First of all, in the cult of the Madonna relives the pagan exaltation of the feminine principle, as creator and giver of life.
Furthermore, in the cult of the Madonna the pagan cult of Isis, which was there for two centuries “Holy Mother” of the ancient world. Iside “who sees everything and can do everything, star of the sea, tiara of life, giver of law and redeemer” she was the deified woman (cult repeated also in other mythologies, see here). She was represented as a young woman, garlanded by the blue lotus of the crescent moon, with his son Horus in his arms. Quite a few statues of Isis were later transformed into images of the Madonna. Even the Druids (pagan priests) honored the wooden statue of a woman, representing fecundity.
Another reason is to be found in the heresies that denied the divinity of Jesus. To combat these heresies, the Church has emphasized the divinity of Jesus, and this over time led some to divinize the mother of Jesus as well.
But, mostly, the cult of the Madonna is the cult of the human creature in what it believes to have more noble. Through the cult of the Madonna, man says to God: “You, to act, you needed us. It is therefore not true that humanity is lost without remedy, if she was able to express a being as perfect as the Queen of Heaven, Madonna”. Jesus would therefore have died for us in vain.
The Catholic Church teaches to invoke Mary by calling her: Regina, Mother of mercy, Vita, Sweetness, Our hope, my most holy Queen, Light of the soul, my Lawyer, My hope, my Protection, my Shelter, my Consolation and Happiness. Ma la Mary of the Bible, the humble and blessed mother of the man Jesus, it is not Our Lady, divinity created later by the clergy on the basis of the figure of Mary.
The Marian Movement is overflowing with kind and upright people, who truly desire peace on Earth. Many feel offended by the moral atrocities that plague our society and hope that God, through the Virgin Mary, put an end to horrors such as war, the genocide, abortion, euthanasia and moral degradation.
Numerous individuals within the Marian Movement are at the forefront of fighting those moral crimes that are destroying society and have an active faith fueled by prayer and ministry. When yes it is around many of the Marian Movement, there is enthusiasm and expectation in the air. They believe that God will soon move powerfully through the Virgin Mary, to overcome evil and bring peace.
Jesus said the world would recognize His followers by their love and good fruit in their lives (Giovanni 13:35; Matteo 7:15-20). Consequently, the followers of the Marian Movement often point to good fruits, to the love and transformed lives of those within the movement, to prove that all of this comes from God. This is the biblical exam to recognize the followers of Christ, but it is not the biblical method of testing spirits.
The Bible commands us to try spirits, warning us that there is another Gospel, a false gospel:
“But even if we or an angel from heaven announced you a different gospel than the one we announced to you, be anathema”. (Galati 1:8).
therefore, if on the one hand it seems that there are many God-fearing individuals within the Marian Movement, on the other this does not necessarily mean that the apparitions come from God. E’ necessary to prove the spirits with the Word of God.
Dear, do not believe every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:; because many false prophets have arisen in the world. (1Giovanni 4:1)
Without a doubt, the apparition of Mary has always focused attention on Rome. For more than a thousand years, many Popes were devoted followers of the apparition of Mary. For example, Pope John XXII had an apparition that ordered him to make it known to all that on the Saturday after his death, it would have freed from purgatory all those who would have worn the Carmelite scapular. This was proclaimed in a papal bull and was confirmed in the following years by Alexander V, Pio V, Gregory XIII and Paul V. Since then millions of Catholics have worn the scapular.
The apparition of Mary assisted the papacy even in times of need. For example, when Pope Pius IX in 1854 he proclaimed the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, there was concern that this doctrine would not be received positively by many Catholics. however, in 1858, just four years after the declaration of the doctrine, the Our Lady of Lourdes appeared with the greeting
“I am the Immaculate Conception.”
Until then no apparition had ever referred to itself in that way e, in this way, the Immaculate Virgin in “person” gave supernatural confirmation to his statement.
In the 1870, just before Pius IX introduced it the doctrine of Papal infallibility, he received confirmation from an apparition who told him to proceed with the proclamation of the dogma. She also assured him of her step-by-step assistance. Of course Pius IX is only one of a long list of Popes who are said to have been helped by the Queen of Heaven in times of difficulty.
In his encyclical entitled The Pilgrimage of Lourdes (The Lourdes pilgrimage), Pope Pius XII recognized the inextricable link between the Popes and the apparition of Mary. The 2 July 1957, this Pope declared:
“This century of Marian devotion also has, in a certain way, woven close links between the see of Peter and the sanctuary in the Pyrenees, bonds that we are pleased to know”.
