The Mariani Posts


mary-messagesTHE MARIAN MESSAGES ALL AIM TO MOVE AWAY FROM GOD because they go against his Word. Whoever hides behind to be credible uses the cross and Christ and claims to be sent by Him, but then he orders to build sanctuaries for the Madonna and to say rosaries (pagan practices that of counting prayers and numbers) and to pray to her directly and declares herself QUEEN OF HEAVEN, QUEEN OF PEACE, QUEEN OF THE WORLD, QUEEN OF ALL PEOPLES, QUEEN OF THE NATIONS. And there is also talk in Revelation of the unmasking of the one who declared herself Queen of the nations by deceiving the people of the elect, but go and see what a bad end it is.

Here is what the PRESUMED Madonna says in the apparitions:

“ONLY I CAN STILL SAVE YOU from the approaching calamities. Those who put their trust in me, will be saved.”

But the Bible says this:

The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer; my God, my cliff where I take refuge, my shield, MY POWERFUL SAVIOR, my high shelter. O my Savior, you save me from violence! I called upon the Lord who is worthy of all praise and was saved from my enemies (2 Samuele 22:2-4).

In another message from Our Lady of Fatima:

Jesus wishes to establish in the world a devotion to my Immaculate Heart [Lucia remembered that in front of the palm of the right hand of the Madonna, there was a heart surrounded by thorns that seemed to have been pierced with nails. We understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary outraged by the sins of humanity, for which there must be compensation.] (Our Lady of Fatima)

But the Bible says this:

Jesus, after offering a single sacrifice for sins, and forever, he sat on the right hand of God, and he waits only for his enemies to be placed as a footstool. Now, where there is forgiveness of these things, THERE IS NOT’ MORE NEED OFFER FOR SIN (Jews 10:12-14, 18).

Our Lady gave a message to Ida Peerdeman in Holland on 29 April 1951:

The world is degenerating so much that it was necessary for the Father and the Son to send me into the world, among all peoples, to be THEIR LAWYER AND SAVE THEM”

But the Bible, the eternal Word of God, dice:

And if anyone has sinned, we have a LAWYER AT THE FATHER: JESUS’ CHRIST THE RIGHT. He is the propitiatory sacrifice for our sins and not just ours, but also those from all over the world (1 Giovanni 2:1-2)

And anyone who dares to make changes to Scripture (the spirit of the apparition) he commits sin and God's judgment will be upon him.

But even if we or an angel from heaven announced you a different gospel than the one we announced to you, be anathema.(Galati 1:8)


As a mother I want to tell you that I am here with you, REPRESENTED BY THE STATUE YOU HAVE HERE. EACH OF MY STATUES AND’ SIGN OF ONE OF MY PRESENCES and reminds you of our heavenly mother. SO IT MUST BE ONIRATED AND PLACED IN PLACES OF GREATER VENERATION (THE STATUE!) you should look at every image of your heavenly mother with love”. Message to Father Gobbi.

But the Bible:

As you saw no figure on the day the Lord spoke to you in Horeb from the fire, take good care of yourself, so that you do not become corrupted and do not make any sculptures, the representation of some idol, THE FIGURE OF A MAN OR A WOMAN… and also so that you do not feel attracted to PROSTRATE BEFORE THOSE THINGS AND OFFER THEM A WORSHIP. (Deuteronomy 4:15-16, 19)

In addition to idolatry then, the apparition encourages her followers to completely consecrate their lives to her. In ancient times, swearing or taking a vow to a God meant consecrating oneself to that same God.

Beloved children, today you are gazing into the immaculate splendor of your Heavenly Mother. I am the Immaculate Conception. I am the only creature free from every stain of sin, even from the original one. I am the magnificent. (message to Father Gobbi, 8 December 1989).

the Bible:

But Scripture has enclosed everything under sin, so that the goods promised on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ were given to believers (Galati 3:22)

Nobody is good, except one, that is God (Luca 18:19)

Again in this message in San Nicolas in Argentina, she declares herself the mother of all and the Ark of Salvation:

My daughter, in this time I am the Ark for all your brothers! I am the Ark of Peace, I am the Ark of salvation, the Ark my children must enter, if they wish to live in the Kingdom of God.

He therefore says that she is the only mediator and if the faithful want to save themselves they must enter her Ark, thus completely contrasting what the Bible says about the figure of Jesus Christ:

In no other is salvation; because there is no under heaven no other name given to men, by which we must be saved. (proceedings 4:12)

In the message to Father Gobbi from 14 June 1980 once again declares herself to be MEDIATOR and CORREDENTRICE:

As long as I am recognized where the Holy Trinity wanted me to be, I will not be able to fully exercise my power in the maternal work of co-redemption and mediation of grace… Children let yourselves be transformed by my powerful action as a Mother, Mediatrix of Grace and Co-redemptrix

The Bible clearly states that the only mediator between God and men is Christ:

In fact there is only one God and also only one mediator between God and men, The man Christ Jesus (1Timoteo 2:5)

and one redeemer, there are no other redeemers, as Jesus himself said:

I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me (Giovanni 14:6)

And to conclude a message where the apparition declares itself to be related to the divine Trinity (message to Bruno Cornacchiola, Three Fountains):

I am she who is related to the Divine Trinity, I am the virgin of Revelation.

God said he was the only one and that no one would come after him, and practically what is in Scripture is definitive:

Before me no God was formed, and after me, there will be none (Isaiah 43:10)

I am the alpha and the omega, he who is, which was and which is to come, the Almighty (Apocalypse 1:8)

The apostle Paul also warns that the gifts of prophecies and tongues would run out shortly thereafter, as the PERFECTION of REVELATION, contained in what he was prophesying (then ended up in the biblical canon) it would be closed:

Love will never fail. Prophecies will be abolished; tongues will cease; e knowledge will be abolished; since we know in part, and in part we prophesy; but when perfection has come, what is only partially, will be abolished. (1Corinthians 13:8-10)

This is why we must be wary of prophecies in every faith and field, there are no others. The apostle Paul himself had announced it, that would be over. We find everything we need to know about our salvation contained in the Bible, God's word. We just have to wait in faith for the return of Jesus Christ.

