Why should not trust Jehovah's Witnesses

Would you trust a surgeon when operating there and who does not want to give his name and his credentials? Or, you would trust a lawyer who has to defend you against false charges for a crime if he refuses to give you his name and credentials?

It can be realized in this way, how important it is to know the sources for everything related to our life, even more so if it is something as important as faith.

As in the case of the lawyer, it is essential to know these things otherwise we could not trust him because he could ruin our life. His refusal to give us his name and credentials or qualifications does not allow us to trust him, because it is a dishonest attitude of someone who has something to hide. How can he ever honestly represent us before a court?

We should have the same critical attitude regarding faith and spiritual life, and ask questions about who teaches us such doctrines, know their history, the way they are organized and who is behind it all, from a neutral point of view as possible.

One time, talking to a Jehovah's Witness, I have exposed my doubts about the Watchtower to her, about it being a Spa, and therefore a company where capital flows, that the congregation was founded by a certain Russell who took the trouble to retranslate the Bible all over again, and how he was not at all educated and expert in the Greek language. In response, the lady tells me “it's not true that we come from Russell” and I replied “but how? It is written in all books and encyclopedias!"And she" Nothing is true, if I want to know something I go directly to the source, I cannot go to the enemy, only at the source [the Watchtower] they will tell me the truth ". I told her “But it's absurd, it is written in all history books and on encyclopedias. These texts are neutral, because you consider them the enemy? Your speech doesn't line up because it's like me, to find out if a person has committed a murder I go directly to the murderer to ask if it is true. It is obvious that the killer will deny it and it is obvious that, to have the neutral point of view, I have to go to a person who observes the facts from the outside and without convenience, such as a judge in this case ". The lady turned red and left. Note that I had offered her to read passages from the Watchtower magazine directly on my computer screen, and this lady closed her eyes and spoke to me on top of each other, not to read. Incredible! He doesn't even believe the Watchtower because it's on my pc? Because my pc is satanic? Because the other sites are satanic?

This passage from their magazine I had shown her:

It is forbidden to read literature published by other religious organizations and the writings of former Jehovah's Witnesses (The Watchtower of the 15/8/1984 p.31; of the 1/12/1983 p.15; of the 15/3/1986 p.12; of the 1/7/1994 pp. 8-13).

They can't stand the Watchtower being questioned, they believe everything they tell, even not knowing who translated their Bible, whether they were educated people or not. For them all those who are outside the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, they are enemies who try and are part of the satanic world. But I say, what is the use of tarnishing those who preach the righteous Gospel without double ends? Why on earth do that? It would be going against God himself. Yet there is a saying in my part of the world that says "The tree does not move without the wind!" Then, if there are so many texts that speak badly of it and accuse them, if there are history books that tell Russell's biography in a neutral way, if there are former witnesses who tell all their experiences of psychological manipulation suffered, I think it would be worthwhile to deepen the subject a little without prejudice on their part. Why not do it? It doesn't occur to any of them that, the fact that the "leaders" forbid reading other kinds of critical books not published by the Watchtower or going to university (see speech by Gerrit Losch, member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, in Monza in 2015) it may mean that they have something to hide and therefore it is necessary to keep people in a state of total ignorance and psychological subjection?

The Watchtower Bible refused to provide its followers with the names and credentials of the commission that translated their Bible, the New World Translation. They fooled many with their translation, and here are the reasons for their refusal.

They invented rules that do not exist in the grammar of the Greek language and adapt them every now and then only when necessary to explain their particular doctrine (and gives. the divinity of Christ). A clear example of this is the translation of verse d Giovanni 1:1, where the Watchtower commission rendered the Greek “and the Word was God” with “and the Word he was a god”. And here is the explanation they give in their publication "The Interlinear Translation of the Kingdom from the Greek Scriptures", once. 1158:

"The reason why he was made" God "in the Greek text with" a god "in the NWT is because before god referring to Jesus, there is no definite article ".

But we must bring the verses to the attention of the Governing Body 6, 12 e 13 (also found in the first chapter of the Gospel of John). Here the Greek name Theos appears without the definite article (come in Giovanni 1:1) however, the TG commission translated it "Jehovah" (It gave). This shows how they apply their rules only where it suits them.

