Who are the true Christians who practice the biblical principle of "being in love with each other" as Jesus said,?


Million dollar question! Hard to say, God only knows. From what I have seen in so many years, not even many Protestant and Evangelical churches may be. Catholics could be. Or the Orthodox. Or some Protestant churches. The answer is not there and the reason is simple: the true Christian does not belong to one Christian confession instead of another, that's just the appearance. We can find a true charitable Christian in all Christian confessions. It may seem strange to you but I have seen many more among Catholics than among evangelical churches. Perhaps because they also care a lot about the works.

So what is the recipe for becoming a good Christian?

It takes the fruits of the Spirit, this says the Bible. Any Christian who professes to be such, who is a very good connoisseur of the Bible, always pray, but he is intolerant towards other religions and towards those who do not think like him, he is not a good Christian. Jesus said he loved others! And the neighbor is not just the Christians of our denomination. Unfortunately, there are many struggles in the Protestant environment, there are hundreds of denominations and their common denominator is INTOLERANCE. Everyone claims to have the truth, but I believe that nobody has the truth. The truth is only in this sentence:

“Because God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him does not perish, but have eternal life. " (Giovanni 3:16)

Everything else doesn't matter. So why keep fighting between Christians? I still don't understand this. I believe that the main characteristics of the true Christian are: tolerance, charity, pity, love and ecumenism, as well as knowledge of God's Word. If we go the other way we are off track, no church on earth can be sure of what it teaches, we are fallible and limited human beings, God is great and has left us the message of love, for this we must love each other, come to meet us, understand each other and not attack on doctrinal differences. If we are sure we have the truth, very well, but we must not make our thoughts weigh on those who see the Bible differently. Everyone is free to express their doctrines, but outside of personal attack. Doctrinal differences have always existed even in the early church, yet the apostle Paul, in his epistles, he invited them to be united and not to quarrel. Jesus did not found religions and divisions, we made those.

He said:

By this they will all know that you are my disciples, if you have love for each other ". (Giovanni 13:35)


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  1. Oscar Fontana dice

    Quoto al 100% !!! reading these lines was like a breath of fresh, clean air for me…..you are definitely right, ONLY THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT are the true litmus test of our being regenerated in Christ !!!

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