No sign from heaven would be given anymore, as Jesus also said to the adulterous generation in which he lived:

This wicked and adulterous generation is asking for a sign, and a sign will not be given to her except that of Jonah ". E, leave them, He left. (Matteo 16:4)

And this was true then as it is also now. We can say that our generation is not evil and adulterous? Wow if it is, it is even more so than that of the times in which Jesus lived!

What to say then? Marian messages tend to belittle God's words, they tend to add more to Sacred Scripture, sometimes to add others to overturn the whole meaning of Christ's sacrifice and redemption.

A good test this, that it makes us understand that the messages are anything but divine in nature. God does not send
an apparition at the end of time to overturn what he has said so far in his Word
, rather, warns us not to believe in the apparitions, to signs and wonders, because they are typical of the last times and are the work of the devil, who also disguises himself as an angel of light, who knows the Holy Scriptures well and, mixing them with his pagan doctrines, it leads us to bring ourselves to Him.

Those such are false apostles, fraudulent workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. No wonder it is, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. It is therefore not exceptional
if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; their end will be according to their works. (2Corinthians 11:14-15)

Then, if someone tells you: “The Christ is here”, or: “And the”, do not believe it; For false Christs and false prophets, and they shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch, if it were possible, even the elect. (Matteo 24:24)

The apparition then says, which has not yet revealed itself to the whole world and which will reveal itself in the end, what has to hide then? If it is true that it was Mary of the Bible, why should it still be revealed?

We should think first of all, on Scripture and then on all these things, so as not to fall into Satan's deception!

Who goes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of Christ, has not God. He who abides in the doctrine, He has the Father and the Son. (2Giovanni 9)

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  1. ericabertelli dice

    Thanks for this site. I came here by chance, I read something, but I'll be back to read more. God bless you, Erica

  2. Guest dice

    Hi, a few days ago I discovered your site, I am Catholic like many are, that is, a believer but not observant, yet I believe.
    I would like to ask you a question, if and’ It is true that the apparitions of Our Lady are in reality’ fruit of the activities’ of the devil , why he does nothing but repeat to pray and to follow the commandments; That is how long a reign lasts if its soldiers fight against it.

    1. ChristianFaith dice


      1. Lucio dice

        You did not answer the question! Satan cannot

      2. ChristianFaith dice

        How would you say I didn't answer the question? it seems to me that I have answered in detail but you Catholics pretend not to understand. You will surely have read the other comments I have posted! What Our Lady does? It does a lot of conversions, of course, but to what? To who? To herself!!! After the apparitions they all become devotees of the Madonna, they build sanctuaries for them, they raise it to Regina, they pray to her and ask her for Grace. sure, perch

      3. ChristianFaith dice

        Learn to trust Jesus

      4. fransal dice

        Hi Adimin hi Lucio sorry Adimin if I give the answer to Lucio according to the market tradition ;dear Lucio the devil doesn't care about losing one ,10 ,100 .1000, he uses the pay proposal 1 and I take 100 we pay if we go to the market 2 and we take away 3 ,you think that the devil may be interested in taking all souls knowing that this is' impossible,and don't worry he's playing the pay game 1000 guess what it takes away in return ?if you know the bible in revelation well I have apocalypse ,you do ;you know what it says :in the last days if God did not intervene no flesh would be saved in the fight that satan will make to fight the true children of God,remembers Lucio the true children of God that is' those who are written in the book of life that only He knows who they are ? .Hello God bless us

      5. fransal dice

        Lucio, what your context and what tradition, perhaps you forget that Jesus' disse ai Farisei e agli scribi che con le loro tradizioni alllontanano l'uomo da Dio, you want to do the same, invogliare l'uomo a seguire la tradizione dell'uomo invece che la parola di Dio, I'm sure the Lord won't let you' how he did not allow it 2000 anni fa tu parli di magistero allora ti dico che se l'hai studiato non lo hai fatto con la parola di Dio ,otherwise you would know that Satan uses all the ways to bring the human being to transgress as the Pharisees did to follow the cult of tradition and' do not make him follow God's word. Satan asked God's permission to make Job sin ,I also went to tempt Jesus' It is satan even at the cost of healing some soul work of healings, knowing that he will take them at a later time important for him that they kneel in front of statues to worship him knowing that they will be grateful to him ,without me' this hiding behind false apparitions that is' vestendosi da Angelo di luce altrimenti non funziona se l'uomo scopre il suo trucchetton .Ciao ci benedica il Signore

    2. ChristianFaith dice


      1. Lucio dice

        Se Satana predicasse Ges

      2. lucio dice

        I would therefore say that those who deviate from the doctrine of Christ are if anything false prophets who have lost their way and claim to know who knows why

      3. lucio dice

        I would therefore say that those who deviate from the doctrine of Christ are if anything false prophets who have lost their way and claim to know who knows why

      4. Guido dice

        Lucio, I think that, as well as reading the Bible carefully and carefully (with all the studies that this entails) you should also study a little' of church history and theology.

        First of all, Protestants have different positions on predestination, so' as about several other things, just as in the Catholic Church before the sixteenth century there were very different theological positions on many aspects (from the role of the pope, sometimes considered inferior to the councils, to transubstantiation, sometimes understood as consubstantiation, just as Luther understood it, to the celibacy of priests who, how do you know, it was definitively introduced only halfway' from the 13th century; before, Catholic priests were often married, as are today the Orthodox priests and the Roman Catholic priests of the Byzantine rite, or Anglican pastors who became Catholic…).