His official encyclical was issued in Rome, from San Pietro, during the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin. During Pius XII himself he explained how the apparitions in Lourdes played a crucial role in confirming Catholic dogma:
The fiftieth anniversary of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin gave Saint Pius X the opportunity to testify in a solemn document of the historical connection between that act of the Magisterium and the apparitions in Lourdes. – “Pius IX” – he wrote – “he had just defined as part of the Catholic faith the fact that Mary coughed from her origins free from sin, when the Virgin herself began to perform miracles in Lourdes” . The Virgin Mary herself desired this bond: “What the Sovereign Pontiff defined in Rome through his Infallible Magisterium, it seems that the immaculate Virgin Mother of God, blessed among women, he wanted to confirm it with the proposing words when, soon after, it manifested itself at the cave of Massabielle…
Pius IX, Pius X and Pius XII are among those, in the long list of Popes, who report the importance of the apparitions of the Queen of Heaven and how these supernatural manifestations have helped the Roman Catholic Church through the centuries.
The Catholic priest and seer Father Stefano Gobbi she received several messages from Mary confirming her manifestations worldwide, Here is an example (message 31 December 1984):
“With the extraordinary signs that I am giving in every part of the world, through my messages and with my frequent appearances, I am showing everyone the approach of the great day of the Lord”
Although the messages during the apparitions are given in every part of the world, it is not surprising that these messages are received essentially by Catholic visionaries: in fact, it is the Church of Rome that has been guided through the centuries by the apparition of Mary.
While the Queen of Heaven makes it very clear that she has come for ALL her children, not just for Catholics, non-Catholics who skeptically visit the places of the apparitions often discover that they too have been touched by the Queen of Rome. This caused many non-Catholics to convert to the Roman Catholic faith.
So, when the Queen promotes unity, it means unity under his Church. Consider the following message received from Father Gobbi, head of the Marian Priestly Movement. This message was distributed to beyond 100.000 member priests, to numerous bishops, archbishops and cardinals and millions of lay followers around the world. The message also carries the Imprimatur (Message given in Melbourne 27 October 1980):
A true reunification of Christians is not possible, unless it happens in the perfection of truth. And the truth has been kept intact only in the Catholic Church, who must preserve it, defend it and proclaim it to everyone without fear.
But the apparition of Our Lady is not only present in the Catholic Church, as she wants to make people believe in the apparitions, but also in Islam, in the New Age, in Buddhism and Hinduism and under various names and aspects. It is not surprising in fact that we have MANY MADONNAS, also in our country, many appearances under different aspects, and they all incite people to pray to her, to build shrines for her, to trust in her who gives salvation and gives grace, and its purpose is to REUNIFY ALL THE FAITHFUL UNDER HIS NAME, as it says in this message to Akita:
ONLY I can still save you from the approaching calamities. Those who put their trust in me, will be saved.
But what does the Bible say about it?
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer; my God, my cliff where I take refuge, my shield, MY POWERFUL SAVIOR, my high shelter. O my Savior, you save me from violence! I called upon the Lord who is worthy of all praise and was saved from my enemies (2 Samuele 22:2-4).
For those with a minimum of biblical knowledge, finally, it is useless to post all the parts of the Bible where God condemns praying to other people and contact with the dead, Jesus is our only intermediary:
In fact there is only one God and also one mediator between God and men, Jesus Christ man (1 Timoteo 2:5)
Jesus Christ is the one who died and, even more, is resurrected, he is at the right hand of God and also intercedes for us. (Romans 8:34)
God sent his only son to save humanity once and for all:
“Jesus, after bidding one sacrifice for sins, and forever, he sat on the right hand of God, and he waits only for his enemies to be placed as a footstool. Now, where there is forgiveness of these things, THERE IS NOT’ MORE NEED OFFER FOR SIN (Jews 10:12-14, 18).
Marian messages go against the Word of the Lord, is
as if the sacrifice on the cross of Jesus our Savior, it hadn't helped:
How does this apparition allow itself to go against the Word of God? E’ It is obvious that Mary, mother of Jesus, is not hidden behind it, his humble servant who never declared herself a goddess in the Gospel, it is obvious that behind it there is a demonic entity aimed at driving away the faithful (even the elect as it is doing with the Catholics).
