misconceptions and false teachings examined in the light of God's Word
Did you know that…
…The Apostle Peter was married? (Gospel of Matteo 8,14)
…and who they were also married other apostles and preachers of the Gospel? (1Letter to the Corinthians 9,5)
Did you know that…
…the bishop can marry and have children? (1a Letter to Timothy 3,2-5; Tito 1,6)
Did you know that…
…The doctrine of Jesus does not cover the second marriage, except for the spouse who is betrayed or loses a spouse? (Gospel of Matteo 19,9)
…who commits adultery, and why is sent away by spouse, can not remarry? (Gospel of Marco 10,11-12)
Did you know that…
…The New Testament contains everything you need to live the Christianity? (2a Letter to Timothy 3,14-17) and that anyone who would arrogate to himself the authority to change the teachings written in the Bible, even if it were a heavenly creature, It is cursed by God? (Letter to Galati 1,8-9)
Did you know that…
…the concept of the temple as “house of God” It was unknown to the Christians of the first century? (Acts of the Apostles 17,24)
and that the term “church” in the meaning of “place of worship” It was born only a few centuries after the 1st, while originally it meant only “assembly, group of people” (from the greek ekklesia)?
Did you know that…
…the figure of Mary, mother of Jesus, It has never been the object of worship or veneration, nor for the Apostles, nor for all the apostolic age Christians?
and that there is no reference in the New Testament as to make us think of having to give the divine attributes, such as the mediator between man and God, the latter role that competes exclusively to Jesus Christ? (1 Timoteo 2,5)
Did you know that…
…the term “santo” it means “separate, secluded”?
and that in the New Testament were called so all Christians? (Romans 1,7 – 1 Corinthians 1,2) since the conversion to Christ made them separate from the way of thinking and common life to the Gentiles?
is that, without prejudice to these assumptions, Today anyone who wishes to convert to Christ becomes for God a saint in the true biblical sense, no need to die and that they face after a few years “beatification”?
Did you know that…
…l'adultery, fornication and homosexuality have always been disapproved and condemned by God? (1 Corinthians 6,9)
and that the law of Moses provided for the immediate death penalty, while Christ is given to man a chance to repent, through conversion and the consequent change in their sexual behavior, before conviction of God on judgment day?
Did you know that…
…among the Ten Commandments there is one that prohibits the construction of man “images” or sacred sculptures in order to kneel before them and venerate? (Exodus 20,4-5)
and that transgression of this commandment meant the death penalty?
Did you know that…
…the translation of the Bible by Jehovah's Witnesses has arbitrarily added over 200 times, in the New Testament, the name “Jehovah” instead of “It gave” or “lord” (referring to Jesus)? In the original manuscripts in Greek, indeed, “Jehovah” never appears!
Did you know that…
…Maria, the mother of Jesus, He has had at least six other children after our Lord for the work of God the birth? The Gospel of Marco 6,3, eg, It gives the names of four males and females also quotes (the plural, we do not know if two or more than two), born from the relationship between Mary and her husband Joseph
Did you know that…
…Jesus is the author of salvation only potentially “for everyone”, but in fact only “for all those who obey Him”? (Letter to the Jews 5,8)
Did you know that…
…the distinction that is made in Catholicism between venial and mortal sins (i 7 Deadly sins) It is unknown to the Gospel, whereby any wrongdoing is sin, without distinction (1 Giovanni 5,17)?
…and that if we repent, we confess our sins to God and believe in the sacrifice of Jesus, Jesus himself promised that any sin will be forgiven, even the blasphemies? (Marco 3,28-29, see also 1 Giovanni 1,9)
Did you know that…
…Sunday remembrance of the death and resurrection of the Lord, to be done by taking the bread and wine (symbols of His body and His blood) It must be done by all Christians indiscriminately, while Catholicism does drink wine only for the priest?
…and that what the Bible is not called “Eucharist”, but “Lord's Supper”? And that is not a repetition of Christ's sacrifice, but a memorial? (1Letter to the Corinthians 11,20,24-26)
Did you know that…
…Christian people, according to the New Testament, It must not be divided into “priests” e “lay”, because this distinction has been made only in the centuries after the first, while the Word of God considers all true Christians “priests” in the sense of people who offer their lives and their praises to God? (Romans 12,1-2; 1 Pietro 2,9; Apocalypse 1,6)
Did you know that…
…Jehovah's Witnesses, in the past, They were wrong (although today try to forget it and hide it) several prophecies about the date of Christ's return, and the Scripture says that anyone who misses a prophecy is a false prophet by not listening for any reason? (Deuteronomy 18,22)
Did you know that…
…count prayers is a pagan practice that is severely condemned by Christ? (Matteo 6,5-13)
the Rosary, eg, It was introduced only in 1090, having been copied from that of the Mohammedans