        Without this type of preparation e' impossible to speak seriously of Protestantism (so' how is' Protestants should study the Catholic world thoroughly, to really understand it and . in my opinion, rightly . criticize it, however always with respect for the positions of others.

      5. fransal dice

        Hi Lucio , the apparitions of Medjugorje , Yes is' vero, bring many conversions ,but' c'e' to ask these conversions to whom they benefit. this apparition also says to make statues and images, the Bible , he says not to use statues and images, read exodus chapter (20) e' deutoronomio capitolo (4) verses from (1) to the verse (29) , God and' jealous: ti voglio segnelare che quando l'uomo non potra' more' get out of the situation of the statues and image that ooze I cry blood blindly even to the statues that speak I want to send you back to the apocalypse chapter (13) e' from there you cannot fail to see the reality of both the images and the statues, now what it is' written read you want ,it's all up to you to blindly believe you have messages that this apparition leaves ,though' makes many conversions i believe the word of God Check on the jerusalem bible, ha te' follow one of the 2 truth . Hello God Bless us

      6. Fransal dice

        Hi Lucio, by the way, have you ever read in the apocalypse the end of whoever claims to be Queen. Read apocalypse chapter 18 verse 4 ,see what will end all the conversions ; I just hope the Lord will convert them back to his truth' and not the truth of human tradition. Lucio, please don't take the word of God lightly, you know if the catholic church ever said i was queen i have any other religion? the only one who claims to be Queen and this apparition of Mejiugorie also says that e' Queen of the Nations if you don't mind this I wouldn't know how to tell you to entrust yourself to the word of God e' not to human tradition. Hi Lucio God Bless you

    3. ChristianFaith dice

      But read the pages “Mary as co-redemptrix” to realize, and also "The deception of the Apparitions” compared with the Bible. C’

    4. fransal dice

      Hello guest ,as I am ,this site and' beautiful because it speaks exclusively Of the Bible inspiration of God and e' credible why' it does not pose personal concepts as some do' also by hearsay. you have a little personal Bible ,well ,go ha take exodus 20 talk about 10 Commandments, go later on Deutoronomio take the chapter 4 verse 1 up to the verse 31 , then go ,e' read in apocalypse , the end it will make' who claims to be Queen ,this one tells you to make her images I have statues and also some sanctuaries in her honor, e' to kneel in front of her otherwise we will not be saved ,dear guest it is up to you to decide what is good to do to please God. Hello God Bless us I hope you visit the site again

  3. Lucio dice

    Tampered with the Bible leaving it unaltered! The idea a po' confuse…Read Leviticus and you will discover that countless absurd and unacceptable laws are written in the Bible such as polygamy but also much worse…God yes

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      What the heck are you saying???? But you don't know God at all then, perch

    2. ChristianFaith dice

      He himself tells you why God doesn't want us to make statues:
      As you saw no figure the day the LORD spoke to you

    3. Fransal dice

      Hi Lucio you are out of the way with your comments, let's leave out the fact of polygamy otherwise you wouldn't be here to comment. I'm sorry but you read the bible, e' if you read it intelligently, perhaps you have not verified that in the Deutoronomio chapter 4 verses from l' 1 to the verse 29 e' so clear and' the factor of not becoming statues and images is obvious ,and not seeing it only means that the Lord has deliberately hardened your heart not to see what is written, e' I also tell you that it is not the fault of the Lord but only because' you want it to be like this, the Lord after all the attention he has for you leaves you free to decide how you want, do not interfere with your freedom of decision ,prega l'ho Spirito Santo di istruirti . I beg you for the love of the Lord to also read 1Pietro chapter 1 verse 1 very beautifull ,hello little one like me in Jesus' . Hello a hug in Christ

  4. ChristianFaith dice

    Caro Lucio, you can say all the blah blah you want. These speeches have been made and redone. Tradition, church, and bla bla. We'll just see who it will be

    1. giovanni dice


    2. giovanni dice

      And then … ChristianFaith. you really want to give a prophetic perspective to the passage? Well certainly it can't

    3. giovanni dice

      In the Church celibacy is not

    4. giovanni dice

      Mt 19,8-12 Mt 19,16-22 Mt 19,27-29 Mc 10,28-30 Lc 18,28-30 You 14,4 1 Cor 7,7-9.32-34
      That's enough

  5. ChristianFaith dice

    God does there

  6. ChristianFaith dice

    2Tessalonicesi 2:13 But we must always thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, perch

  7. ChristianFaith dice


  8. ChristianFaith dice

    A I forgot: you who say that salvation

    1. Fransal dice

      Hi Adimin , read James's letter verse 14 you will find something about faith in the chapter. Hello god. Bless you for what you do

      1. ChristianFaith dice

        Thanks Fransal, I understand you 🙂

      2. Fransal dice

        Adimin God bless you ,may God multiply your work e' make her big you have her eyes , e' why' l'uomo posa capire il tuo parlare, e' worship only God . Hello a hug in Christ

  9. david dice

    the Marian apparitions are manifestations of the devil! they are all falsehoods

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Amen David!

      1. david dice
  10. Alessia dice

    You have frightening theological and doctrinal errors.