ChristianFaith, I couldn't read everything because my eyes hurt, anyway what I haven't read I can imagine.
Mary doesn't have much relevance in Scripture, though, in my opinion, it is highlighted enough at the birth and death of Jesus….Catholics practice so-called "hyperdulia" because, in the first centuries of Christianity the "maternal" figure" di Maria has often replaced female Mediterranean divinities, Isis type, Artemis, Venus etc.
The Catholics and the Orthodox continue like this….
I think it's a "need" di chi crede il dovere inserire una figura femminile accanto all'idea di Dio, which is always experienced as a masculine principle (cf.. l'adorazione del lingam di Vishnu e Shiva nei templi Hindu).
E' a feminine and maternal archetype that attenuates the "judgment" of God. How do you know, the mother figure loves unconditionally, while the paternal one requires feedback to his commandments.
Apparitions can be, in my humble opinion, everything: a technology, hallucinations, Satan (for those who believe it), paraphysical entities, inventions of priests o, if one believes it, also Our Lady……
Very telegraphic…. 🙂
Ciao!!…Are you OK!! I wish you a peaceful night!! 🙂
Caro Syn,
thanks for the comment. Infatti ciò ce tu dici riguardo all'entità femminile lo riporto anche quì http://apparizionimariane.atspace.com/donna-di-tutte-le-religioni.htm dove l'apparizione di una donna c'è e c'è sempre stata nella storia e in tutte le religioni, including Islam (where it keeps appearing) between Buddhists and Hindus. This appears all over the world in different guises always preaching the same thing: la pace e l'ecumenismo, and the latter is not biblical, because salvation is only and exclusively through faith in Christ.
In fact, there is no trace in the Bible, on the contrary, whoever tries to venerate his mother is directly belittled by Jesus:
A woman from the crowd cried out to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts you suckled!But he said:«Blessed rather are those who LISTEN TO THE WORD OF GOD and put it into practice!» (Luca 11:27-28)
She had nothing to do with it. Another foothold is in Genesis, where the one who crushes the serpent is Eve and her offspring, therefore the people of God that derives from her, believers. How do you see Maria in this? .D You have to look at the context, just as we do. The serpent tempted Eve and brought sin into the world and God condemns Adam and Eve and the serpent.
And Jesus' mother needed salvation just like everyone else, all of us having been born in sin.
"Non c'è nessun giusto, not even one". (Romans 3:10)
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". (Romans 3:23)
Then she referred to her son as her "Savior".
L'angelo le ha detto:
L'angelo, entered by her, said: «I salute you, or favored by grace; the Lord is with you ".
(Luca 1:28)
Full of grace yes, chosen by the Lord, surely she will be saved by her FAITH and nothing else. But from here to venerate her and call her to the Mother of God (that is, she who created the creator), to Salvation, to beg her, quando nella Bibbia c'è scritto che l'unico mediatore tra Dio e gli uomini è solo Cristo, quando c'è scritto di non pregare i defunti e tante altre cose contrarie, it did not happen!
The Marian messages are then all a mixture of lies and idolatry mixed with Christian theology, because the devil knows how to persuade the beds of God. She even declares herself as a co-redeemer, i.e. able to give salvation together with her son, (a real blasphemy to the Bible). The apparitions, paranormal phenomena, I'm not from God, who when he went away said he would give no more signs until he returned, but that the Holy Spirit would leave us the comforter to always remind us of his Words and lead us to him. (Giovanni 14:26)
Sideboards added later, such as the Marian dogma and finally in 1800 the immaculate conception and in 1950 the hiring (why wait 2000 years for these dogmas if so important?), they are fake. Revelation was given once and for all to the holy apostles and there is no other revelation outside the Bible and early Christianity:
"Faith has been transmitted once and for all to the saints" (Judas v. 3).
Jesus condemns human beliefs and traditions:
“See that no one makes you his prey with philosophy and vain deceit, according to the tradition of men and the elements of the world, and not according to Christ " (Colossesi 2,8)
«In vain do they make me a cult, teaching doctrines which are the precepts of men … thus nullifying the Word of God with your tradition, that you have handed down " (Marco 7,7-13).
