive and fully respectful (because if one does not know how to govern his own family, how he can care for God's church?)” (1 Timoteo 3:4,5). These same qualifications also exclude the possibility of celibate judges granting annulments. So much as much as indulgences, the entire industry of annulment by the Roman Catholic Church - from the proposition of the law to the sale of the smuggled article - is in complete violation of Scripture.
Despite this, the Catholic Church has fabricated a whole series of rules and regulations that only a lawyer expert in canon law is able to fully understand. As cases of matrimonial validity abound with many different technical terms, Rome says it supports the sanctity of marriage, but it allows some marriages to be declared void on the basis of the terminology that it has made itself. For example, "annulment" (the decree that a marriage is invalid), when it is sanctioned by the Roman ecclesiastical court, are is a simple statement. It gives rise to various interpretations. "After the sentence that declared the nullity of the marriage in the first instance was confirmed in the appellate grade with a decree or with a second sentence, they, whose marriage was declared null and void, they can get married again, as soon as the decree or the new sentence have been notified to them, unless prohibited by a prohibition attached to the sentence itself or to the decree or established by the local Ordinary ".
It is thus that the very decree that a marriage is to be considered null and void, gets tangled up in Catholic terminology that requires the presence of expert Catholic jurists to lead someone through the labyrinth of canon law. Papal Rome has granted hundreds of thousands of cancellations and second marriages allowed. Many of these unions, called weddings, they are in fact, before the Lord and His Word, nothing but officially blessed fornication. Such sinful unions wound the souls of many men and women. They are living situations, blessed by the priests of the Church of Rome, but they are like a deep ditch from which, once they have fallen inside, it is almost impossible to escape.
The extravagant demands of Roman Catholic law are a threat to the freedom of any nation. If the Christian people really want to be informed, will have to become aware that marriage, the very basis of society, for millions of Catholics, is controlled and manipulated. This applies not only to some Western nations, but also to millions of Christians in the world who, in fact, when they want to marry a person of Catholic tradition, they are in fact trapped by the shackles of canon law. The Vatican's canonical marriage law involves millions of people in countries where the Vatican is accepted as a civil power, and especially those nations on which a "Concordat" has been imposed such as Italy or Poland. If you are serious about Catholicism, this violation of marriage must be addressed biblically, because it is placed at the very heart of the structures of civil society, as it was given to us by God. It is not possible to maintain a biblical and evangelical testimony to the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone, if the legitimacy of the Roman Catholic laws on marriage is not contested. It is impossible to claim to be an evangelical Christian who adheres to the inspiration and authority of the Bible alone, tuning, while, legitimacy to the Roman Catholic system which rejects such a principle, as evidenced by the marriage laws. Such behavior is an affront to Christ and His redemptive work, as well as the ministry of the Holy Spirit in persuading the world of sin, of justice and judgment. Romans 1:18 clearly states that: "God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all impiety and injustice of men who suffocate the truth with injustice" (Romans 1:18). Who can ever endure the devouring fire of God's eternal wrath? The good news is that personal faith and salvation are also gifts from His hand: “… He raised it with his right hand, making him Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness
of sins " (proceedings 5:31).
Christ Jesus has the power to forgive even the greatest lawbreaker and the greatest religious fanatic, because it was raised precisely for this. No sinner should fear the One who is "Prince and Savior" on the right hand of God. We can come to him with full confidence. When we are aggravated by the awareness of our sins, when we recognize that we deserve eternal death, then we can look to Him with confidence and appeal to His power and grace. Scripture proclaims: "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved". The Lord himself declares: "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved" (Marco 16:16). The Lord will always have mercy on all who turn to Him in faith to obtain the remission of their sins. “Come to me, all you who are fatigued and burdened, and I will give you rest " (Matteo 11:28). Compare the oppressive and costly Vatican laws with what the Lord Jesus asks, and feel for yourself how sweet His yoke is and His light load. Jesus Christ will give sure rest to all aggravated souls who will turn to Him. Rest from the terror that sin inspires, have rest from the power of sin e, mostly, have rest in the Lord God. “… In fact whoever enters God's rest also rests from his own works, how God rested from his " (Jews 4:10). All this begins with the grace of God, and will come to its fulfillment someday in glory. That's why Scripture declares: "Blessed are those who are invited to the Lamb's wedding dinner" (You. 19:9) .Richard Bennett del “Berean Beacon” WebPage: author allows this text to be copied in its entirety without any changes and for this article to be placed in its entirety on an Internet site.
very detailed and supplied blog I like how you see it…Very good.
Pace ChristianFaith!
I saw you on gospel and will write you there too.
Congratulations on the blog, thorough and complete.
I made it a favorite.
I also wanted to add, that if you have a lot of money and also the right knowledge, as I have them, the Catholic church cancels any kind of marriages, it is enough that they recommend you to the sacred rota.