    1. Claudio dice

      Alessia, you could list these frightening theological and doctrinal errors? E' it was all done in the light of the Bible…then if you want to clarify with some papal breviary or encyclical

      1. Guido dice

        Claudio, c'e' little to do…their church abdicated from bible-based Christianity long ago and they just repeat what they have been taught; e' praticamente impossibile convincere i credenti di un'altra confessione, in particolare della cattolica o dell'ortodossa, why' they are no longer based' on Scripture alone, ma sull'interpretazione che la tradizione (and the hierarchy today) harm of the Bible, un'interpretazione frutto di influenze non scritturali di varia provenienza. Furthermore, very many have none' the knowledge, born' the mindset to compare this' they believe in with Revelation…If they really knew the scriptures (study with due preparation) they would realize themselves the inconsistencies of their faith…D'altra parte si puo' rendere libero l'uomo che non vuole diventarlo o che ritiene di esserlo gia'… Guido

      2. Guido dice

        Sorry: “D'altra parte NON si puo' make free etc…”

    2. fransal dice

      Hi Alessia ,you are a theologian you have studied history and' religion you are a critic you have a degree ? know that God, while the great the wise the wise of the earth are busy trying to understand the word of God the Lord instructs the simple in sleep the Lord when he sends a messenger the messenger says to the Lord ,Lord please, non mandare me ha portare questo messaggio sono un'ignorante sono un balbuziente( Do not forget ,that disputed year Jesus' saying but these are not' the carpenter's son….. ) why' do not send this I have that has to bring your message to the people ,the Lord says: go don't worry I'll be with you ,you will say what I will tell you' of saying. Instead you are a theologian and a scholar, better for you to say don't believe has what ChristianFaith says, than to make people understand that they know the word of God, since you know the bible I tell you to go and check what I wrote to you ,But' I want to recommend you too dear Alessia Deutoronomio ,chapter 4 verse 1 to the verse 29 ,e non mi dire che l'HO HAI LETTO, Hello God bless us

  11. Nayax79 dice

    I want to congratulate the creators of the site. This is great material, all based on the Word of God. It is a powerful tool in the hands of the Lord, that will allow

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Grazie per l'incoraggiamento, sometimes there is no'

  12. francesco dice

    come riconoscere l'albero buono da quello cattivo? the Master tells us: by its fruit you recognize it! who says that Jesus

  13. katiuscia dice

    I have read the various comments and from my point of view there is an inopportune discussion of which is the true doctrine….

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Katiuscia Face,

    2. fransal dice

      Hi Katiuscia,you are partly right, I say only partially already' why' whoever belongs ,I say it belongs to Jesus' by logic yes and' brothers, don't forget that the bible also mentions that there are children of satan in this earth referring to the weeds in the fields and that at the right time they will be separated by the angels i.e.' the wheat from the tares you know for sure what I mean since you say you know the bible , I quote a little' mother teresa of calcutta says: if you lose your house accept it as a gift if you end up on the street accept it as a gift if you are robbed accept it as a gift ,what do you mean :love everyone and by the way even your enemies

    3. fransal dice

      Hi Katiuscia, unfortunately my answer was a little long, I'm closing now the answer I wanted to give you ,ok thanks for your pasiensa,So I wanted to tell you but that you already know' che non c'e' under heaven no name but that of Jesus' to be saved . this apparition says how well you know that you have to entrust yourself to her ,to consecrate yourself to his heart ,to enter his ark ,she also says that otherwise she will unleash her son's hand if we don't rely on her. Where do you put it, tutto quello che si dice di Gesu'sulla salveza ,Do you really think that God is Jesus' abbiano bisogno di mandare questa apparizione per salvare l'uomo dalla sua ira ,l'immagine dice pure di fare la sua immagine e di adorarla per avere dei benefici di salveza

      1. Katiuscia dice

        hello fransal.. sorry but I did not understand your message, perhaps not everything appears….?? I still believe the word of God, all in its entirety, then the OT from the NT… otherwise what are the scriptures to do with it?? that is, whether God has allowed us to have his revelation through all the scriptures, which we specify ed

      2. ChristianFaith dice

        In fact the Apocrypha were not considered inspired even by the fathers of the church, they started very late to consider them but with a lot of skepticism here and there

      3. katiuscia dice

        credo che chiunque abbia letto i vangeli apocrifi ne abbia capito la portata storica e culturale dell'epoca e soprattutto la collocazione geografica, you sar

      4. fransal dice

        Hi Katiuscia ,to tell you that I have read the apocrypha altogether I would be lying ,I also read that a woman had a sick child ,she took it to Maria who gave it to her' placed in Jesus' bed' the child heals' ,let's forget a little' the apocraphic gospels ,dimmi sei ancora dell'idea che nessuno ti deve toccare il rosario e' Madonna ? if well I to the mother of Jesus' I want a lot of good ,other and' questa figura di donna che istiga l'uomo ha farsi delle immagine ,and then what the priest don gobbi e says' shameful to make statues and' venerarle all'imite della adorazione , what is happening in medjugorje, siamo hai limiti dato che lei l'apparizione dice che se' we do not consecrate ourselves to her we will not be saved ,exactly as you say where it is' mettiamo il sacrificio di Gesu'? God bless us Hello

      5. Katiuscia dice

        hello fransal… I certainly expressed myself badly… I don't do anymore

      6. fransal dice

        Hi Katiuscia ,I'm happy to know that you no longer rely on it' to the rosary ;apparte il fatto che l'unica preghiera che Gesu' foster' ha l'uomo e' the Our Father ,the prayer of mary that the catholics repeat “10 hail mary against our father” e' a way to put maria and' not Jesus' true man true God; Dearest sister in Christ, I want to bring you the chapter 4 of the deutoronomy from the verse 21 to the verse 31, please don't forget that those who love Jesus' he also loves mom and' non l'apparizione che ripetutamente consiglia di fare immagine di lei ,sanctuaries intended for his glory and' not for the glory of God ;this apparition incites to disobey the first and second commandment of God that is' that of not making images and statues to distance us from God. Read Isaiah 42:8 e' a clear verse for those who rely on the care of God's spirit. God Bless you from me a hug in Jesus'

  14. maria del ciel dice

    I believe the site is manipulated by Satan. Give

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      A s

    2. fransal dice

      hello maria del ciel ,the Lord our God speaks to us with all the lies why' we come to the light of truths' Bibbliche anche s'e' it does not seem lawful to us, if you ended up here it wasn't a coincidence and' you know that chance does not exist except by will, I dare say of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit and' the one who leads us to the truth through the word of God that is' the Bible. This means that God really loves you a lot; sta' a te verificare la sua parola atraverso la Bibbia .l'intestazione credimi e' more' that right because the Marian apparitions are commented in the light of the biblical verses inspired by God ,we should hold on to the Bible rather than apparitions. believe me god really loves you for ending up here. God bless us all Jesus' says I am the way ,the truth is' life whoever follows me has eternal life.