Satan's work with signs and wonders is described in Scripture and God warns us to stay away from it, especially in the times before his return:
La venuta di quell'empio avrà luogo, per l'azione efficace di Satana, with all sorts of miracles, and signs and lying wonders. 2Tessalonicesi 2:9
It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness; their end will be according to their works. 2Corinthians 11:15
In addition, in Revelation we speak of the unmasking of a prostitute who corrupted the church of Christ by bringing it into idolatry. We should then ask ourselves why the apparition always presents itself in a different way, to everyone, in different guises and always says it WILL WAKE UP TO THE WORLD AT THE END! But how come? Why deceive us? We need to think about these things. Unfortunately the human being needs proof to believe but Jesus says "blessed is he who has not seen and has faith" admonishing Thomas.
A person is perfectly free to believe what he wants, for charity, but a professing Christian, in order not to make mistakes and not fall into these huge errors, he should rely only on God's Word and do God's will written in his Word, as Jesus commanded, and do not follow human superstitions and beliefs, and in this case it's even dangerous because we're talking about spirits:
"Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice!» Luca 11:28
And I stop here, because on this topic I could talk and quote the Bible endlessly. Excuse me for quoting verses but it is essential to rely on the Bible for a Christian. I'll answer you a question: NO, I am not a fundamentalist and a fundamentalist, indeed I criticize such Christian behaviors which are dangerous in society. I don't put the veil on my head as written in Corinthians and as some evangelicals still do today. In the Bible there are temporal and universal teachings, it's all about knowing how to distinguish them. It is these little interpretations that divide all the much-criticized Protestant denominations, but we all have one certainty about SALVATION by faith and by grace, which is clear in the Bible. We don't go after human precepts and institutions, like Catholics with Vatican and Jehovah's Witnesses with Watchtower. The Bible is for everyone and if we rely on it, the Holy Spirit will guide us! We all know that the dead are not prayed for, we all know that statues are not venerated. The differences are minimal and we can easily meet together to talk about theology.
I also wish you a very good day, now I'm going to the beach with my husband and my son, because I already have too much time 🙂
Have a good day at sea with your husband and son!!
I know the Bible a little' anch'io, and the verses you quote I know them well. I know it's not fundamentalism. I also know that the Catholic Church has become more and more "Marian"….
But in your Church (I don't know if it's called that, Excuse me) refer to some "human institution"?? I mean it broadly, because I understood that you don't have such institutions. But I don't quite understand how it works. You have bishops, of shepherds…I don't know, of the elderly?? Not in the Catholic sense of these functions, obviously….
While you're at the beach, I'll search the internet for some information (I don't know which Denomination you belong to, if you say so…just what you told me, that you are "Historical Calvinist"), meanwhile I have to stay at home to look after my mother who has 87 years old and not very well!! But for me it's not something I do reluctantly!….it seems right…
I also like reading bible verses…. Yesterday I randomly opened the Bible – sometimes i do – to see why so many things in my life are not right…. It opens on the Psalm 120, that you will know for sure…
I have many doubts about Faith, but I don't get tired of looking!…
You say very linear things and I like that, without fanaticism, as unfortunately it seems to me that it happens among Jehovah's Witnesses and without "contaminations" pagan and/or unidentifiable, as is the case in the Catholic Church!!
It seems to me that your Faith is pure and clear!! I like that you are here with your blog, because, Unfortunately, there are so many that….Oh well, never mind!!
I wish you a peaceful day, for you and your family members!!
Ciao!! 🙂
Caro Syn, your comment fills me with joy for everything you tell me. Faith can only be known by investigating the Bible and you are right to do so and inform yourself. Don't stop looking, alone and in prayer. Call upon the Lord and He will enlighten you through the pages, as is the case with Christians. E' It is normal for you to have doubts of all kinds, I had too (I was raised a Catholic, then I became an atheist and finally I passed through the ufological cults, before coming to the Bible and the true message of Christ that set me free forever) everyone has been there, but you need not fear because "he who seeks finds, whoever asks will be given".
After this comment, public, shameless, my conversion, how I received the inner call. Thus you will be able to understand how to be born again (the new birth Jesus speaks of in the Gospel) and how one individually receives Christ into one's life. From that moment on he will open your eyes to everything and enlighten you by answering all your logical questions that oppose your faith. Ricorda che non c'è contrapposizione tra Bibbia e scienza. The Bible is also supported by archaeological evidence and the resurrection of Christ from various historical non-Christian non-biblical sources.
