Birth of Jehovah's Witnesses


The group now called "Jehovah's Witnesses" was born in 1872 by the teaching of Charles Fresh Russel who at that time was a cloth merchant and who, born in 1852, he only attended elementary school, but he took no theological course, nor did he ever know Greek or Hebrew. He became rich thanks to his religious teachings and writings.

The current doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses are those of Charles Taze Russell, with additions and manipulations made necessary to justify his bogus predictions, such as the end of the world in 1914, followed by the resurrection of the dead, etc., but currently not much is said about him, so-called "pastor Russell", nor of his writings. His successor and perhaps the greatest leader of this group was "Judge Rutherford". He explained why in the 1914 the end of the world foretold by Russell did not occur, he reorganized his followers, expanded the ideas of the same e, occasionally, he also made predictions. After his death, which took place in 1942 at the age of seventy-three, the presidency of the three constituent bodies of the sect passed to N.H. Knorr. His successor was F. W. Franz.

Jehovah's Witnesses, who have always followed a line of acrimonious condemnation against all Christian groups, towards governments and towards every cooperation effort between the peoples of the world, they often gave the impression of going in search, as what you like, persecution and from time to time, with that attitude, if they really pulled it on. They say they are not a sect, but in reality they are, on the contrary, they constitute a religious confession with well-defined doctrines, they are organized as a non-profit organization and have a small group of leaders as their governing body (about four hundred), who has the right to choose successors and to exercise capillary control.

Their beliefs are very close to those of the Adventists, insisting like them in teaching that the end of the world is very near - this idea, moreover, which various Christian groups have had on several occasions since the time of Christ, with evidence of the same value and are a mixture of their own ideas, others borrowed from Adventists and Mormons and some heresies, with beautiful and ready arguments, already examined and rejected at the time by the primitive church.

Their use of the Scriptures is contrary to generally recognized methods of interpretation and criticism and they do not hesitate to quote any version of the Bible as long as it serves their intended purpose., without ascertaining whether those versions are accurate or not. In 1950 their translation of the New Testament called "The New World Translation" was published, which contains many passages "translated" according to their beliefs.

Jehovah's Witnesses give Scripture passages meanings that they don't have at all and they often take a few short ones, out of their context, is it distorted to prove what they want or to assert that they are prophecies about their group. For example they claim the promise made by God to the Jews (Isaiah 62:2), “And you will be called by a new name, that the mouth of the Eternal will fix "refers to them and that it takes place in July of 1931, when "Judge Rutherford" revealed that God's willed name for them was in Isaiah 43: 10,12

«You are my witnesses, says the Eternal ".

The Bible, on the other hand, clearly states that the Jews, as a chosen people, they were the witnesses of what He was and what He had done. To give the text any other meaning means to take absolutely unjustified liberties with the sacred text. "Jehovah's Witnesses" is not the name given to them by God, as they proudly claim, because among the different denominations assumed, they had those of "Millennial Dawn" and "International Association of Bible Students".

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1 Comment
  1. Milla dice

    nobody can know the date of the end of the world. the second coming of Jesus is a secret that human beings are not entitled to know. if he himself (and also the angels, obviously) does not know the day, let alone humans. as far as governments and political life are concerned, Jehovah's Witnesses cannot be part of it, it is their own doctrine which forbids it. I once asked why a dear childhood friend who converted to their religion (whereby we accept each other as we are, in different religions, unfortunately it is a relative of his who would really like to convert me, even if he does it in vain) why and he answered me that they are waiting for the kingdom of God which will be perfect and since the kingdoms of this world are imperfect they are forbidden to meddle in their affairs. but among the most worrying things is their lack of recognition of the Trinity

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