    3. fransal dice

      Hello Mariadel ciel ,listen i went to read the jerusalem bible ,e' I would like to invite you too ,and do you know that the jerusalem bible for a catholic is' very reliable (I inform you that I am Catholic and' I have also been to Mejugorie, I'm still evaluating for now.) I would like to point out to you a small chapter of Deutorinomio the chapter 4 I don't want you to read all that it is' beautiful but please check from the verso 1 up to the verse 29. I hope that by reading you can really decide what is right in front of God's words if' follow the tradition i do the will of God .I inform you that the clerical world knows about Mount Oreb when God speaks to the people from the fire. may the Holy Spirit advise you ,i know it's not' easy but give it a try (the truth' sets us free .Hello God bless us

    4. Guest dice

      Hello Mariadel ciel ,dimenticavo di dirti che in questo bellissimo sito ci saresti entrato ugualmente anche se l'intestazione fosse stata esempio :falsehood of the Marian apparitions or even falsehood of the seers of Mary last and not least Marian apparitions under the microscope in the light of the bible ,and so on : know that the word of God disputes with the Word of God ,we you have a great tool at hand fortunately, why' se tu fossi nata hai tempi dell'inquisizione saresti stata messa al rogo per il solo fatto di aver guardata la bibbia ,if you contested them, open up heaven I don't know what they would have done to you e' I dare not think so, check historical documents. seek the truth……. God bless you

    5. Alessio Rando dice

      maria del ciel face, how can you remotely think that this website is manipulated by satan? This site exists by the will of God who guided “ChristianFaith” in doing so! If then this site


    Dear Mario, if you don't believe in apparitions of ours (yours too) cara “Heavenly Mother”

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      The Sir

    2. ChristianFaith dice

      What makes you think that whoever has Christ and doesn't want others (as He has commanded to do) don't know peace? E' exactly the opposite: only those who have Christ know true peace and true freedom

    3. fransal dice

      Hi Antonio Antonio -Bis ,do you really believe that,noi non amiamo Maria la mamma di Gesu',you forget one very important thing that the Mary of the bible is' the mary of the apparitions present themselves differently ,you could tell me, what are you talking about ,they are equal ,and I answer you :dove l'uguagliansa, the Mary of the bible e' a servant of God as she claims to be ,that of the apparitions on the other hand says she is from Reggio ,to build shrines for her e' to take pictures of her and' venerate her ,Do you remember some biblical passage where Mary says she is on a par with Jesus' I have Jesus left saying to venerate his Mother e' to make shrines dedicated to her and to honor her ,one important thing is' that only in Jesus' find peace and rest;Jesus' via,truth' e' vita che conduce all'eternita, read Deuteronomy, chapter 4 from the verse from 21 al 31, or even Exodus chapter 20 if you don't see what you read sorry you have ham on your eyes. Love God, has Him do the worship ,I say the Lord I am a Jealous God, Isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 God bless us in truth ,Ciao

    4. Alessio Rando dice

      Expensive ANTONIO ANTONIO-BIS, we are children of God not of Mary. Just because Mary

    5. FRANCE dice

      we are indeed children of God don't forget it if you mean in a spiritual sense can' maybe but remember that Mary of the bible as well' mother of Jesus' e anche una nostra sorella in Cristo e come tutti gli israeliti presentava al tempio come tutti i peccatori due tortorella per l'espiazione dei peccati forse non ne' had but the Bible says that all men have sinned including Mary the grace that God bestowed on Mary and' quite particular ,now yes I love Mary also as a Mother not that of the Apparitions who wants us to transgress the second commandment that God gave to Moses' on Mount Horeb. FROM THIS I DON'T HEAR ANYMORE' TO BE A CATHOLIC IF TO FOLLOW THE WORD OF GOD E' SIN ,I PREFER FOLLOWING THE BIBLE THAN FOLLOWING MARY OF THE APPARITIONS WHO WANTS US TO KNEE BEFORE STATUES WITH HER IMAGE I SAY IMAGE AND' FOR SO MUCH BEFORE GOD E' AN ABOMINATION HELLO GOD BLESS YOU

  16. Fransal dice

    hello Lucio you know ,when Mary asked for Jesus' che non c'era piu' Vino asked him to intervene, Jesus' say it: (Donna che hai da spartire tu con me')if well after you fulfill Mary's request. there are several passages in the gospels ,dove l'uomo voglia per forza dare una certa importansa a Maria, but Jesus' pikke answered. I want to bring you back Jeremiah chap 7: 18,19 my impression is that this woman who appears is Jeremiah's queen :scusami ma se nella bibbia c'e' written that Jesus' e' the Via la Verita e' life is' that you don't go' to the Father' non per menzo di Lui e che non c'e' no mediator between Man and' Dio ma soltanto Gesu', .P.S credo che se l'uomo continua cosi diventera Mariano E' he will forget that he is a Christian. You know the Bible says when Jesus will come back' will still find faith ,he certainly doesn't say when Maria will return I have my Mother there will still be faith , Lucio I think Admni is right ,GOD bless us all Hello

  17. Alessio Rando dice

    Hi my name is Alexis, you are right behind the Marian apparitions Satan is hiding! One must always read the Holy Bible every day and pray by opening one's heart to God, do not always repeat the same things as the pagans did in the time of Christ and the apostles and as modern pagans do too, for example the Buddhists, the Hindus, the Muslims, etc.
    Now I want to become a Protestant! Thank you, this site gives glory to God and to the true Mary the mother of Jesus

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Sia lodato il Signore che ha deciso di donarti la fede e aprirti il cuore all'amore per la Verit

  18. Andrea dice

    Peace to you! I came across this website and I have to say

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      Welcome Andrew! Glad you like the site!

