But is it really true that salvation is without works?


It is not so senseless what Catholicism says on the basis of works: salvation is yes by faith (the Bible is full of passages supporting this truth) but if works do not follow faith, it's about a dead faith, as James says, and therefore it is not an authentic faith.

Foolish! You want to realize that faith without works has no value? (Giacomo 2:2)

I do not understand so much fury on the part of the evangelical churches against this Catholic affirmation. If you think about it, Catholics are not all wrong. If a person says he has faith yet he continues a life of debauchery, he is a true Christian? Of course not, that's a dead faith. But if a Christian who has faith, does good works, behaves as God commands (as far as he can, strives), this is the fruit of the Spirit, and faith can be said to be authentic. Now, it is true that salvation is by faith and works are a consequence of faith, but to affirm that salvation is by faith and works, it is not wrong, just for what I have just explained. What cannot be said, on the other hand, is that salvation is only by works, as an essential requisite for being saved there is always and only faith in Jesus Christ, this means that an atheist or others of other non-Christian religions, they will never be saved, based on what the Bible says.


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  1. Oscar Fontana dice

    Exact…la salvezza non è SOLO per opere, ma una fede senza opere non è una fede completa…..
    Come dice un cartello nella nostra chiesale opere non portano in Cielo, ma senza opere nessuno vedrà il Cielo”……chi ha orecchie per intendere……….

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