Prophecies of the End Times

In His Word, God has foretold many of the characteristic signs of the end times. Jesus indicated that in the final generation, all these signs would manifest simultaneously, increasing in intensity as the pangs of childbirth (Luca 21:28-32).

Following, biblical prophecies about the end times he confessesend-time-propheciesit appears that the Bible is truly the irrefutable Word of God for humanity.

  1. False Bible teachers would have been greedy for money. They would have flattering words, they would have many followers and slander the Christian faith (2 Pietro 2:1-3). A growing number of television evangelists summarize this.
  2. Humanity would have been capable of destroying life (Matteo 24:21-22). Consider when Jesus made this prophecy, in His day the armaments were swords and spears. Today instead, with nuclear weapons, biological and chemical, it is possible to annihilate every living thing on the planet.
  3. The use of nuclear weapons was envisaged (Zaccaria 14:12). The neutron bomb melts its victims, just as he predicted Zaccaria 2.500 Years ago. This was unimaginable in the time of Zechariah.
  4. There would have been a global cry for peace (1 Tessalonicesi 5:3). There has never been an effort equal to that concerted globally today, to bring peace at any cost.
  5. Global communication has been prophesied (Apocalypse 11:9-10; 17:8). The Bible prophesies that the whole world will witness some events. The invention of television and that of global satellite networks during the twentieth century, they enable the news, for the first time, to travel around the world at the speed of light. and yet, in John's time the news traveled at the speed of horse-back riding.
  6. The Christian gospel would be preached as a testimony to all nations (Matteo 24:14; Marco 13:10: Apocalypse 14:6). Today, parts of the Bible or the whole Bible has been translated into more than 2.300 Pingue and delights that cover more than the 90% of the world population.
  7. Possession of Jerusalem would have been at the center of an international turmoil (Zaccaria 12:3). World news reports almost daily of conflicts in Jerusalem.
  8. The fact that God flooded the earth (The flood in the time of Noah) would have been denied (2 Pietro 3:5-6). There is a huge amount of fossils that prove this event historically, yet it is completely ignored by most of the scientific world because it was God's judgment caused by man's wickedness.
  9. In recent times, Russia (Magog) it would rise as a military power (Ezekiel 38).
  10. The nation of Israel would be born in a day (lsaia 66:8). The 14 May 1948, Israel became a nation. Never was it documented in history that a nation dispersed for hundreds of years and then reconstituted itself. Yet God has said and done it before our eyes.
  11. The Jews would begin to gather in Israel again (Geremia 3 1:7.10; Ezekiel 37:21-22; 38:8). In recent times, over five million Jews have returned to Israel. This unlikely prophecy, in itself represents unequivocal evidence of the Divine inspiration of the Scriptures.
  12. The Jews would regain control of biblical Jerusalem (Zaccaria 12:6: Luca 21:24). This happened in 1967!
  13. During the final days of the earth, l’Asia (the kings from the East) would have been able to explain an army of 200 millions of men (Apocalypse 9:14-16: 16:12). Let's not forget that when John wrote this prophecy 2.000 years the, it is estimated there were among the 170 e i 400 millions of people on the entire planet. Yet today, according to the CIA, only China has 281 millions of men eligible for military service.
  14. In the last days Egypt would have existed, but only as a modest Third World nation (Ezekiel 29:14 16). Egypt is one of the largest and oldest civilizations in the world. Yet today, as prophesied, Egypt is just a poor nation. To show how incredible this prophecy is, compare modern Egypt with the small nation of Austria. Egypt occupies a territory ten times greater and a population eight times greater than that of Austria. Yet the Gross Domestic Product (PIL) of Egypt is only a fifth of that of Austria.
  15. Young people would become more and more rebellious (2 Timoteo 3:2-3; Marco 13:12; Isaiah 3:4-5, 12). Any comment is superfluous.
  16. At the end of time homosexuality would have been ostentatious. Jesus warned that the last days would be like the days of Lot, who lived in wicked Sodom (Luca 17:28-30). We know that the root of Sodom's sin was pride and excessive self-satisfaction (Ezekiel 16:49), as it is today. however, Sodom's permanent infamy derives from his sin of homosexuality (Genesis 19; Judah 1:7). Today, homosexuality is flaunted and even encouraged in our society.
  17. Rampant drug use was predicted (Apocalypse 9:21). The Greek word translated with magic is pharmakeia, which can also refer to the use of drugs, be they illegal or mind-altering substances. The use of illegal drugs and the distribution of drugs that alter the mental state, they have had a big surge during our current generation.
  18. In recent times, magic would have been practiced, that is, witchcraft, magic and occult practices to enchant and deceive (Apocalypse 9:21; 18:23; Isaiah 47:9-15; Micaiah 5:10-15), Currently, interest in the occult is flourishing.
  19. Financial systems would have depended on numbers and not on cash (Apocalypse 13:17-18). Remember, this prophecy was given 2.000 years before the advent of the information age.
  20. Many would have proclaimed themselves the Christ (Matteo 24:5). Jesus was an itinerant preacher who never traveled outside the small nation of Israel and had the audacity to say that many would come in His name, claiming to be the Christ. Today, as predicted, many men in the New Age Movement, to the eastern regions and to other sects, they call themselves the Christ.
  21. The last generation would have been open to receiving a mark on their right hand or forehead (Apocalypse 13:16). Consider how tattooed this enterprising generation is, has piercings and is branded with all kinds of signs.
  22. People would reject the sound doctrine of God's Word by following the doctrines of men who would attract their lusts (2 Timoteo 4:3-4; proceedings 20:29-30). Jesus also predicted that there would be many hypocrites within the Church (Matteo 24:48-51; Matteo 7:22-23).
  23. Blasphemy would have been common (2 Timoteo 3:2; Apocalypse 16:9, 11, 21). Consider how often people use their Creator's name (It gave, lord, or Jesus Christ) like a blasphemy. Fifty years
    ago Hollywood rarely used God's name in vain. Today, almost every movie contains blasphemies.
  24. Sexual immorality would have been rampant (Judah 18; Apocalypse 9:21). Jesus said that whoever looks to lust has already committed adultery in his heart (Matteo 5:28). Today, lust is commercialized in every possible and imaginable place.
  25. Men would have mocked the warning signs of recent times, saying that these signs have always been there (2 Pietro 3:3-4).
    The Bible also reveals why: they love lust.

