Madonna preaches peace in the world


Our Lady preaches the peace of the world and therefore there is no reason to believe that the devil is hiding behind the apparitions. God cares that we are good and want peace and love our neighbor, I don't think it bothers him that we pray and turn to his mother for help.

This is not a reason for Marian worship. E’ It is true that the apparition preaches world peace and good things, at least in appearance, but the purposes for which it does so are many and certainly not good. Just compare what the alleged apparitions say, and study their messages, with what the Bible says to see that the messages are anti-Biblical.

God cares first of all that we are faithful to him and do not sin from idolatry. In fact, as the first commandment he tells us:

Have no other gods besides me. (Exodus 20:3)

Now, which means other gods? Altri dèi sono entità alle quali noi ci rivolgiamo mettendo lui da parte. Entità alle quali chiediamo favori e aiuti.

And as a second commandment (omitted in the Catholic catechism) dice:

Don't make yourself sculpture, nor any image of the things that are in heaven above or on earth below or in the waters under the earth. Do not bow down to them and do not serve them, why me, the Sir, your God, I am a jealous God; punisco l’iniquità dei padri sui figli fino alla terza e alla quarta generazione di quelli che mi odiano, and use goodness , up to the thousandth generation, towards those who love me and keep my commandments. (Exodus 20:4-6)

And here we are talking about the Ten Commandments. Chi è l’essere umano per prendersi l’autorità di abolirne uno?

Scripture should not be changed:

But even if we or an angel from heaven announced you a different gospel than the one we announced to you, be anathema. (Galati 1:8)

And the apparition turns out to be a “angel from heaven” that announces a different Gospel, with other ways of salvation besides Jesus Christ.

Then the Dalai Lama also preaches peace in the world, Gandhi too preached it, yet Catholics know well that one goes only through Jesus Christ and not through others. But when it comes to Mary, being the earthly mother of the Savior, one thinks otherwise. Yet it is the same thing.

Jesus said to him: "I am the way, truth and life; no one comes to the Father except through me. (Giovanni 14:6)


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