You Protestants don't know about charity

You are cold and unloving with others, while Catholics are more engaged with solidarity organizations to help those in need.

This is also false! Questo lo si pensa perché non ci facciamo pubblicità in tePreview changes (opens in a new tab)levisione as the Catholic Caritas. I soldi spesi in pubblicità o per fare pubblicità ad una chiesa, it should be spent on humanitarian aid, even if it means doing things “softly” and without visibility . There are thousands of evangelical associations for the financial support of children in need, distance adoption, aid to earthquake victims, etc, all over the world. In the United States alone, there are thousands of them. Then the evangelicals are known as the greatest missionaries who go preaching the Word in the most remote corners of the earth and go to support the poor economically and morally..

A very famous association of evangelical faith in Italy is Compassion, which operates in Latin America, Africa e Asia. If only we think of the Waldensian Churches, la loro attività primaria è sempre stata nel sociale. Tutto ciò che le chiese evangeliche prendono dallo Stato va in attività di carità . In fact it can be seen very well that in Italy the Protestant churches, I'm “poor asked” aesthetically and the reason is what we have just mentioned. Not to mention the fact that the 90% of people in Italy grants 8×1000 to the Catholic Church out of habit, even those who don't believe much in it. But the Catholic Church has to invest its money in expensive sacred works of art and salaries for the thousands of priests and parishes on Italian soil.!

In realtà ogni chiesa cristiana è chiamata a fare del volontariato e ad impegnarsi in missioni di sostegno, as well as evangelization. E in realtà la maggior parte delle associazioni di aiuto umanitario presenti nel mondo sono di fede cristiana, not necessarily Catholic, because it is Jesus who taught us the work of charity.

Here is a small list of international Christian associations for solidarity :