There are other end-time prophecies, many of them too detailed.

however, these 25 prove that the Bible is God's inspired Word. No other Holy Book offers specific prophecies that have come true - nor the Quran, nor the Book of Mormon, nor the Hindu Vedas, nor any other source. The Bible features hundreds of testable prophecies that have been fulfilled on time throughout history to the present day, God claims that His ability to draw the pattern of history in advance separates him from any other so-called god.

Another and very important sign of recent times is the increase in celestial phenomena and spiritual deceptions. Regarding the increase in Marian apparitions in the last hundred years, who preach doctrines contrary to the bible, even if disguised as good, the Bible warns us.

The apostle Paul warns us that the devil “he knows how to disguise himself as an angel of light“:

No wonder it is, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness; their end will be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

is capable of performing “powerful works, lying signs and wonders” and in the last times he will raise up false Christs and false prophets who “they will do great signs and wonders to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect“:

La venuta di quell’empio avrà luogo, after the working of Satan, with all sorts of miracles, and signs and lying wonders, con ogni tipo d’inganno e d’iniquità a danno di quelli che periscono perché non hanno aperto il cuore all’amore della verità per essere salvati. Therefore God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; affinché tutti quelli che non hanno creduto alla verità ma si sono compiaciuti nell’iniquità , they are judged. (2Tessalonicesi 2:9-12)

He is also able to predict the future (sometimes even with accuracy) and to declare a way to salvation other than the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Its goal is always to distance man from Jesus Christ, precisely through religion, deviating from faith in Him as the one Savior and the only Mediator.

The Bible is ours filter to test the Marian messages and see if they really come from God.