Another example of a non-existent grammar rule is the one that teaches us to cripple and replace God's name.. We know that you can make the Greek word "Kyrios" (lord) and “Theos” (It gave) in divine names determining whether Christian Greek writers quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). If so we can make "Kyrios" (lord) and “Theos” (It gave) like God Jehovah. Furthermore, the TG rule is not applied by the commission when translating Philippians 2:11. The apostle Paul quotes Isaiah 45:23 when he declares “and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father ".

The TG commission has therefore created a Greek past tense that does not exist. We can cite the edition of 1950 of their New World Translation where they translate Giovanni 8:58, making "ego eimi" with "I have been" and where they declared that "it is properly translated with the perfect indefinite past tense" in the Greek language. There is no perfect indefinite perfect past tense in any language! After the Watchtower was informed of this fact, made the change to "perfect indicative past tense" but as Greek students know, is present indicative and is correctly translated "I AM" (see Exodus 3:14).

They have added words to the scriptures that change the meaning of the original texts to accord with their doctrines. For example in Colossesi 1:16-17, where the word "other" (not present in the original Greek text) it has been added to the JW text four times and this has completely changed its meaning. When Paul wrote those passages where he explains that the Son created all things, it is obvious that the Son was not created but was God. The Watchtower claims that the Son was created and added the word "others" to justify this doctrine. In Colossesi 1;16-20 in the official translation TNM we find:

“…because through him all [others] things were created in the heavens and on the earth, visible things and invisible things, be they on thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All the [others] things were created through him and for him. And he is first of all [others] things and through him all [others] things were made to exist…”

Dove others is placed in square brackets as an addition.

While this is the original translation of our Bible, Catholic and Protestant:

for in him all things that are in the heavens and on the earth were created, the visible and the invisible: thrones, lordships, principati, powers; all things were created through him and for him. He is first of all and all things subsist in him. He is the head of the body, that is, of the church; he is the principle, the firstborn from the dead, so that in everything he has the primacy. For it pleased the Father to make all fullness dwell in him and to reconcile all things with himself through him, having made peace by the blood of his cross; through him, I say, so much the things that are on earth, as much as those that are in the heavens. (Colossesi 1:16-20)

And we know who manipulates the Bible, which is the Eternal Word of God, it is not with God!

But even if we or an angel from heaven announced you a different gospel than the one we announced to you, be anathema. Galati 1:8

The men who were part of the commission for the translation of the New World (N.H. Knorr, F.W. Franz, A.D. Schroeder, G.D. Gangas and M. Henschel.) they were not culturally and academically prepared to perform such an important task. Apart from the president Franz, none of the members of the commission knew Biblical Greek or Hebrew and Franz's skill is certainly questionable.

What to say? Don't trust Jehovah's Witnesses, they look like sheep but inside they are ravenous wolves (Matteo 7:15), they are false prophets, their repeated prophecies have NEVER come true, and the Bible warns us against false doctors and prophets. They introduce themselves polite and say they don't want you to change your religion but just confront each other, but the truth is not that: they actually want to take you to their congregation, otherwise they would not continue to come to you undeterred. They want to persuade you, they want to convince you, and they will do everything to do it, especially if their "victims" are people who are suffering for some reason, they are their easiest prey. They say they are not the only ones to save themselves, but it is exactly the opposite: whoever does not follow the Watchtower is part of the Great Babylon of Revelation, and it is from Satan, false religion. This they write in their brochures. It is useless to talk to them, there is no dialogue, they do not listen, they only speak like robots, based on what he was taught. And while you ask a question they are just thinking about what they have yet to tell you, they don't listen to you! They are adept at changing the subject and deceiving you, they have been prepared for it, they took courses. They carry logs with them to record how many people they have visited and how many brochures they have delivered: the more they hand over, the greater their reward will be with Jehovah. This is what they teach him. They are not bad people, they are in good faith, they are just victims of the Watchtower Society that has brainwashed them, they are succubus. Dealing with them is just a waste of time, and it can also be dangerous for those who are not well versed in biblical knowledge and would be persuaded, so avoid them.