      1. fransal dice

        Hi ChristianFaith, I'm sorry but I haven't congratulated you yet for this beautiful site that you have set up, e' Beautiful. I have been looking for something similar for a long time and' I thank the Lord that he inspired you. As you already have' Understood, I too have been to medjugorje and' I tell you that I too like many others ” e' I'm more than that' how sure ” we were not happy with what we found in this village where it is said: the queen of peace appears ,Not that I'm happy with the way things are going, but also the bishop Gemma says that these apparitions are diabolical . I hope one day to be able to tell how this pilgrimage went for me. Hello and God Bless you for the work you do for the truth' biblical

      2. ChristianFaith dice

        Hi Fransal, thank you for your constant activity

      3. fransal dice

        Hi Adimin Thank you for giving me this honor I don't think I deserve it, I will answer with real pleasure to people who are really looking for the truth according to my small possibilities of course I have not studied theology because' non ho completato il percorso ma credo che il Signore mi abbia concesso indendimento tanto quanto basta per rispondere alle domande che tutti si ostinano a non leggere in questo tuo bellissimo sito come tu dici dai le risposte ma l'uomo non cerca perche' lazy actually there are answers to the questions that are asked, ma l'uomo come tu sai e' a spirit of contradiction e' come tu sai ci vuole pasienza vedrai che il Signore ti mandera L'aiuto sperato per che tu possa prendere un po' of breath And long live the hard path strength Adimin Lo' Spirit of God and' with you' God bless you

      4. ChristianFaith dice

        Fransal, please for

  19. Giuliano dice

    chi non ha Crisro non ha Dio non andate Dietro l'inganno chi appare come madonna non

    1. Fransal dice

      Hi Julian. It is true that Maria said' To the servants, do whatever he tells you ,e' also true that Jesus' he did after the miracle but please complete the dialogue maria e' Jesus' don't do like Father Livio, except that we have only one Father, God, la bibbia dice non chiamate nessuno padre nessuno perche l'unico padre e' God my father who is in heaven ,let's go back to the dialogue that Maria e' Jesus therefore at the request of Mary Jesus' she tells her mother “Donna che cosa hai tu da spartire con me'? think about the answer that Jesus' gave to Maria Pensaci ,also on other occasions jesus sets aside mary while loving us ;then he did as Maria certain Gesu had asked' he loved Maria very much as a mother, however ' biblically Hello God Bless us

  20. giuliano dice

    Hi, I'm Julian,e bello avere informazioni nell'interpretazioni personali del vangelo ,but' here I see a lot of persistence and presumption of knowing when one doesn't know. JESUS' he said to the disciples ,the Lord apparently makes known the mysteries of his kingdom; to the others, however, he makes them known only in parables, why' as the bible says they look but do not see, they listen, but they don't understand. luca 8 . read the parable of the sower luke 7,8 then each of us examines himself for what he sees ,then he will make his way in modifying his own behavior and this is positive ,why' we must not see a flaw in us as something to be killed, but to change, and the LORD accepts this because' thinking of the persecutor of jesus times' convert,(why' he too did not have the truth' I speak of saul of damascus)however dear brothers THE LORD GOD to us men has always sent us a teacher forever and ever (starting with the prophets ,he spoke to us through the prophets ,then we arrived at the times of JESUS' but even then there was misunderstanding and presumption,later we are in our times another presumption ,that is, to think of having the truth in hand. the one who is judged in a fair way is the liar we will only be students who after the class test if the teacher does not go well correct us then everything is fine knows our intentions each one of we think to follow the word of GOD in a right way ,but the LORD is the one who corrects us,why' no he can do it also through others , we do not know the thoughts of the LORD, listen I'm thinking about the genesis , when eve you disobey' then GOD , the Lord said to the serpent : you will crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life the woman will strike you' to the boss. and so on. going back to the time of Jesus' birth' Mary was chosen as the one I accept' to give birth to the son of God , lei con la sua obbedienza fino alla fine senza peccato sia nell'anima che nel corpo, leads me to think that it is the woman that GOD wanted at the time of genesis that is' the first woman, ma la stessa maria adempi a cio che DIO chiedeva da EVA.quindi lei a mio avviso colei che in questi tempi ci sta educando per l'entrata nel regno di DIO. we are disobedient and sinners of presumption etc. he was granted by GOD to come to us to educate us, ovvio si presenta in maniera diversa invece prima erano i profeti oggi e lei la MADONNA .dall'albero si vedono i frutti .se quei frutti sono buoni allora si continua ad perseverare su quella strada.senno' ……..I bless you, praised be JESUS ​​JOSEPH MARY.

