The work of the Holy Spirit

It helps for you that I go away; because, if I don't go, the Comforter will not come to you; but if I leave, or I'll send it to you. (Giovanni 16:7)

The Holy Spirit took the place of Jesus when He left and was taken up into heaven. In fact, he could not have been sent before Jesus was glorified.

The functions of the “Comforter” are contained in these verses:

  • The Holy Spirit ... will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you” (Giovanni 14:26)
  • … Will testify about me (Giovanni 15:26)
  • will convince the world as to sin, to justice and judgment (Giovanni 16:8)
  • he will guide you into all truth… and announce things to come (Giovanni 16:13)
  • … me will glorify because he will take mine and announce it to you (Giovanni 16:14)

The Holy Spirit is like a seal that God puts on every person who believes, as a sign that belongs to Him. It is also the pledge of the heavenly goods that God will give to his own as an inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14). It is He who makes us understand the Word of God and, for his testimony in us, we know the relationship we have with God for faith.

The Holy Spirit is also the power that works in the life of every believer, and its action, as some passages of the New Testament teach us, she must not be saddened either, nor suffocated, turned off. The Holy Ghost works in the hearts of the Lord's redeemed to develop sincere affection for their Savior and guide them to long for his return..