Marco 16:9-20 it is inspired?


One of the most controversial points in religious circles is whether Marco 16:9-20 is actually part of Scripture. In many biblical translations, this part appears between square perentheses, as a later addition.

In reality, this last part of the Gospel of Mark is quoted very often in the history of the church and by the earliest Fathers of the Church. Marco 16:19 is quoted as part of Marco's account gives Irenaeus in Against heresies (iii.10.6) between 182 e 188 D.C.. There are allusions to these disputed verses in writings even prior to Irenaeus, even if not as real quotes. Not only did Irenaeus accept it as a part of the Gospel of Mark, when arguing with “heretics”, but, dice Hastings:

No writer before Eusebio never rejected these verses, and their presence in all subsequent manuscripts shows that Eusebius's successors, thanks to his great authority, they had no doubt about it.

Eusebio (c. 260-340 dC) he was the favorite at court and church historian in the days of the Roman emperor Constantine.

If these last verses of the Gospel of Mark were cut off, the book would not come to an orderly and logical conclusion, like any other book in the Bible. In fact it would end in fear and failure, while each book of the Bible ends with hope and salvation. Human writings are full of errors, but the Bible is complete, inspired, and entirely preserved through the power of God.

Then, here the importance of the Fathers of the Church comes into play, thanks to which the canon was formed and today we have the Bible that we read.

In conclusion, these verses can be said to be an inspired part of God's Word.

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  1. Sandro dice

    There is an error in the title.

    1. Christian Faith dice

      Thanks for reporting Sandro. I had turned the number 🙂 upside down

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