The man really comes from monkeys?

Can a scientific theory that has become an axiom of civilization only be a lie magnified? This is what now argues some American scientists who insist on questioning the theory of “one of the greatest minds in history”. To support their thesis, the discovery in Atapuerca in Spain, of the fossil of a man endowed in all respects with the characteristics of man sapiens sapiens (the one who is currently reading the article), dating back to “alone” 780 thousand years ago, quindi predecessore del meno evoluto uomo di Neanderthal estinto solo gives 25 thousand years. E’ curious the fact that, the bold supporters of Darwinian evolutionism, have invented a category specifically for him called Homo Antecessor.

E’ also note, the presence, nell’ organism of living beings, of so-called enzymes “repairers” which prevent changes in the structure of DNA. When the latter fail to do their work, they give life to organisms that they have, always, less attitudes to life. Evolutionism therefore, claiming that continuous accidental mutations occur in deoxyribonucleic acid, he does nothing but attack the work of this one “poor working class without a union”.

Finally, many living species could never have survived evolutions, as in the case of the Woodpecker, whose tongue rotates around the skull and then returns to the beak. One’ evolution of this step by step, he could never allow his great-grandfather to swallow food.

It would be unwise to rush to conclusions, giving a light judgment on the veracity or otherwise of evolutionism, it is however easy to understand why the theory in question has been so successful: it is enough to focus on the historical context in which it was born. Coincidentally, it took hold precisely during the years accompanying the revolutionary uprisings of '48, who overthrew the OrlĂ©anist monarchy and established a republican government. In this time, to the great maneuvers of the masses, they only had to gain from the fall of the monarchical regime, it could prove very useful to attack the Church by undermining its foundations with theories capable of questioning it “word of the Lord”. We recall that the investiture of the sovereign took place at the hands of the Pope, highest representative of God on earth.

However, there are documents, “currently” considered a false historian, which hint at the artificial success of Darwin's theories and their devastating impact on society.
One thing is certain the information was, it is and will always be manipulated, whether you are in a totalitarian or democratic regime, it is up to each individual to go beyond the beauty of the colors of a television or the majesty of the words of newspapers, mobilizing for the search for truth.

Roberto Marchina