As for Protestantism, meanwhile I want to tell you that it is not a church or a denomination that saves us (because "God knows those who are his" and "looks at the hearts" and not at the institution you belong to), but exclusively the giving of our life to Christ and accepting him as our Savior, repenting of our sins and seeking to walk in his ways. But salvation is a sure thing, even if we are sinners, it is normal to commit some sin, and this will not affect our salvation when God does not tell lies and makes promises that he will then keep. Salvation by works is a lie, no one is able to save himself with his own works and with his own will because our human nature is corrupt and anyone who commits sin (Before God everything is sin , even the most insignificant one for us, thought too, it's already a sin!) L'argomento è complesso e se ne deve discutere una cosa alla volta, if you want we can exchange private emails and discuss your doubts, I'd love to help you because me too, like all, I've been there!
I am doctrinally reformed, I belong to the reformed churches, for info and explanations on the creed visit the website http://www.riforma.net and you will find much theological and ethical material.
I'm conservative in the sense that I believe Scripture is inspired by God and I don't discount it like other Christians do. We have absolutely no institution, the Christian must not be controlled by anyone, neither from the pope nor from the watchtower nor anything, but led by Christ, that makes no distinction and approaches everyone without distinction, so says the Bible. He also says that he will nullify the wisdom of the learned.
Non c'è qui né Giudeo né Greco; non c'è né schiavo né libero; non c'è né maschio né femmina; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galati 3:28
There are no hierarchies among Christians either in heaven or on earth (where there are no saints and angels above us, perchè siamo tutti servitori dell'Altissimo allo stesso modo!)
Yes, there are bishops and pastors but in local churches, that they are not accountable to anyone. You will understand why the different denominations. Ma l'importante è seguire Cristo e la Bibbia, no matter the Christian denomination. Per noi non è un problema noi non ci facciamo problemi per quanto riguarda l'unità perche siamo uniti in Cristo (in the invisible church) also and belonging to different denominations. It is right that a Christian can choose and not be forced. There are also new wave evangelical churches (in 1900) like the church of the brethren, where there are no hierarchies, there are only old people, but this in my opinion is not right, because the Bible speaks of bishops and deacons and sages of theology and for me, it is right for a pastor to study theology before becoming a pastor and being ordained, otherwise here are born the three thousand evangelical churches of today, where there are also ignorant elders who teach the more educated ones even making mistakes, who go about their own business and make us criticize as not united. We are actually the same!
But even if there are bishops and pastors, they are not above believers, we are one and we can even object with something, and discuss it with them. There are no constraints. There are no sacraments because they do not exist in the Bible (there is only baptism and the holy supper which is only a commemoration of the last supper, absolutely different from the Catholic Eucharist). There is no infallibility as with the pope and the watchtower. A pastor is a person who has studied theology and teaches what he knows to those who are not so able to read the bible for themselves, even if they are always encouraged to do so, and actually everyone does, because all of us Protestants have become believers only by reading the Bible alone and not by listening to institutions. We are all for sola scriptura and so you can't go wrong. Reformed accept the Westminster Confession of Faith in 1600, then maybe I'll post that too.
I'm glad you like my blog but please note that my main blog is here http://lamiafede.blogspot.com and here I am just posting a few duplicates for you to read, while there it is well stocked with items.
There are so many things I would like to tell you, I write a lot, as you may have noticed, but I have to be careful not to overdo it otherwise I become monotonous. Thank you for understanding the purity of my faith, this moves me, it is difficult to be understood when preaching the Bible because, as it happened to you initially, we risk being seen only as indoctrinated or fundamentalist and without compassion and authentic faith, but I assure you it is not so. I'd give you don't know what, to see one more person go to God. I really like the parable of the lost sheep, where one rejoices more for a single sheep found than for the 99 others who already have faith and do not need salvation.
The Lord rejoices when he finds a sheep and my heart fills with joy!
What you do for your mother is beautiful, it's right, i love the elderly, they have so much to tell and teach and become needy of help and attention like children. I still have all of them 4 grandparents and I'm lucky, I love them, and even if I haven't had good relationships with some of them in the past because they are too authoritarian and nosy, then I understood that the elderly must be respected and listened to, you have to turn a blind eye and endure, and take whatever good they have to give us.
I'm here for anything
A good evening
I'll leave you this: Jesus calls continuously and is always there for those who seek him. We will be able to hear it?
here, I stand at the door and knock: if someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in to him and dine with him, and he with me. Apocalypse 3:20