E’ more Christian a Catholic or Protestant?

E’ more Christian a Catholic who sees a separate an evangelical brother (the Roman church…) or an evangelical who does not consider as a Catholic brother?

Those who consider Jesus Christ as Savior are more Christian, came into the world to wash away the sins of men. Those who follow all of God's commandments are more Christian. Those who have the fruits of the Spirit are more Christian, the love, the patience, la gentle;, self-control.

Catholics and Protestants are no different in the attitudes they have towards one another. But it cannot be generalized. In general, the Catholic feels superior because he believes he is part of the true church, while the Protestant feels superior because he believes he has greater biblical competence. Personally I have known both Catholics and Protestants who do not seem Christian in their behavior at all, always ready to criticize those who think differently because they lack charity, tolerance and compassion towards the brothers.
We are all brothers in Christ and we must accept ourselves, judgment will be done by God and it is not up to us to judge.