    1. ChristianFaith dice

      When I read this kind of comments, Truly, I remain speechless, I do not know whether to laugh or cry.
      First, you say that Jesus

      1. Giovanni dice

        Dear Admin.,
        I also don't know whether to laugh or cry when I read your comments. In the Second Epistle of Peter

      2. ChristianFaith dice


      3. ChristianFaith dice

        Hey, the context please! The apostles, eyewitnesses of the resurrection of Christ, they are bearing witness and telling people and claiming that what they are telling them is not fairy tales! Dicono che non stanno inventando nulla e che le profezie bibliche non vengono dall'uomo ma da DIO! Rileggi tutto bene ora e dimmi cosa c'entra l'intepretazione pubblica, ecclesiastical or private here! Parlano di profezie dell'antico testamento, the famous messianic prophecies that found fulfillment with the coming of Christ! they are naming them to make it clear that what they tell about Christ

      4. giovanni dice

        Given that “you can understand that too” you can save it because

      5. ChristianFaith dice

        But what are you? d

      6. fransal dice

        Hi Giovanni, first of all I tell you that I don't have high school but I can tell you one thing :I can't understand several points because the bible says it serves to educate to teach and has to correct ,IN timoteo scusami il verso sicuramente l'ho conosci ,what i don't understand e' why you feel offended understanding means if you understood I don't think Adimin wanted to offend you, six I say that the bible must be understood in its simplicity' non offendo nessuno chiunque sia l'interlocutore ,then Dei Verbum e' written by men who extrapolate sentences ,I think you have to stick only to the bible inspired by God as it says in 2 Timothy chapter 3 towards 14 to the verse 16 e' chapter 4 towards 1 to the verse 5. Carissimo non ti ritenere offeso se Adimin non abbia scritto mi sono spiegato ho hai compreso l'importante e' that one sticks to the Bible to seek the truth' which makes us free from thoughts and' human translation as Jesus said' to the scribes and you have Pharisees . Hello John The Lord our God Bless us

      7. ChristianFaith dice

        Exact, 2Pietro 3:16 talk about the ignorant! Then? There were ignorant men then and there are even now! just think of how many have manipulated simple Scripture, adding or omitting, and I avoid giving you names because

      8. fransal dice

        Dear John, are you the one who wants to interpret the bible and' misrepresentation, Adimin only tells you to understand the word of God as it is' scritta in tutta la sua semplicita purtroppo l'ingnoranza dei dotti che hanno la pretesa di capire affondo la parola del Signore, it confuses even you who interpret it according to their conscience, without using your intellectual faculties, all Israelites understood in its simplicity what Moses' he said about the pictures and' on the statues (with all that' they continued to offend God) come' that you can't see and' understand what i 10 commandments tell you to do to please God, I refer you to the chapter 2 of Isaiah I hope this chapter has not been explained to you, so you will be able to give your interpretation according to the Spirit of the Lord who wants to grant you in understanding simplicity' of the word of God read from the verse 6 al 22, if you then read it all and' even better. Dear John God bless you

      9. giovanni dice

        Fransal I appreciate your effort, but believe me that I have placed, both with regard to purgatory and with regard to celibacy of priests and with some other biblical passages of the objections much more

      10. fransal dice

        Hello John. You know in the bible there is a verse where the Lord says he has Peter who is on the road' a man who needs to know the word of the Lord (I'll look for the verse)the bible also says that it is' bene per l'uomo sposarsi, it also says that if' he manages to stay away from the woman who does it but who takes care of the lord's things but is speaking in general that is' of all men (sure and' what if' l'uomo fa' without the woman we would not be what we are now ,e' not everyone can stay away from women ,I bring you the case of Saint Francis who let one of his disciples go free to follow his path.' i ne' you equally the priests know something of purgatory I believe that it is better to verify it through the word of the Lord .continue………

      11. fransal dice

        ………I was saying that everything the priests say I have any other person referring to what pleases God that we do,,but even if' you were and' bene per l'uomo verificarlo tramite la sua parola , (the word of God) e' you must acknowledge this for me it is not enough that seers I have an apparition of any nature that comes to us has to say we must do this I have that ,e' take it as if' was pure gold; I'll give you an example :if you dear John would like to follow God totally you should stay away from women ,ma anche stando con una donna poi suguire totalmente Dio attenendoti alla legge che Dio diede ha Mose', esempi di uomini sposati con figli c'e' born' are so many, keep it going…….

      12. giovanni dice

        Fransal in order to avoid repeating empty things about Purgatory, Please read the comments I have posted on this site under the heading Catholic Doctrines, Purgatory section. L

      13. giovanni dice

        Then Fransal I did not understand if you are Catholic or Evangelical, but certainly your ideas are different from the magisterium of the Holy Roman Apostolic Church. So what are you doing in our Church if you don't share its magisterium and doctrine? Better a convinced Protestant Christian than a Catholic who doesn't delve into it (in the Parish together with the other faithful) Sacred Scripture and the Catechism. The Catholic

      14. fransal dice

        Dear John,I want to let you know that I went to the seminary to complete the course,in the same way I asked God that if I was wrong that he let me out ,so and' happened with Jehovah's Witnesses I write in small because you can not' change the name of God with G instead of Y ho J .I also attended the sect of reverend Moon ,where do I enter' e' Bishop Milingo got married in this sect I also did a small seminary and got out of it, Ladies to go to Medjugorie, I had in a certain sense also contact with viska e' I have to tell you I was disappointed with it for what it is' success I also had contact with Friar Joso, I don't know' if the name is' correctly written, anyway and' the friar who hid the seers of Mejiugorie the fact shocked me a lot when I hear a pilgrim say no to a request for blessing the viska did not even want to take my prayer request to give has this apparition , keep it going …….

      15. fransal dice

        believe that after these experiences ,God doesn't love me, believe that God may matter if you are a Catholic ,evangelista ,Protestant ,Buddhist Muslim Mormon, Do you really believe that God would care if I, you, ho Adimin let's discuss purgatory if it exists, I have on priests if they do their Priesthood well ,a parte che la Bibbia dice che l'unico Sacerdote e' Jesus' in the Melchisedek way I believe that what God wants most' of all and' the Glory due to him e' that no one will give read I refer you to Isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 Wait for me to write it because I'm afraid you won't go and check,dice:I am THE Lord ; this is' my name; I will not give my glory to another nor my praise to graven images ” instead what does this apparition disobeys the 2 commandment and makes you make his image and sculptures , dicendovi di pregare lei che vi salverea da l'ira di Dio importante importaqnte per questa apparizione e' that you kneel in front of it, it has these statues and it has these images, the rest doesn't matter to it, making you transgress the second commandment with the consent of the priests ,.Hi John God bless you

      16. fransal dice

        …….we said: what examples of married men and' with children in the Bible there are ,also makes it clear that, once they had contact with God they no longer had' contacts with women but not in all cases. Returning to Peter the factor who went to instruct the person who needed to know the word of God. I'm sorry Giovanni, I can't find the passage from when Peter goes to teach that he was thirsty for the truth' it' I will find ,In the meantime, I want to recommend Giacomo's letter to you, to 5/8 and verse 16/25 read also 1 Pietro 22/24 . 2 Peter chapter 3 towards 1/2 please check apocalypse chapter 18 vers from vers 4al 10 . now I give you' rightly so that all the chapters are interesting without needing to dwell on the images, keep it going…….

      17. fransal dice

        ………I was saying that all the chapters of the word of God are important without having to dwell on the statues and images it seems that Adimin is ” FIXED ” :Excuse me dear Giovanni, you want to blame him for what all religions do . Come on then' think carefully ,it matters little that Adimin is prepared ,on the contrary, your preparation is welcome , ,read 1 peter from 10 al 14 , if you reflect well all the Holy Scriptures and imprinted on 1 commandment and' on the second exodus chapter 20 e' Deutoronomy chapter 4 from verse 1 on the reverse 20 on this chapter it is clearly clear that if You, I, Adimi ,I anyone else we want to save must put into practice the Word of God without following the tradition that all religions require us to follow. , keep it going……………

      18. giovanni dice

        Still with this history of images ??? It gave

      19. ChristianFaith dice

        You will take care to put into practice all the things I command you; you will add nothing to it and take nothing away from it.Deuteronomy 12:32
        In vain do they worship me,
        teaching doctrines which are the precepts of men”.
        Having neglected the commandment of God you hold to the tradition of men

      20. fransal dice

        Hi John ,you are right , it seems to you that Adimin is exaggerated ?Well maybe you the whole thing ,both photos and images you actually take them as you say ,ma tu vedi l'uomo sia nei santuari che nelle chiese come costui (man) crawls in front of statues and has pictures maybe you take them as relatives I have deceased acquaintances ok it's fine with me but the others who cry behind us I don't remember the biblical verse well but the bible also says not to give scandalous examples ,What does the priest do?' ? he does nothing to direct them before the most holy ,I say this because' sono anche io cattolico quando vado in una chiesa c'e' always someone who turns off the lights because' others can light them. I'm reporting Deutoronomy Chapter 4 dal vers 9 to the verse 29 HE' don't you see this I wouldn't know how to explain Timoteo where he says, that the word of GOD serves to correct us and e' useful to teach us to love God in Spiito e' truth e' se Gesu' e' GOD I don't know' how much the factor of images and statues can please him. Hello John God bless us

      21. fransal dice

        Hi John Jesus' true God ,real man. Now is' seated at the right hand of the Father ,up to here we are? !! if God must be loved in Spirit e' true Jesus' and a spirit Now ok , point and' who besides loving Jesus' mother' as so I think everyone loves, what does it have to do with the image of statues or figures of men , e' I reveal what you, dear John, read in the word of God , di soltanto che non credi ha quello che c'e' written in the Bible without taking the excuse that they are photos ,saying that it is' how to kiss grandparents, relatives, I have acquaintances ,whether alive or dead ,so' that it is very difficult to digest it but it is' a truth' bibblical. Ps for mother of Jesus I mean the mother of the bible and not that of the apparitions ,you think God wants to deceive you ? instead this apparition does not take into account what it is' written in the Holy bible ,keep it up that you are truly putting God's word into practice. God bless you

    2. ChristianFaith dice

      If it tells you that we are all born in sin, how do you want to interpret it? and tells you that the deceased do not pray because

    3. ChristianFaith dice

      The presumption

    4. Katiuscia dice

      since you know so

    5. fransal dice

      Hi Julian ,the Lord says to the serpent ; ascolta attentamente la parola di DIO cosa dice qui non c'e' presumption of knowing the truth but to be careful of what it is' written in genesis about God says to the serpent, Genesis 3 verse 14 ,15 I leek' enmity between you and the woman,between your offspring and his offspring;she will crush your head and you will strike her heel :let's comment on it a bit, therefore from what can be seen he says that the woman's lineage will crush his head and it will not be the woman ,It is true that the lineage of Mary and Jesus' Jesus' therefore he had no children' are by force of logic all those who rely on Jesus' believing ourselves to be his brothers we are actually not brothers of Jesus' but we are spiritually that is Jesus says whoever does the will of my Father comes to me brother sister mother these are the descendants the lineage of Mary who will crush' the head of the serpent therefore mind this' non credo che l'apparizione sia la donna che dice di essere Maria sia effettivamente la maria di Genesi perche fa anche trasgredire ha gli uomini il 2 commandment :Hello Giulino God bless us

  21. Alessio Rando dice

    If the woman of the apparitions

    1. Fransal dice

      Hi alessio, hopefully everyone will come to the truth, pray for that too ,why' may the Lord open your heart and' the mind of our brothers, God wants everyone to be saved ,e' that none perish .God bless us

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